Work type: panel / roundtable
Keywords: data reuse infrastructure interdisciplinary datasets linked open data rdf vocabularies
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: cultural heritage International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) learning network linked open data scientific research
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: filmanalyse linked open data videoannotation
Topics: annotieren entdeckung programmierung stilistische analyse video visualisierung
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: 3d-models 3d-rendering annotation enrichment knowledge graph kompakkt linked open data semantic web wikibase
Topics: 3d-bilder annotieren archivierung daten kollaboration kontextsetzung
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: buddhismus cultural heritage kunstgeschichte linked open data
Topics: annotieren artefakte bilderfassung sammlung teilen
Languages: German
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: gazetteer infrastructure linked open data place reconciliation
Topics: 15th-17th century 18th century 5th-14th century comparative (2 or more geographical areas) data publishing projects, systems, and methods english geography and geo-humanities global history linked (open) data
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: culture similarity linked open data symbolism
Topics: 15th-17th century 18th century 5th-14th century asia comparative (2 or more geographical areas) computer science cultural analytics cultural studies english europe network analysis and graphs theory and application
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: computational literary studies data landscape fair principles linked open data metadaten research discovery
Topics: community-bildung forschungsergebnis infrastruktur metadaten modellierung organisation
Languages: German
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: japanese visual media knowledge graph linked open data metadata analytics
Topics: 20th century asia contemporary database creation, management, and analysis english global library & information science linked (open) data media studies
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: data processing fair data geospatial linked open data replication
Topics: 15th-17th century 18th century asia contemporary english europe geography and geo-humanities global history spatial & spatio-temporal analysis, modeling and visualization sustainable procedures, systems, and methods
Languages: English