Rescuing old data: Case studies, tools and techniques

  1. 1. Martin Holmes

    University of Victoria

  2. 2. Greg Newton

    University of Victoria

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

Much of the work done by digital humanists could arguably be described as “rescuing old data”. Digitizing texts is a way of rescuing them from obsolescence, from obscurity, or from physical degradation. However, digitizing in itself does not amount to permanent rescue; it is merely transformation, and digital texts have turned out to have lifetimes vastly shorter than printed texts. As Besser pointed out in 1999, “Though most people tend to think that (unlike analog information) digital information will last forever, we fail to realize the fragility of digital works. Many large bodies of digital information (such as signifi cant parts of the Viking Mars mission) have been lost due to deterioration of the magnetic tapes that they reside on. But the problem of storage media deterioration pales in comparison with the problems of rapidly changing storage devices and changing file formats. It is almost impossible today to read files off of the 8-inch fl oppy disks that were popular just 20 years ago, and trying to decode Wordstar fi les from just a dozen years ago can be a nightmare. Vast amounts of digital information from just 20 years ago is, for all practical purposes, lost.”
As Kirschenbaum (2007) says, “The wholesale migration of literature to a born-digital state places our collective literary and cultural heritage at real risk.” To illustrate this point, consider that searches for the original news source of Besser’s claim about the Viking Mars mission reveal links to articles in Yahoo, Reuters, and Excite, but all of these documents are now unavailable. Only the Internet Archive has a copy of the story (Krolicki 2001). This paper will examine two cases in which we have recently had to rescue digitized content from neardeath, and discuss some tools and techniques which we developed in the process, some of which are available for public use. Our experiences have taught us a great deal, not just about how to go about retrieving data from obsolete formats, but also about how better to protect the data we are generating today from obsolescence. Our paper is not intended to address the issue of digital preservation (how best to prevent good digital data from falling into obsolescence); an extensive literature already exists addressing this problem (Vogt-O’Connor 1999, Besser 1999, and others). The fact is that, despite our best efforts, bit-rot is inexorable, and software and data formats always tend towards obsolescence. We are concerned, here, with discussing the techniques we have found effective in rescuing data which has already become diffi cult to retrieve. Case Study #1: The Nxaʔamxcín (Moses) Dictionary Database During the 1960s and 70s, the late M. Dale Kincaid did fi eldwork with native speakers of Nxaʔamxcín (Moses), an aboriginal Salish language. His fi eldnotes were in the form of a huge set of index cards detailing vocabulary items, morphology and sample sentences. In the early 1990s, the data from the index cards was digitized using a system based on a combination of Lexware and WordPerfect, running on DOS, with the goal of compiling a print dictionary. The project stalled after a few years, although most of the data had been digitized; the data itself was left stored on an old desktop computer. When this computer finally refused to boot, rescuing the data became urgent, and the WordPerfect fi les were retrieved from its hard drive. We then had to decide what could usefully be done with it. Luckily, we had printouts of the dictionary entries as processed by the Lexware/WordPerfect system, so we knew what the original output was supposed to look like. The data itself was in WordPerfect files. The natural approach to converting this data would be to open the files in an more recent version of WordPerfect, or failing that, a version contemporary with the fi les themselves. However, this was not effective, because the fi les themselves were unusual. In addition to the standard charset, at least two other charsets were used, along with an obsolete set of printer fonts, which depended on a particular brand of printer, and a specific Hercules graphics card. In addition, the original fonts were customized to add extra glyphs, and a range of macros were used. In fact, even the original authors were not able to see the correct characters on screen as they worked; they had to proof their work from printouts. When the fi les were opened in WordPerfect, unusual characters were visible, but they were not the “correct” characters, and even worse, some instances of distinct characters in the original were collapsed into identical representations in WordPerfect. Attempts to open the fi les in other word processors failed similarly. Another obvious approach would be to use libwpd, a C++ library designed