The Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX): Community-Led Formal Evaluations

poster / demo / art installation
  1. 1. J. Stephen Downie

    University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  2. 2. Andreas F. Ehmann

    University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  3. 3. Jin Ha Lee

    University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

This paper provides a general overview of the infrastructure,
challenges, evaluation results, and future goals of the Music
Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX). MIREX [1]
represents a community-based formal evaluation framework
for the evaluation of algorithms and techniques related to
music information retrieval (MIR), music digital libraries (MDL)
and computational musicology (CM). MIREX is coordinated
and managed by the International Music Information Retrieval
Systems Evaluation Laboratory (IMIRSEL) at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. To date, since its inception in
2005, three annual MIREX evaluations have been performed
covering a wide variety of MIR/MDL/CM tasks. The task
defi nitions and evaluation methods for each annual MIREX are
largely determined by community discussion through various
communication channels with dedicated Wikis [4] playing a
special role. Section 2 presents and defi nes the tasks associated
with each of the past three MIREX evaluations.
In many respects, MIREX shares similarities to the Text
Retrieval Conference (TREC) [5] in its overall approach to
handling the evaluation of algorithms designed by the research
community. Both MIREX and TREC are predicated upon the
standardization of data collections; the standardization of the
tasks and queries to be performed on the collections; and the
standardization of evaluation methods used on the results
generated by the tasks/queries [1]. However, associated with
MIREX, there exist a unique set of challenges that cause
MIREX to deviate from many of the methodologies associated
with TREC. Section 3 covers some of these challenges, and
the resultant solutions that comprise the overall framework
and methodology of how MIREX evaluations are executed.
Since MIREX is an ever-evolving entity, Section 4 will present
key advances made between MIREX 2005 and MIREX 2006, as
well as future goals for MIREX 2007 and beyond.
MIREX 2005, 2006, and 2007 tasks
The tasks associated with MIREX 2005, 2006 and 2007 are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Task lists for MIREX 2005, 2006, and 2007
(with number of runs evaluated for each) A more detailed description of the tasks, as well as the formal
evaluation results can be found on each year’s associated
Wiki pages [4]. The tasks cover a wide range of techniques
associated with MIR/MDL/CM research, and also vary in
scope. Tasks such as “Audio Onset Detection” (i.e., marking
the exact time locations of all musical events in a piece of
audio) and “Audio Melody Extraction” (i.e., tracking the pitch/
fundamental frequency of the predominant melody in a piece
of music) can be considered low-level tasks, in that they are
primarily concerned with extracting musical descriptors from
a single piece of musical audio. The motivation for evaluating
such low-level tasks is that higher level MIR/MDL/CM systems
such as “Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval” (i.e., retrieving
similar pieces of music in a collection to a specifi ed query
song) or “Audio Cover Song Identifi cation” (i.e., fi nding all
variations of a given musical piece in a collection) can be built
using many of the techniques involved in the low-level audio
description tasks. Table 2 provides a summary of participation in the past three
MIREX evaluations. To date, 300 algorithm runs have been
performed and evaluated.
Table 2. Summary data for MIREX 2005, 2006, and 2007 Challenges and Methodology
Although largely inspired by TREC, MIREX differs signifi cantly
from TREC in that the datasets for each task are not freely
distributed to the participants. One primary reason for the
lack of freely available datasets is the current state of copyright
enforcement of musical intellectual property preventing the
free distribution of many of the collections used in the MIREX
evaluations. In addition, MIREX relies heavily on “donated”
data and ground-truth. For tasks which require extremely
labor-intensive hand-annotation to generate ground-truth —
most notably low-level description tasks such as “Audio Onset
Detection” — there is an overall reluctance of contributors
to make their data and annotations freely available. As a result,
it is nearly impossible to generate a representative dataset
that encompasses all possible varieties, instrumentations,
etc. of music. As such, there exists the potential of “tuning”
or “overfi tting” to a specifi c dataset at the expense of
generalizablity of the algorithm to all varieties and types of
Due to the inability to freely distribute data, MIREX has
adopted a model whereby all the evaluation data are housed in
