Universität Antwerpen (University of Antwerp)
Universität Antwerpen (University of Antwerp)
The style in which a text is written reflects an array of
meta-information concerning the text (e.g., topic, register,
genre) and its author (e.g., gender, region, age, personality).
The fi eld of stylometry addresses these aspects of style. A
successful methodology, borrowed from text categorisation
research, takes a two-stage approach which (i) achieves
automatic selection of features with high predictive value for
the categories to be learned, and (ii) uses machine learning
algorithms to learn to categorize new documents by using the
selected features (Sebastiani, 2002). To allow the selection of
linguistic features rather than (n-grams of) terms, robust and
accurate text analysis tools are necessary. Recently, language
technology has progressed to a state of the art in which the
systematic study of the variation of these linguistic properties
in texts by different authors, time periods, regiolects, genres,
registers, or even genders has become feasible.
This paper addresses a not yet very well researched
aspect of style, the author’s personality. Our aim is to test
whether personality traits are refl ected in writing style.
Descriptive statistics studies in language psychology show a
direct correlation: personality is projected linguistically and
can be perceived through language (e.g., Gill, 2003; Gill &
Oberlander, 2002; Campbell & Pennebaker, 2003). The focus
is on extraversion and neuroticism, two of “the most salient
and visible personality traits” (Gill, 2003, p. 13). Research in
personality prediction (e.g., Argamon et al., 2005; Nowson
& Oberlander, 2007; Mairesse et al., 2007) focuses on
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and
We want to test whether we can automatically predict
personality in text by studying the four components of
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Introverted-Extraverted,
Intuitive-Sensing, Thinking-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving. We
introduce a new corpus, the Personae corpus, which consists of
Dutch written language, while other studies focus on English.
Nevertheless, we believe our techniques to be transferable to
other languages. Related Research in Personality
Most of the research in personality prediction involves the
Five-Factor Model of Personality: openness, conscientiousness,
extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The so-called Big
Five have been criticized for their limited scope, methodology
and the absence of an underlying theory. Argamon et al. (2005)
predict personality in student essays using functional lexical
features. These features represent lexical and structural choices
made in the text. Nowson & Oberlander (2007) perform
feature selection and training on a small and clean weblog
corpus, and test on a large, automatically selected corpus.
Features include n-grams of words with predictive strength for
the binary classifi cation tasks. Openness is excluded from the
experiments because of the skewed class distribution. While
the two studies mentioned above took a bottom-up approach,
Mairesse et al. (2007) approach personality prediction from
a top-down perspective. On a written text corpus, they test
the predictive strength of linguistic features that have been
proposed in descriptive statistics studies.
Corpus Construction
Our 200,000-word Personae corpus consists of 145 BA student
essays of about 1,400 words about a documentary on Artifi cial
Life in order to keep genre, register, topic and age relatively
constant. These essays contain a factual description of the
documentary and the students’ opinion about it. The task was
voluntary and students producing an essay were rewarded
with two cinema tickets. They took an online MBTI test and
submitted their profile, the text and some user information. All
students released the copyright of their text to the University
of Antwerp and explicitly allowed the use of their text and
personality profile for research, which makes it possible to
distribute the corpus.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers & Myers, 1980) is a
forced-choice test based on Jung’s personality typology which
categorizes a person on four preferences:
• Introversion and Extraversion (attitudes): I’s tend to
refl ect before they act, while E’s act before they refl ect.
• iNtuition and Sensing (information-gathering): N’s rely
on abstract or theoretical information, while S’s trust
information that is concrete.
• Feeling and Thinking (decision-making): While F’s decide
based on emotions, T’s involve logic and reason in their
• Judging and Perceiving (lifestyle): J’s prefer structure in
their lives, while P’s like change.
MBTI correlates with the Big Five personality traits
of extraversion and openness, to a lesser extent with
agreeableness and consciousness, but not with neuroticism
(McCrae & Costa, 1989).
The participants’ characteristics are too homogeneous for
experiments concerning gender, mother tongue or region, but
we fi nd interesting distributions in at least two of the four
MBTI preferences: .45 I vs. .55 E, .54 N vs. .46 S, .72 F vs. .28 F,
and .81 J and .19 P.
Personality measurement in general, and the MBTI is no
exception, is a controversial domain. However, especially for
scores on IE and NS dimensions, consensus is that they are
correlated with personality traits. In the remainder of this
paper, we will provide results on the prediction of personality
types from features extracted from the linguistically analyzed
Feature Extraction
While most stylometric studies are based on token-level
features (e.g., word length), word forms and their frequencies
of occurrence, syntactic features have been proposed as more
reliable style markers since they are not under the conscious
control of the author (Stamatatos et al., 2001).
We use Memory-Based Shallow Parsing (MBSP) (Daelemans et
al., 1999), which gives an incomplete parse of the input text, to
extract reliable syntactic features. MBSP tokenizes, performs
a part-of-speech analysis, looks for chunks (e.g., noun phrase)
and detects subject and object of the sentence and some
other grammatical relations.
