Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: annotation interlinear text multimedia nlp web services
Topics: audio, video, multimedia content analysis corpora and corpus activities linking and annotation natural language processing programming software design and development spatio-temporal modeling, analysis and visualisation standards and interoperability
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: historical texts nlp sentiment analysis
Topics: content analysis corpora and corpus activities crowdsourcing historical studies linking and annotation natural language processing
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: co-occurrence historical languages nlp semantic drift
Topics: classical studies corpora and corpus activities data mining / text mining historical studies natural language processing text analysis theology
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: fact extraction information extraction named entity recognition nlp ontology engineering rdf tei text mining
Topics: data mining / text mining digitisation, resource creation, and discovery english linking and annotation literary studies natural language processing ontologies semantic analysis text analysis xml
Languages: English
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: nlp tei text analysis txm xml
Topics: concording and indexing content analysis corpora and corpus activities data mining / text mining encoding - theory and practice english natural language processing text analysis visualization xml
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: annotation cidoc crm nlp nltk ontologie
Topics: annotieren bereinigung datenerkennung inhaltsanalyse modellierung sprache text
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: nlp quantitative textanalyse sprechererkennung
Topics: annotieren inhaltsanalyse literatur modellierung personen programmierung strukturanalyse
Languages: German
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: biographical data crosslingual information extraction nlp
Topics: bibliographic methods / textual studies content analysis data mining / text mining linking and annotation natural language processing text analysis
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: cultural analysis diplomatic history linguistic analysis networks nlp
Topics: historical studies linguistics metadata natural language processing networks, relationships, graphs text analysis xml
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: drama nlp sprachverarbeitung textanalyse werkbank
Topics: annotieren beziehungsanalyse computer inhaltsanalyse literatur metadaten netzwerkanalyse personen software stilistische analyse strukturanalyse text
Languages: German