Hosted at Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne University)
Paris, France
July 5, 2006 - July 9, 2006
151 works by 245 authors indexed
The effort to establish ADHO began in Tuebingen, at the ALLC/ACH conference in 2002: a Steering Committee was appointed at the ALLC/ACH meeting in 2004, in Gothenburg, Sweden. At the 2005 meeting in Victoria, the executive committees of the ACH and ALLC approved the governance and conference protocols and nominated their first representatives to the ‘official’ ADHO Steering Committee and various ADHO standing committees. The 2006 conference was the first Digital Humanities conference.
Conference website:
Work type: poster / demo / art installation
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English
Work type: paper, specified "short paper"
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English
Work type: paper
Languages: English