Features occurring more often than expected (based on the
chi-square metric) in either of the two classes are extracted
automatically for every document. Lexical features (lex) are
represented binary or numerically, in n-grams. N-grams of
both fi ne-grained (pos) and coarse-grained parts-of-speech
(cgp) are integrated in the feature vectors. These features have
been proven useful in stylometry (cf. Stamatatos et al., 2001)
and are now tested for personality prediction.
Experiments in Personality Prediction
and Discussion
We report on experiments on eight binary classifi cation tasks
(e.g., I vs. not-I) (cf. Table 1) and four tasks in which the goal is
to distinguish between the two poles in the preferences (e.g., I
vs. E) (cf. Table 2). Results are based on ten-fold cross-validation
experiments with TiMBL (Daelemans & van den Bosch, 2005),
an implementation of memory-based learning (MBL). MBL
stores feature representations of training instances in memory
without abstraction and classifi es new instances by matching
their feature representation to all instances in memory. We
also report random and majority baseline results. Per training document, a feature vector is constructed, containing commaseparated
binary or numeric features and a class label. During
training, TiMBL builds a model based on the training data by
means of which the unseen test instances can be classifi ed.
Table 2 shows results on the four discrimination tasks, which
allows us to compare with results from other studies in
personality prediction. Argamon et al. (2005) fi nd appraisal
adjectives and modifi ers to be reliable markers (58% accuracy)
of neuroticism, while extraversion can be predicted by function
words with 57% accuracy. Nowson & Oberlander (2007)
predict high/low extraversion with a 50.6% accuracy, while
the system achieves 55.8% accuracy on neuroticism, 52.9% on
agreeableness, and 56.6% on conscientiousness. Openness is
excluded because of the skewed class distribution. Taking a
top-down approach, Mairesse et al. (2007) report accuracies
of 55.0% for extraversion, 55.3% for conscientiousness,
55.8% agreeableness, 57.4% for neuroticism, and 62.1% for
openness.For the I-E task - correlated to extraversion in the Big Five - we
achieve an accuracy of 65.5%, which is better than Argamon
et al. (2005) (57%), Nowson & Oberlander (2007) (51%), and
Mairesse et al. (2007) (55%). For the N-S task - correlated to
openness - we achieve the same result as Mairesse et al. (2007)
(62%). For the F-T and J-P tasks, the results hardly achieve
higher than majority baseline, but nevertheless something is
learned for the minority class, which indicates that the features
selected work for personality prediction, even with heavily
skewed class distributions.
Conclusions and Future WorkE xperiments with TiMBL suggest that the fi rst two personality
dimensions (Introverted-Extraverted and iNtuitive-Sensing)
can be predicted fairly accurately. We also achieve good
results in six of the eight binary classifi cation tasks. Thanks to
improvements in shallow text analysis, we can use syntactic
features for the prediction of personality type and author.
Further research using the Personae corpus will involve a
study of stylistic variation between the 145 authors. A lot of
the research in author recognition is performed on a closedclass
task, which is an artifi cial situation. Hardly any corpora
– except for some based on blogs (Koppel et al., 2006)
– have more than ten candidate authors. The corpus allows
the computation of the degree of variability encountered in
text on a single topic of different (types) of features when
taking into account a relatively large set of authors. This will
be a useful complementary resource in a fi eld dominated by
studies potentially overestimating the importance of these
features in experiments discriminating between only two or a
small number of authors.
This study has been carried out in the framework of the
Stylometry project at the University of Antwerp. The
“Computational Techniques for Stylometry for Dutch” project
is funded by the National Fund for Scientifi c Research (FWO)
in Belgium.References
Argamon, S., Dhawle, S., Koppel, M. and Pennebaker, J. (2005),
Lexical predictors of personality type, Proceedings of the Joint
Annual Meeting of the Interface and the Classifi cation Society of
North America.
Campbell, R. and Pennebaker, J. (2003), The secret life of
pronouns: Flexibility in writing style and physical health,
Psychological Science 14, 60-65.
Daelemans, W. and van den Bosch, A. (2005), Memory-Based
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Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Daelemans, W., Bucholz, S. and Veenstra, J. (1999), Memory-
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Gill, A. (2003), Personality and language: The projection
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Gill, A. & Oberlander J. (2002), Taking care of the linguistic
features of extraversion, Proceedings of the 24th Annual
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 363-368.
Koppel, M., Schler, J., Argamon, S. and Messeri, E. (2006),
Authorship attribution with thousands of candidate authors,
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
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McCrae, R. and Costa, P. (1989), Reinterpreting the Myers-
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Myers, I. and Myers, P. (1980), Gifts differing: Understanding
personality type, Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing.
Nowson, S. and Oberlander, J. (2007), Identifying more
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personal weblogs, Proceedings of International Conference on
Weblogs and Social Media ICWSM.
Sebastiani, F. (2002), Machine learning in automated text
categorization, ACM Computing Surveys 34(1), 1-47.
Stamatatos, E., Fakotakis, N. and Kokkinakis, G. (2001),
Computer-based authorship attribution without lexical
measures, Computers and the Humanities 35(2), 193-214.
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Hosted at University of Oulu
Oulu, Finland
June 25, 2008 - June 29, 2008
135 works by 231 authors indexed
Conference website: http://www.ekl.oulu.fi/dh2008/
Series: ADHO (3)
Organizers: ADHO