Boston University
Brown University
Electronic Book Technologies
The issue of what text really is, and how it affects
our notions of proper text representation has been
with us almost from the beginning of text encoding [Goldfarb 1981, Reid 1980, Coombs, et al.
1987, DeRose, et al. 1990, Renear et al.]. The
simplest reasonable view, that text is fundamentally an ordered hierarchical structure, determined
by its editor and author, is an early one that has
remained prominent, especially as reified by ISO
8879 (SGML). However, this simple model is
not enough, which the TEI [Sperberg-McQueen
and Burnard 1990,1993] quickly discovered as it
moved text encoding from the realm of print production to that of scholarship, textual editing, and
linguistic analysis. The TEI metalanguage committee identified problems with SGML’s simple
hierarchical mechanisms, and developed and published techniques for working around them to
encode non-hierarchical phenomena [Barnard et
al. 1996]. In [Renear et al.] we began to analyze
and label the theoretical and ontological foundations underlying many of the kinds of non-hierarchical structures discovered by practitioners using
naive hierarchical markup. This paper uncovered
some key notions and implicit partial theories
underlying most previous theorizing about markup. The most important of these notions is the
primacy of “analytic perspectives,” which we defined as a “natural family of methodology, theory,
and analytical practice.” Perspectives explain various implicit presuppositions of the simple hierarchical approach. In this paper, we use these
theoretical results to examine how the basic notions of hierarchical markup should be extended
to allow a more expressive and accurate approach
to document markup.
Most of the following discussion is framed in
terms of SGML, because SGML represents the
state of the art in document description languages.
The features that we propose can be regarded
either as sugggestions for improving SGML, as
specifications for some future successor, or even
specifications for a new standard, that, like HyTime, would add additional power to SGML markup. We do not take a position on these thorny
standards issues, concentrating rather on the problems to be addressed. In our examples we will
use syntax based on SGML for clarity, but we will
diverge from that syntax as necessary (and with
Some Phenomena
The following (partial) list of non-hierarchical
phenomena is based on [Renear et al., and Barnard, et al. 1995]:
– Arbitrary overlaps caused by multiple perspectives on a text. For instance, metrical and
grammatical structuring of the same poem
have no essential relation to each other, and
many phenomena of interest within one perspective, like phrases or clauses, will overlap
arbitrarily with the phenomena of interest
from the other perspectives, like stanzas or
verse lines.
– Arbitrary overlaps of entities that are important to differing sub-perspectives of a single
perspective on a text.
– Discontinuous content objects, such as interrupted lists, interrupted quotations or speeches.
– “Partial” perspectives, like a metrical analysis of a mixed prose/verse work. For the verse
segments of the work, the metrical perspective is valid, while for the prose portions the
metrical perspective does not even exist.
– Segmentations of a text, like page number
assignment or position in a formal reference
system, where every part of a text is supposed
to have a certain value for a given attribute.
– Truly independent objects, like hypertext
links, which might overlap arbitrarily.
– Ambiguous content, like a sentence that can
be parsed in several ways. Such content is
part of a single perspective, which needs to
record more than one possible analysis of the
same item.
Methods of tagging all of these currently exist in
the TEI, in the form of particular tags for particular
perspectives. But since we now know that the
breaking of strict hierarchies is the rule, rather than
the exception, it is time to determine what additional features are required from markup systems to
make the formal description of such non-hierarchical phenomena straightforward. We propose
that it is better to integrate the formal properties of
these recurring non-hierarchical phenomena into
markup systems themselves, rather than re-inventing them tag-by-tag. Their explicit representation
will enable more perspicuous, explicit, and consistent descriptions of nonhierarchical tag-relationships and constraints, in the same way as the formal
definitions of content models in SGML do for
hierarchical documents.
The feature-structure tags in the TEI [Langendoen
1995] are actually general enough to handle any
non-hierarchical structure. However, featurev
structures are not appealing because their consistent application to the problem of general document markup would lead to documents containing
no tags other than the feature-structure tags, with
all the information that is currently represented by
tags encoded in them. This would produce extremely verbose encodings that would not take advantage of the tags syntax on which they are based.
In short, feature structures do not solve the problem of extending hierarchical markup systems to
deal with non-hierarchical markup structures; rather, they solve the related problem of encoding
non-hierarchical structures within a hierarchical
markup system.