for processing WordPerfect documents, which is used by and other word-processing programs. This would involve writing handlers for the events triggered during the document read process, analysing the context and producing the correct Unicode characters. Even given the fact that libwpd has only “Support for a substantial portion of the WordPerfect extended character set”, this technique might well have succeeded, but the tool created as a result would have been specifi c only to WordPerfect fi les, and to this project in particular. We decided that with a similar investment of time, we would be able to develop a more generally-useful tool; in particular, we wanted to create a tool which could be used by a non-programmer to do a similar task in the future. Comparing the contents of the fi les, viewed in a hex editor, to
the printouts, we determined that the fi les consisted of:
-blocks of binary information we didn’t need (WordPerfect file headers)
-blocks of recognizable text
-blocks of “encoded text”, delimited by non-printing
characters The control characters signal switches between various WordPerfect character sets, enabling the printing of nonascii characters using the special printer fonts. Our task was to convert this data into Unicode. This was essentially an enormous search-and-replace project. Here is a sample section from the source data: (where [EOT] = end of transmission, [BEL] = bell, [SOH] =
start of header, [SO] = shift out, and [US] = unit separator).
This image shows the original print output from this data,
including the rather cryptic labels such as “11tr” which were to be used by Lexware to generate the dictionary structure: Working with the binary data, especially in the context of
creating a search-and-replace tool, was problematic, so we transformed this into a pure text representation which we could work with in a Unicode text editor. This was done using the Linux “cat” command. The command “cat -v input_file > output_file” takes “input_file” and prints all characters, including non-printing characters, to “output_file”, with what the cat manual refers to as “nonprinting characters” encoded in “hat notation”. This took us from this:
to this:
From here, our task was in two stages: to go from the hatnotation data to a Unicode representation, like this: and thence to a TEI XML representation:
In the fi rst stage, we established a table of mappings between control character sequences and Unicode sequences.
However, dozens of such sequences in our data contained
overlaps; one sequence mapping to one character might
appear as a component of a larger sequence mapping to a
different character. In other words, if we were to reconstruct the data using search-and-replace operations, the order of those operations would be crucial; and in order to fix upon the optimal progression for the many operations involved, some kind of debugging environment would be needed.
This gave rise to the Windows application Transformer, an
open-source program designed for Unicodebased search-andreplace operations. It provides an environment for specifying, sequencing and testing multiple search-and-replace operations on a text file, and then allows the resulting sequence to be run against a batch of many fi les. This screenshot shows Transformer at work on one of the Moses data files. The ability to test and re-test replacement sequences proved
crucial, as we discovered that the original data was inconsistent.
Data-entry practices had changed over the lifetime of the
project. By testing against a range of fi les from different periods
and different data-entry operators, we were able to devise a
sequence which produced reliable results across the whole
set, and transform all the data in one operation.
Having successfully created Unicode representations of the
data, we were now able to consider how to convert the
results to TEI XML. The dataset was in fact hierarchically
structured, using a notation system which was designed to be
processed by Lexware. First, we were able to transform it into
XML using the Lexware Band2XML converter (http://www.; then an XSLT
transformation took us to TEI P5.
The XML is now being proofed and updated, and an XML
database application is being developed.
Case Study #2: The Colonial
Despatches project
During the 1980s and 1990s, a team of researchers at the
University of Victoria, led by James Hendrickson, transcribed virtually the entire correspondence between the colonies of British Columbia and Vancouver Island and the Colonial Offi ce in London, from the birth of the colonies until their incorporation into the Dominion of Canada. These documents include not only the despatches (the spelling with “e” was normal in the period) between colonial governors and the bureacracy in London; each despatch received in London went through a process of successive annotation, in the form of bureaucratic “minutes”, through which its signifi cance was discussed, and appropriate responses or actions were mooted, normally leading to a decision or response by a government minister. These documents are held in archives in BC, Toronto and in the UK, and were transcribed both from originals and from microfi lm. It would be diffi cult to overestimate the historical signifi cance of this digital archive, and also its contemporary relevance to the treaty negotiations which are still going on between First Nations and the BC and Canadian governments.
