University of Chicago
University of Chicago
In this paper we report on an incremental approach to
automated tagging of Greek morphology using a range of
already existing tools and data. We describe how we engineered
a system that combines the many freely available resources
into a useful whole for the purpose of building a searchable
database of morphologically tagged classical Greek.
The current state of the art in electronic tools for classical Greek
morphology is represented by Morpheus, the morphological
analyzer developed by Gregory Crane (Crane 1991). It
provides all possible parses for a given surface form, and the
lemmas from which these are derived. The rich morphology of
Greek, however, results in multiple parses for more than 50%
of the words (
html). There are fully tagged corpora available for pre-classical
Greek (early Greek epic, developed for the ‘Chicago Homer’, and for New
Testament Greek, but not for the classical period.
Disambiguating more than half of our 3 million-word corpus
by hand is not feasible, so we turned to other methods. The
central element of our approach has been Helmut Schmid’s
TreeTagger (Schmid 1994, 1995). TreeTagger is a Markovmodel
based morphological tagger that has been successfully
applied to a wide variety of languages. Given training data of
20,000 words and a lexicon of 350,000 words, TreeTagger
achieved accuracy on a German news corpus of 97.5%. When
TreeTagger encounters a form, it will look it up in three places:
fi rst, it has a lexicon of known forms and their tags. Second,
it builds from that lexicon a suffi x and prefi x lexicon that
attempts to serve as a a morphology of the language, so as
to parse unknown words. In the absence of a known form
or recognizable suffi x or prefi x, or when there are multiple
ambiguous parses, it will estimate the tag probabilistically,
based on the tags of the previous n (typically two) words;
this stochastic model of syntax is stored as a decision tree
extracted from the tagged training data.
Since classical Greek presents, prima facie, more of a challenge
than German, given that it has a richer morphology, and is
a non-projective language with a complex syntax, we were
initially unsure whether a Markov model would be capable of
performing on Greek to any degree of accuracy. A particular
complicating factor for Greek is the very large tagset: our full
lexicon contains more than 1,400 tags, making it diffi cult for
TreeTagger to build a decision tree from small datasets. Czech (Hajič 1998) is comparable in the number of tags, but has
lower rates of non-projectivity (compare Bamman and Crane
2006:72 on Latin).
Thus, for a fi rst experiment, we built a comprehensive lexicon
consisting of all surface forms occurring in Homer and Hesiod
annotated with the parses occurring in the hand-disambiguated
corpus--a subset of all grammatically possible parses--so that
TreeTagger only had about 740 different possible tags to
consider. Given this comprehensive lexicon and the Iliad and
Odyssey as training data (200,000 words), we achieved 96.6%
accuracy for Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns (see http://
The experiment established that a trigram Markov model was
in fact capable of modeling Greek grammar remarkably well.
The good results can be attributed in part to the formulaic
nature of epic poetry and the large size of the training data,
but they established the excellent potential of TreeTagger
for Greek. This high degree of accuracy compares well with
state-of-the-art taggers for such disparate languages as Arabic,
Korean, and Czech (Smith et al., 2005).
Unfortunately, the Homeric data form a corpus that is of little
use for classical Greek. In order to start analyzing classical
Greek, we therefore used a hand-tagged Greek New Testament
as our training data (160,000 words). New Testament Greek
postdates the classical period by some four hundred years,
and, not surprisingly, our initial accuracy on a 2,000 word
sample of Lysias (4th century BCE oratory) was only 84% for
morphological tagging, and performance on lemmas was weak.
Computational linguists are familiar with the statistic that
turning to out-of-domain data results in a ten percent loss of
accuracy, so this result was not entirely unexpected.
At this point one could have decided to hand-tag an
appropriate classical corpus and discard the out-of-domain
data. Instead, we decided to integrate the output of Morpheus,
thereby drastically raising the number of recognized forms
and possible parses. While we had found that Morpheus alone
produced too many ambiguous results to be practical as a
parser, as a lexical resource for TreeTagger it is exemplary.
TreeTagger’s accuracy on the Lysias sample rose to 88%, with
much improved recognition of lemmas. Certain common Attic
constructs, unfortunately, were missed wholesale, but the
decision tree from the New Testament demonstrated a grasp
of the fundamentals.
While we are also working on improving accuracy by further
refi ning the tagging system, so far we have seen the most
prospects for improvement in augmenting our New Testament
data with samples from classical Greek: When trained on our
Lysias sample alone, TreeTagger performed at 96.8% accuracy
when tested on that same text, but only performed at 88% on
a new sample. In other words, 2,000 words of in-domain data
performed no better or worse than 150,000 words of Biblical
Greek combined with the Morpheus lexicon. We next used a
combined training set of the tagged New Testament and the
hand-tagged Lysias sample. In this case, the TreeTagger was
capable of augmenting the basic decision tree it had already
extracted from the NT alone with Attic-specifi c constructions.
Ironically, this system only performed at 96.2% when turned
back on the training data, but achieved 91% accuracy on the new
sample ( for results
on the second sample). This is a substantial improvement given
the addition of only 2,000 words of text, or less than 2% of
the total training corpus. In the longer term, we aim at handdisambiguating
40,000 words, double that of Schmid (1995),
but comparable to Smith et al. (2005).
We conclude that automated tagging of classical Greek to
a high level of accuracy can be achieved with quite limited
human effort toward hand-disambiguation of in-domain data,
thanks to the possibility of combining existing morphological
data and machine learning, which together bootstrap a highly
accurate morphological analysis. In our presentation we will
report on our various approaches to improving these results
still further, such as using a 6th order Markov model, enhancing
the grammatical specifi city of the tagset, and the results of
several more iterations of our bootstrap procedure.
Bamman, David, and Gregory Crane (2006). The design
and use of a Latin dependency treebank. In J. Hajič and J.
Nivre (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on
Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT) 2006, pp. 67-78. http://
Crane, Gregory (1991). Generating and parsing classical
Greek. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 6(4): 243-245, 1991.
Hajič, Jan (1998). Building a syntactically annotated corpus:
The Prague Dependency Treebank. In Eva Hajičova (ed.),
Issues of Valency and Meaning, pp. 106-132.
Schmid, Helmut (1994). Probabilistic part-of-speech tagging
using decision trees. In International Conference on New
Methods in Language Processing, pp. 44-49. http://www.ims.unistuttgart.
Schmid, Helmut (1995). Improvements in part-of-speech
tagging with an application to German. In Proceedings of the
ACL SIGDAT-Workshop.
Smith, Noah A., David A. Smith, and Roy W. Tromble (2005).
Context-based morphological disambiguation with random
fi elds. In Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference
and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language
Processing, pp. 475-482.
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Hosted at University of Oulu
Oulu, Finland
June 25, 2008 - June 29, 2008
135 works by 231 authors indexed
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Series: ADHO (3)
Organizers: ADHO