Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: artworks correlations personal contacts picasso time periods
Topics: 20th century art history computer science database creation, management, and analysis english europe global text mining and analysis
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: computational literary studies database distant reading
Topics: 19th century 20th century asia bibliographic analysis contemporary cultural studies database creation, management, and analysis english literary studies
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: city image data portal geographic information japan tourism
Topics: 15th-17th century 18th century 19th century asia book and print history database creation, management, and analysis data publishing projects, systems, and methods english history
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: art history data management documentation historical research semantic interoperability
Topics: 15th-17th century 18th century 19th century art history database creation, management, and analysis data modeling english global informatics
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: native-authored workset text mining
Topics: 20th century contemporary database creation, management, and analysis english indigenous studies informatics natural language processing north america
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: xvii century – manuscript – florence – quantitative codicology – dinstant reading – databases
Topics: 15th-17th century database creation, management, and analysis english europe literary studies manuscripts description, representation, and analysis philology
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: data reuse epistemology reading experience reading research
Topics: 19th century 20th century book and print history contemporary database creation, management, and analysis data modeling english europe
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: ancient greek greek linguistics lexicography papyri pos tagging
Topics: 5th-14th century africa bce-4th century database creation, management, and analysis english europe history linguistics natural language processing
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: hollywood film metadata analysis recycling culture remake
Topics: 20th century contemporary cultural analytics cultural studies database creation, management, and analysis english film and cinema arts studies north america
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: canonisation computational literary studies metadata
Topics: 18th century 19th century database creation, management, and analysis data modeling english europe literary studies
Languages: English