Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: api gazetteer geohistorical data linked open data
Topics: data models and formal languages french geography and geo-humanities history and historiography open/libre networks and software semantic web and linked data spatial & spatio-temporal analysis, modeling and visualization
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: apache solr linked open data nationalismus open semantic search reiseberichte türkei
Topics: annotieren benannte entitäten (named entities) entdeckung literatur räumliche analyse veröffentlichung
Languages: German
Work type: paper
Keywords: archäologie linked open data numismatik
Topics: daten forschung methoden modellierung texttragende gegenstände werkzeuge
Languages: German
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: linked open data ontologies semantic web
Topics: computer science and informatics digital humanities (history, theory and methodology) english ontologies and knowledge representation semantic web and linked data
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: linked open data pactols skos terminology alignment thesaurus
Topics: archaeology concording and indexing digital humanities (history, theory and methodology) french open/libre networks and software semantic web and linked data standards and interoperability
Languages: English
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Keywords: json-ld linked open data präsentationsschicht semantic web webapplikation
Topics: annotieren beziehungsanalyse daten metadaten veröffentlichung webentwicklung
Languages: German
Work type: workshop / tutorial
Keywords: apache solr linked open data ner open semantic search
Topics: annotieren benannte entitäten (named entities) entdeckung inhaltsanalyse sammlung werkzeuge
Languages: German
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: interoperability linked open data metadata application profile poetry semantic modelling
Topics: data models and formal languages english literary studies ontologies and knowledge representation philology semantic web and linked data standards and interoperability
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Keywords: archaeology digital humanities linked open data pedagogy
Topics: archaeology digital humanities (history, theory and methodology) english information architecture and usability semantic web and linked data teaching, pedagogy, and curriculum
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "long paper"
Keywords: film ontology linked open data semantic web time-based arts video annotation
Topics: annotation structures, systems, and methods contemporary english europe film and cinema arts studies linked (open) data media studies
Languages: English