Deconstructing Machine Learning: A Challenge for Digital Humanities

  1. 1. Charles Cooney

    University of Chicago

  2. 2. Russell Horton

    University of Chicago

  3. 3. Mark Olsen

    University of Chicago

  4. 4. Robert Voyer

    University of Chicago

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

Machine learning tools, including document classifi cation
and clustering techniques, are particularly promising for
digital humanities because they offer the potential of using
machines to discover meaningful patterns in large repositories
of text. Given the rapidly increasing size and availability of
digital libraries, it is clear that machine learning systems will,
of necessity, become widely deployed in a variety of specifi c
tasks that aim to make these vast collections intelligible.
While effective and powerful, machine learning algorithms and
techniques are not a panacea to be adopted and employed
uncritically for humanistic research. As we build and begin to
use them, we in the digital humanities must focus not only on
the performance of specifi c algorithms and applications, but
also on the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of
these systems.
At the heart of most machine learning tools is some variety
of classifi er. Classifi cation, however, is a fraught endeavor in
our poststructuralist world. Grouping things or ideas into
categories is crucial and important, but doing so without
understanding and being aware of one’s own assumptions is a
dubious activity, not necessarily for moral, but for intellectual
reasons. After all, hierarchies and orders of knowledge have
been shown to be both historically contingent and refl ections
of prevailing power structures. Bowker and Star state that
“classifi cation systems in general... refl ect the confl icting,
contradictory motives of the sociotechnical situations that gave
rise to them” (64). As machine learning techniques become
more widely applied to all forms of electronic text, from the
WWW to the emerging global digital library, an awareness of
the politics of classifi cation and the ordering of knowledge
will become ever more important. We would therefore like to
present a paper outlining our concerns about these techniques
and their underlying technical/intellectual assumptions based
on our experience using them for experimental research.
In many ways, machine learning relies on approaches that seem
antithetical to humanistic text analysis and reading and to
more general poststructuralist sensibilities. The most powerful
and effective techniques rely on the abilities of systems to
classify documents and parts of documents, often in binary
oppositions (spam/not spam, male/female, etc). Features of
documents employed in machine learning applications tend to
be restricted to small subsets of available words, expressions
or other textual attributes. Clustering of documents based on
relatively small feature sets into a small and often arbitrary
number of groups similarly tends to focus on broad patterns.
Lost in all of these operations are the marginal and exceptional,
rendered hidden and invisible as it were, in classifi cation
schemes and feature selection.
Feature set selection is the fi rst necessary step in many text
mining tasks. Ian Witten notes that in “many practical situations
there are far too many attributes for learning schemes to handle,
and some of them -- perhaps the overwhelming majority -
- are clearly irrelevant or redundant” (286-7). In our work,
we routinely reduce the number of features (words, lemmas,
bigrams, etc) using a variety of techniques, most frequently by
fi ltering out features which occur in a small subset of documents
or instances. This selection process is further required to avoid
“overfi tting” a learner to the training data. One could build an
effective classifi er and train it using features that are unique
to particular documents, but doing so would limit the general
applicability of the tool. Attempting to classify French novels by
gender of author while retaining the names of characters (as
in Sand’s novel, Conseulo) or other distinctive elements is very
effective, but says little about gendered writing in 19th century
France (Argamon et. al., Discourse). Indeed, many classifi cation
tasks may be successful using a tiny subset of all of the words
in a corpus. In examining American and non-American Black
Drama, we achieved over 90% accuracy in classifying over
nearly 700 plays using a feature set of only 60 surface words
(Argamon et. al., Gender, Race). Using a vector space similarity
function to detect articles in the Encyclopédie which borrow
signifi cantly from the Dictionnaire de Trévoux, we routinely get
impressive performance by selecting fewer than 1,000 of the
400,000 unique forms in the two documents (Allen et. al.).
The requirement of greatly reductive feature set selection for
practical text mining and the ability of the systems to perform
effective classifi cations based on even smaller subsets suggests
that there is a signifi cant distance from the texts at which
machine learning must operate in order to be effective.