one central location (at IMIRSEL). Participants in MIREX then
submit their algorithms to IMIRSEL to be run against the data
collections. This model poses a unique set of challenges for the
IMIRSEL team in managing and executing each annual MIREX.
Firstly, data must be gathered and managed from various
sources. For some tasks, differing formats for both the data
and ground truth exist, as well as the potential for corrupted
or incorrectly annotated ground-truth necessitating testing
of the integrity of the data itself. The music collections used
for MIREX tasks have already surpassed one terabyte and are
continuously growing. In addition, many algorithms generate
a large amount of intermediate data in their execution which
must also be managed. In some cases, the intermediate data
are larger in size than the actual music they describe and
Moreover, IMIRSEL is responsible for supporting a wide
variety of programming languages (e.g., MATLAB, Java, C/C++,
PERL, Python, etc.) across different platforms (e.g., Windows,
*NIX, MacOS, etc.). Despite guidelines dictating fi le input/
output formats, coding conventions, linking methods, error
handling schemes, etc., the largest amount of effort expended
by IMIRSEL is in compiling, debugging, and verifying the output
format and validity of submitted algorithms. Collectively,
submissions to MIREX represent hundreds of hours of CPU
computation time and person-hours in managing, setting up,
and performing their execution.
Advances and Future Goals
One of the most signifi cant advances made after MIREX
2005 was the incorporation of musical similarity evaluation
tasks contingent upon subjective, human evaluation (MIREX
2006 and 2007). The addition of human evaluations of music
similarity systems was born out of a community desire to
refl ect real-world applications and needs, and culminated
in the “Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval” and “Symbolic
Melodic Similarity” tasks. Both similarity tasks involve
retrieving the top-N relevant or “similar” musical pieces in
a collection using a specifi c musical piece as a query. A web
interface with embedded audio players called the Evalutron
6000 was designed to allow evaluators to judge the similarity
of a query “seed” with a retrieved “candidate” on both a broad
scale (i.e., Not Similar, Somewhat Similar, Very Similar) and a
fi ne, continuous, 10-point scale [3].
Another signifi cant advance made manifest in MIREX 2006,
and then repeated for MIREX 2007, was the application of
formal statistical signifi cance testing of returned results. These
tests were applied in order to test whether performance
differences between systems were truly signifi cant. Because
of its non-parametric nature, Friedman’s ANOVA test was
used on a variety of tasks to compare system performances.
In general, these tests have shown that there are clusters of
top performing techniques but these top-ranked techniques
are not performing signifi cantly better than their other topranked
For future MIREX evaluations, IMIRSEL is presently developing
a web service system that intends to resolve some of the key
challenges associated with the execution of submitted algorithms
by placing many of the responsibilities in the participant’s hands.
The web service, called MIREX DIY, represents a “black box”
architecture, whereby a participant submits their algorithm/
code through the web service, remotely begins its execution,
and receives real-time feedback regarding the execution state
of their algorithm. Execution failures can be monitored by the
participant, and fi xed if necessary. Upon successful execution
and completion of the algorithm, performance results are
returned to the participant. Eventually, such a system would
allow submission and evaluation of algorithms year-round. Feel
free to explore the MIREX DIY demo at http://cluster3.lis. Acknowledgments
MIREX has received considerable fi nancial support from both
the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Science
Foundation (NSF) under grant numbers NSF IIS-0340597 and
NSF IIS- 0327371.
[1] Downie, J. S. 2006. The Music Information Retrieval
Evaluation eXchange (MIREX). D-Lib Magazine, 12, 12
(December 2006:
[2] Downie, J. S., West, K., Ehmann, A., and Vincent, E. 2005.
The 2005 Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange
(MIREX 2005): Preliminary overview. In Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Music Information Retireval (ISMIR
2005), Queen Mary, UK, 2005, pp. 320-323.
[3] Gruzd, A. A., Downie, J. S., Jones, M. C., and Lee, J. H. 2007.
Evalutron 6000: Collecting music relevance judgments. ACM
IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2007, p. 507.
[4] MIREX Wiki:
[5] TREC:

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info


ADHO - 2008

Hosted at University of Oulu

Oulu, Finland

June 25, 2008 - June 29, 2008

135 works by 231 authors indexed

Conference website:

Series: ADHO (3)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None