Work type: paper
Keywords: computerlinguistik deep learning geistewissenschaften korpuslinguistik textmining
Topics: forschungsprozess methoden modellierung theoretisierung
Languages: German
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: cultural studies deep learning quantitative methods rcnn visual media
Topics: audio, video, multimedia computer science and informatics cultural analytics cultural studies data mining / text mining english image processing
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Keywords: bilstm-crf character reference detection deep learning
Topics: daten datenerkennung inhaltsanalyse metadaten programmierung
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: deep learning multimodale analyse twitter
Topics: bilder inhaltsanalyse multimedia multimodale kommunikation text
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: deep learning distributional semantics neoclassica
Topics: artefakte bilder inhaltsanalyse projekte text
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: ai bildwissenschaft computer vision critical machine vision deep learning visual studies
Topics: annotieren bilder bilderfassung crowdsourcing datenerkennung theoretisierung
Languages: German
Work type: lightning talk
Keywords: classical archaeology computer vision convolutional neural networks deep learning vase paintings
Topics: 15th-17th century archaeology artificial intelligence and machine learning bce-4th century computer science english europe semantic analysis
Languages: English
Work type: lightning talk
Keywords: deep learning OCR pipeline
Topics: artificial intelligence and machine learning asia cultural studies education/ pedagogy english text mining and analysis
Languages: English
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: annotation deep learning knn quantitative analyse training visuelle medien
Topics: bilder bilderfassung inhaltsanalyse programmierung video visualisierung
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: automatische bildanalyse deep learning heraldik kulturgeschichte maschinelles lernen
Topics: bilder entdeckung inhaltsanalyse manuskript werkzeuge
Languages: German