Given the reductive nature of the features used in text mining
tasks, even the most successful classifi cation task tends to
highlight the lowest common denominators, which at best
may be of little textual interest and at worst extremely
misleading, encouraging stereotypical conclusions. Using
a decision tree to classify modern and ancient geography
articles in the Encyclopédie, we found “selon” (according to)
to be the primary distinction, refl ecting citation of ancient sources (“selon Pline”). Classifi cation of Black Drama by
gender of author and gender of speaker can be very effective
(80% or more accuracy), but the features identifi ed by the
classifi ers may privilege particular stereotypes. The unhappy
relationship of Black American men with the criminal justice
system or the importance of family matters to women are
both certainly themes raised in these plays. Of course, men
talk more of wives than women and only women tend to call
other women “hussies,” so it is hardly surprising that male
and female authors/characters speak of different things in
somewhat different ways. However, the operation of classifi ers
is predicated on detecting patterns of word usage which most
distinguish groups and may bring to the forefront literary
and linguistic elements which play a relatively minor role in
the texts themselves. We have found similar results in other
classifi cation tasks, including gender mining in French literary
works and Encyclopédie classifi cations.
Machine learning systems are best, in terms of various
measures of accuracy, at binomial classifi cation tasks, the
dreaded “binary oppositions” of male/female, black/white and
so forth, which have been the focus of much critical discussion
in the humanities. Given the ability of statistical learners to
fi nd very thin slices of difference, it may be that any operation
of any binary opposition may be tested and confi rmed.
If we ask for gender classifi cation, the systems will do just
that, return gender classifi cations. This suggests that certain
types of hypothesis testing, particularly in regard to binary
classifi cations, may show a successful result simply based on
the framing of the question. It is furthermore unclear as to just
what a successful classifi cation means. If we identify gender or
race of authors or characters, for example, at a better than
80% rate and generate a list of features most associated with
both sides of the opposition, what does this tell us about the
failed 20%? Are these errors to be corrected, presumably
by improving classifi ers or clustering models or should we
further investigate these as interesting marginal instances?
What may be considered a failure in computer science could
be an interesting anomaly in the humanities.
Machine learning offers great promise to humanistic textual
scholarship and the development of digital libraries. Using
systems to sift through the ever increasing amounts of
electronic texts to detect meaningful patterns offers the ability
to frame new kinds of questions. But these technologies bring
with them a set of assumptions and operations that should be
subject to careful critical scrutiny. We in the digital humanities
must do this critical work, relying on our understanding of
epistemology and our technical skills to open the black box
and shine light on what is inside. Deconstruction in the digital
library should be a reading strategy not only for the texts
found therein, but also of the systems being developed to
manage, control and make the contents of electronic resources
accessible and intelligible.
Allen, Timothy, Stéphane Douard, Charles Cooney, Russell
Horton, Robert Morrissey, Mark Olsen, Glenn Roe, and
Robert Voyer. “Plundering Philosophers: Identifying Sources
of the Encyclopédie using the Vector Space Model” in
preparation for Text Technology.
Argamon, Shlomo, Russell Horton, Mark Olsen, and Sterling
Stuart Stein. “Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama,
1850-2000: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors
and their Characters.” DH07, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. June
4-8, 2007.
Argamon, Shlomo, Jean-Baptiste Goulain, Russell Horton, and
Mark Olsen. “Discourse, Power, and Ecriture Féminine: Text
Mining Gender Difference in 18th and 19th Century French
Literature.” DH07, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. June 4-8, 2007.
Bowker, Geoffrey C. and Susan Leigh Star. Sorting Things Out:
Classifi cation and its Consequences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
Introna, L. and H. Nissenbaum. “Shaping the Web: Why the
Politics of Search Engines Matters.” The Information Society,
16(3): 1-17, 2000.
Witten, Ian H. and Eibe Frank. Data Mining: Practical Machine
Learning Tools and Techniques, 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.

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Conference Info


ADHO - 2008

Hosted at University of Oulu

Oulu, Finland

June 25, 2008 - June 29, 2008

135 works by 231 authors indexed

Conference website:

Series: ADHO (3)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None