Work type: paper
Keywords: ground truth ocr referenzdaten standardisierung
Topics: bearbeitung datenerkennung transkription
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: forschungsdaten ground truth handschrifterkennung htr künstliche neuronale netze metadaten neuronale netze ocr ocr4all ocr-d page-xml standards tei-xml texterkennung transkribus transkription unicode utf-8
Topics: benannte entitäten (named entities) kollaboration standards teilen text transkription
Languages: German
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: commons datasets ground truth handwritten text recognition
Topics: artificial intelligence and machine learning data publishing projects, systems, and methods metadata standards, systems, and methods optical character recognition and handwriting recognition
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: finetuning generic model ground truth handwritten text recognition
Topics: artificial intelligence and machine learning computer science data publishing projects, systems, and methods history literary studies optical character recognition and handwriting recognition philology
Languages: English
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: datasets ground truth handwritten text recognition standardization
Topics: artificial intelligence and machine learning computer science data publishing projects, systems, and methods history literary studies metadata standards, systems, and methods optical character recognition and handwriting recognition philology
Languages: English