paper, specified "short paper"
  1. 1. Francois Vignale

    Le Mans Université

  2. 2. Alessio Antonini

    Open University

  3. 3. Guillaume Gravier

    CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

This paper aims to present the development strategy of the ontology proposed in the READ-IT project ( and the contributions it makes to the conceptual description of reading experiences and, more broadly, to the description of intangible heritage and other "experiential" phenomena. Its development relied on a data-driven approach with the active participation of a representative panel of reading experts from HSS disciplines. The process was iterative to converge towards a consensus balancing ICT requirements and HSS scholar needs. In this regard, we will focus on the general framework and the way in which both alignments of CIDOC CRM (and some of its extensions) with READ-IT’s data model and creations of classes have been carried out, as well as the benefits derived from a pragmatic and cost-efficient approach, allowing us to offer REO as an extension of CIDOC CRM, which will guarantee its reusability, improvement and maintenance over time.

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Conference Info

In review

ADHO - 2020
"carrefours / intersections"

Hosted at Carleton University, Université d'Ottawa (University of Ottawa)

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

July 20, 2020 - July 25, 2020

475 works by 1078 authors indexed

Conference cancelled due to coronavirus. Online conference held at Data for this conference were initially prepared and cleaned by May Ning.

Conference website:


Series: ADHO (15)

Organizers: ADHO