Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: archiving rdm research data research data management workflows
Topics: contemporary digital archiving digital libraries creation, management, and analysis english europe library & information science
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: digital archives gender history of science india ncbs
Topics: 20th century asia contemporary digital archiving english feminist studies history of science rhetorical analysis
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: abandonment cyber threats degradation online digital humanities projects preservation
Topics: computer science data modeling data, object, and artefact preservation data publishing projects, systems, and methods digital archiving humanities computing
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: collaboration computational archival science knowledge engineering martial arts ontology
Topics: annotation structures, systems, and methods cultural studies digital archiving informatics linked (open) data manuscripts description, representation, and analysis performance studies: dance, theatre
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: community community-centered sustainability sustainability
Topics: data, object, and artefact preservation digital archiving digital research infrastructures development and analysis library & information science sustainable procedures, systems, and methods
Languages: English
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: web archiving
Topics: communication studies computer science data, object, and artefact preservation digital archiving digital publishing projects, systems, and methods humanities computing library & information science
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: documentation electroacoustic music modeling music ontology
Topics: communication studies database creation, management, and analysis data modeling data, object, and artefact preservation digital archiving library & information science musicology
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: archaeology open data research collaboration
Topics: archaeology data publishing projects, systems, and methods digital archiving library & information science
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: ethnomethodology graph database media studies reading interfaces sociology
Topics: data modeling digital archiving history of science interface design, development, and analysis media studies network analysis and graphs theory and application sociology
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: peer review preservation publishing web
Topics: book and print history data, object, and artefact preservation data publishing projects, systems, and methods digital archiving humanities computing library & information science
Languages: English