The transcriptions take the form of about 9,000 text fi les
in Waterloo SCRIPT, a markup language used primarily for
preparing print documents. 28 volumes of printed text were generated from the original SCRIPT fi les, and several copies still exist. The scale of the archive, along with the multithreaded and intermittent nature of the correspondence, delayed as it was by the lengthy transmission times and the range of different government offi ces and agents who might be involved in any given issue, make this material very well-suited to digital publication (and rather unwieldy and diffi cult to navigate in print form). Our challenge is converting the original script files to P5 XML.
This is an example of the Waterloo Script used in this
project: We can see here the transcribed text, interspersed with structural milestones (.par;), editorial annotations such a sindex callouts and footnote links, and other commands such as .adr, which are actually user-defi ned macros that invoke sets of formatting instructions, but which are useful to us because they help identify and categorize information (addresses, dates, etc.). Although this is structured data, it is far from from ideal. It is procedural rather than hierarchical (we can see where a paragraph begins, but we have to infer where it ends); it is only partially descriptive; and it mixes editorial content with transcription. This is rather more of a challenge than the Moses data; it is much more varied and more loosely structured. Even if a generic converter for Waterloo SCRIPT fi les were available (we were unable to fi nd any working converter which produced useful output such as XML), it would essentially do no more than produce styling/printing instructions in a different format; it would not be able to infer the document structure, or convert (say) a very varied range of handwritten date formats into formal date representations. To create useful TEI XML files, we need processing which is able to make complex inferences from the data, in order to determine for instance where for example an <opener> begins and ends; decide what constitutes a <salute></salute>; or parse a human-readable text string such as “12719, CO 60/1, p. 207; received 14 December” into a structured reference in XML. The most effective approach here was to write routines specific to these texts and the macros and commands used in them. As in the Moses project, we used the technique of stringing together a set of discrete operations, in an environment where they could be sequenced, and individual operations could be turned on and off, while viewing the results on individual texts. We gutted the original Transformer tool to create a shell within which routines programmed directly into the application were used in place of search-and-replace operations. The resulting interface provides th feature in Tranformer would have enabled us to write that
code in script form, and combine it with conventional searchand-
replace operations in a single process, without modifying
the application itself.
Although this paper does not focus on digital preservation,
it is worth noting that once data has been rescued, every
effort should be made to encode and store it in such a way
that it does not require rescuing again in the future. Good
practices include use of standard fi le formats, accompanying
documentation, regular migration as described in Besser
(1999), and secure, redundant storage. To these we would add
a recommendation to print out all your data; this may seem
excessive, but if all else fails, the printouts will be essential,
and they last a long time. Neither of the rescue projects
described above would have been practical without access to
the printed data. Dynamic rendering systems (such as Web
sites that produce PDFs or HTML pages on demand, from
database back-ends) should be able to output all the data in
the form of static fi les which can be saved. The dynamic nature
of such repositories is a great boon during development,
and especially if they continue to grow and to be edited, but
one day there may be no PHP or XSLT processor that can
generate the output, and someone may be very glad to have
those static fi les. We would also recommend creating virtual
machines for such complex systems; if your project depends
on Tomcat, Cocoon and eXist, it will be diffi cult to run when
there are no contemporary Java Virtual Machines.
Besser, Howard. 1999. “Digital longevity.” In Maxine Sitts (ed.)
Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation
