A Scientific Network Serving The Uses Of 3D For The Digital Humanities 3D consortium for Humanities

poster / demo / art installation
  1. 1. Mehdi Chayani

    Archeovision - CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)

  2. 2. Florent Laroche

    Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes : LS2N (Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes) - École Centrale de Nantes

  3. 3. Xavier Granier

    Institut d'optique Graduate School - Université Paris-Saclay

Work text
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3D Consortium of the
TGIR Huma-Num has been created based on the observation that there are many initiatives around 3D for the Digital Humanities without real coordination between them. The proliferation of initiatives makes the task difficult and only a consortium-type organization can bring together forces in order to define standardized solutions. The difficulty is increased by the fact that we are dealing with multiple domains, combining science and technology with the humanities. The aim of the consortium is to facilitate discussions by putting together a maximum of research groups that integrate the use of 3D digital data in their scientific practice, to develops tools for acquisition, visualization, interpretation and preservation of data for the Humanities. The consortium is therefore willing to develop synergies between national Humanities and 3D disciplines in order to: (i) share experiences; (ii) edit recommendations

Abergel, V. Benistant, Bergerot, L Cassen, S. and al.

Livre blanc du Consortium 3D SHS

. France, HAL

in terms of methodology, standards and formats; (iv) identify the specific needs of Digital Humanities and link them to the rapid evolution of 3D technologies; (v) develop common tools and platforms; (vi) bring French experiences into international networks (Parthenos, Dariah, ARIADNE); (vii) disseminate all this information as widely as possible, among academics, industry and administrations.


Abergel, V. Benistant, Bergerot, L Cassen, S. and al.

Livre blanc du Consortium 3D SHS

. France, HAL

Alliez, P. Bergerot, L Bernard, J.-F. Boust, C. Bruseker, G and al.
. (2016

) Digital 3D Objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation. White paper:

A result of the PARTHENOS Workshop held in Bordeaux at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine and at Archeovision Lab. 

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