Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: kafka korpus literarische moderne pos stil
Topics: corpora and corpus activities digitisation, resource creation, and discovery genre-specific studies: prose, poetry, drama german studies linguistics linking and annotation literary studies metadata philology query languages stylistics and stylometry text analysis xml
Languages: English
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: authorship attribution corpus linguistics digital literary studies epistemology methods stylistics
Topics: authorship attribution / authority corpora and corpus activities data mining / text mining digitisation, resource creation, and discovery encoding - theory and practice english studies french studies genre-specific studies: prose, poetry, drama german studies linguistics linking and annotation literary studies natural language processing philology programming prosodic studies query languages rhetorical studies semantic analysis stylistics and stylometry text analysis
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: kafka korpus literarische moderne pos stil
Topics: annotieren archivierung artefakte bereinigung community-bildung computer crowdsourcing daten entdeckung forschung forschungsprozess identifizierung kollaboration lehre literatur metadaten modellierung personen programmierung sammlung sprache standards stilistische analyse teilen text theoretisierung veröffentlichung
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: kafka literaturwissenschaft psychostilistik stilometrie
Topics: bearbeitung bewertung entdeckung gestaltung identifizierung kommentierung literatur modellierung stilistische analyse
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: annotation korpus moderne pos stil
Topics: annotieren archivierung artefakte bearbeitung benannte entitäten (named entities) bereinigung daten infrastruktur konservierung kontextsetzung link literatur metadaten modellierung projektmanagement sammlung sprache stilistische analyse strukturanalyse teilen text theoretisierung veröffentlichung webentwicklung
Languages: German
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: authorship attribution robert musil short texts stylometry
Topics: authorship attribution / authority english german studies historical studies literary studies stylistics and stylometry
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: dta intercoder-reliabilität korpus pos tagger
Topics: annotieren bearbeitung kollaboration literatur stilistische analyse text
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: authorship attribution robert musil short texts stylometry
Topics: literatur methoden stilistische analyse
Languages: German
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: literary studies methodology stylistics text analysis tool criticism
Topics: corpus and text analysis data mining / text mining digital humanities (history, theory and methodology) english literary studies natural language processing stylistics and stylometry
Languages: English
Work type: panel / roundtable
Keywords: computational linguistics empirical research methods social reading visualizations
Topics: cognitive sciences and psychology data mining / text mining electronic literature english social media sociology stylistics and stylometry
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: 19th Century comparative literary studies corpus literary modeling TEI
Topics: 19th century comparative (2 or more geographical areas) database creation, management, and analysis data modeling english europe humanities computing literary studies
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: cultural analytics metaphor metaphor identification social reading
Topics: comparative (2 or more geographical areas) contemporary cultural analytics cultural studies english europe literary studies semantic analysis
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: leser literaturkritik metaphern metaphernidentifikation social reading web 2.0
Topics: annotieren methoden modellierung sprache stilistische analyse text
Languages: German
Work type: panel / roundtable
Keywords: book reviews dataset curation digital social reading empirical literary studies
Topics: 20th century asia comparative (2 or more geographical areas) contemporary cultural analytics english europe humanities computing literary studies social media analysis and methods
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: literature resource building spatial analysis word embeddings
Topics: 19th century cultural studies english europe literary studies text mining and analysis
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: annotations deep learning sentiment analysis sentiment lexicons swiss literature
Topics: 18th century 19th century 20th century annotation structures, systems, and methods artificial intelligence and machine learning computer science english europe literary studies
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: raum schweizer literatur sentiment
Topics: annotieren artefakte inhaltsanalyse modellierung räumliche analyse text
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: book reviews machine learning sentiment analysis
Topics: annotieren inhaltsanalyse
Languages: English
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: digital literary stylistics
Topics: attribution studies and stylometric analysis linguistics literary studies
Languages: English
University of Bielefeld (Germany)
Given in 2022, 2022, 2022Universität Basel (University of Basel) (Basel, Switzerland)
Given in 2018, 2018, 2018, 2019, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2022Niklas Luhmann-Archiv, Fakultät für Soziologie, Universität Bielefeld (Germany)
Given in 2022Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (University of Gottingen) (Göttingen, Germany)
Given in 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2017