Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: art history convolutional neural networks deep learning patterns search engine
Topics: art history image processing renaissance studies
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: detail matching digital art history visual search engine
Topics: art history content analysis image processing
Languages: English
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: computer vision convolutional neural networks deep learning patterns visual datasets
Topics: art history cultural studies film and media studies historical studies
Languages: English
Work type: panel / roundtable
Keywords: art history computer vision notational systems visual search
Topics: art history artificial intelligence and machine learning audio, video, multimedia english image processing
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: large scale digitization metadata extraction record linkage
Topics: art history computer science digitisation, resource creation, and discovery english image processing library & information science linking and annotation
Languages: English