and Access, Andover MA: Northeast Document Conservation
Center, 2000, pages 155-166. Accessed at <http://www.gseis.>, 2007-11-09.
Holmes, Martin. 2007. Transformer. <http://www.tapor.uvic.
Hsu, Bob. n.d. Lexware.
Kirschenbaum, Matthew. 2007. “Hamlet.doc? Literature in a
Digital Age.” The Chronicle of Higher Education Review, August
17, 2007. Accessed at <
50b00801.htm>, 2007-11-09.
Krolicki, Kevin. 2001. “NASA Data Point to Mars ‘Bugs,’
Scientist Says.” Yahoo News (from Reuters). Accessed at
< sc/space_mars_life_
dc_1.html>, 2007-11-09.
Hendrickson, James E. (editor). 1988. Colonial Despatches of
British Columbia and Vancouver Island. University of Victoria.
libwpd - a library for importing WordPerfect (tm) documents.
The Nxaʔamxcín (Moses) Dictionary Database. <http://>
Vogt-O’Connor, Diane. 1999. “Is the Record of the 20th
Century at Risk?” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, 2:
21–24.e same options
for sequencing and suppressing operations, and for running
batch conversions on large numbers of fi les, but the underlying
code for each operation is project-specifi c, and compiled into
the application.
This screenshot shows the application at work on a despatch
fi le:
The bulk of the original SCRIPT fi les were converted in this
way, at a “success rate” of around 98% --meaning that at least
98% of the fi les were converted to well-formed XML, and
proved valid against the generic P5 schema used for the project.
The remaining fi les (around 150) were partially converted, and
then edited manually to bring them into compliance. Some of
these fi les contained basic errors in their original encoding
which precluded successful conversion. Others were too
idiosyncratic and complex to be worth handling in code. For
instance, 27 of the fi les contained “tables” (i.e. data laid out
in tabular format), each with distinct formatting settings, tab
width, and so on, designed to lay them out effectively on a
page printed by a monospace printer. The specifi c formatting
information was not representative of anything in the original
documents (the original documents are handwritten, and
very roughly laid out); rather, it was aimed specifi cally at the
print process. In cases like this, it was more effi cient simply to
encode the tables manually.
The project collection also contains some unencoded
transcription in the form of Word 5 documents. To retrieve this
data and other similar relics, we have built a virtual machine
running Windows 3.11, and populated it with DOS versions of
Word, WordStar and WordPerfect. This machine also provides
an environment in which we can run the still-famous TACT
suite of DOS applications for text-analysis. The virtual machine
can be run under the free VMWare Server application, and we
hope to make it available on CD-ROM at the presentation.
The data fi les in both the projects we have discussed above
were all in standard, documented formats. Nevertheless, no
generic conversion tool or process could have been used
to transform this data into XML, while preserving all of the
information inherent in it. We were faced with three core
- Idiosyncracy. Waterloo SCRIPT may be well documented,
but any given corpus is likely to use macros written
specifi cally for it. WordPerfect fi les may be documented, but
issues with character sets and obsolete fonts can render
them unreadable. Every project is unique.
- Inconsistency. Encoding practices evolve over time, and
no project of any size will be absolutely consistent, or free
of human error. The conversion process must be fl exible
enough to accommodate this; and we must also recognize
that there is a point at which it becomes more effi cient to
give up, and fi x the last few fi les or bugs manually.
- Non-explicit information. Much of the information
we need to recover, and encode explicitly, is not present in
a mechanical form in the original document. For example,
only context can tell us that the word “Sir” constitutes a
<salute>; this is evident to a human reader of the original
encoding or its printed output, but not obvious to a
conversion processor, unless highly specifi c instructions are
written for it.
In Transformer, we have attempted to create a tool which can
be used for many types of textual data (and we have since used
it on many other projects). Rather than create a customized
conversion tool for a single project, we have tried to create
an environment for creating, testing and applying conversion
scenarios. We are currently planning to add scripting support
to the application. For the Colonial Despatches project, we
resorted to customizing the application by adding specifi c
application code to accomplish the conversion. A scripting

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Conference Info


ADHO - 2008

Hosted at University of Oulu

Oulu, Finland

June 25, 2008 - June 29, 2008

135 works by 231 authors indexed

Conference website:

Series: ADHO (3)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None