Representing Non-Hierarchical Features
and Relationships
One of the most obvious points to start with is the
notion of analytical perspectives. The SGML
CONCUR feature comes close to expressing the
basic notion, but has a number of serious defects:
– It cannot deal with incomplete hierarchies
easily, since the standard requires that each
concurrent stream be a complete DTD.
– It does not allow tag content that is meaningful in only a single perspective, by requiring
that characters that occur anywhere in the
document must be visible in all concurrent
– It does not support the notion of sub-perspectives, since there is no way to express relations between different concurrent markup
structures for a document. This might be
used, for instance, to express the fact that a
metrical perspective (and its associated markup) is only applicable within text that is
tagged as a poem. The SGML LINK feature,
which seems superficially to address this
problem is too processing-oriented and poorly defined to solve this problem.
– A final problem with CONCUR is that it has
only been implemented once as far as the
authors know. Certain syntactic irregularities
occur in defining the interaction of concurrent markup streams with SGML’s minimization features, rendering correct implementation extremely difficult.
The problem of arbitrarily overlapping segments,
like hypertext anchors, is usually handled by the
use of SGML EMPTY tags and IDREFs. The
problem with this appproach is that the DTD cannot indicate the usage of such tags. For instance,
given two tags <startSeg> and <endSeg> a DTD
cannot indicate:
– that <startSeg> and <endSeg> are intended
to be paired
– that it is the text between them that is important when they are processed,
– that they must refer to each other in pairs and
not to any other tags
– that a paired <startSeg> and <endSeg>
should appear in the text such that the <startSeg> occurs first
– that paired <startSeg> and <endSeg> tags
could have some specified relation to other
markup in the document, for instance, that
they should not not overlap paragraph boundaries
The issue here has nothing to do with the syntax
or the use of cross-references to indicate relationships in the document instance. Rather, it is whether
the processing system can automatically perform
the obvious useful verification tasks, or enforce
user requirements that depend on the intended
semantics of the tags (such as any relationships to
other tags that should be enforced or forbidden).
Ambiguous content, as described in [Barnard, et
al. 1995] is content that has several differing analyses within a given perspective. It is especially
interesting because the phenomenon that it reflects
is so important. The points where analytic ambiguity exists, are often the most interesting ones
in many different disciplines. There are other interesting aspects of the markup of ambiguous
texts. For instance, a document that records ambiguity precisely, sharing structure down to the lexical level, is different from one that records ambiguous structures at the the sentence level,
sharing only the leaf text, despite a large number
of identical structures.
Segmentations of a text, like reference systems
that assign portions of a text to one of a discrete
set of regions, can be analyzed as an extremely
simple special case of hierarchical markup: a sing68
le level hierarchy with tags that divide an entire
document into segments. Since such structures are
usually marked when they do not have a natural
mapping to a hierarchical perspective, they are
candidates for special treatment. This kind of structure is usually marked by empty “milestone” tags.
Some Proposals
Based on the fundamental sorts of non-hierarchical structure described in the discussion above, we
will briefly discuss the kinds of additions needed
to accomodate each phenomenon.
Multiple perspectives
This is a fairly simple concept, similar to using
multiple clear overlays of a page, each marked
with highlighter. We propose to represent different perspectives by streams. A stream is a set of
markup objects corresponding to a perspective in
the same way that an SGML element corresponds
with a document object. Streams are similar to
CONCUR, except that:
– A stream can declare some of its content
(elements and character data) private, so that
it is invisible to other streams.
– A stream can exclude data based on how it is
marked in other streams
– There is no requirement that a parser present
a single-stream view to a client program. The
logical view of a document should include as
many streams as the processor requires.
Arbitrary overlaps of sub-perspectives
We treat each sub-perspective as an independent
stream, and express the relationships between subperspectives by allowing the declaration of constraints on the co-occurrence of elements in the
We add:
– A declaration that an element and its sub-elements will be contained within the boundaries of a particular element type (which might
possibly be in another stream). This allows a
document designer to explicitly limit the range over which elements might overlap each
other so that a certain stream, like one containing metrical information, should only apply in areas marked in accordance with a
stream that indicates verse stanzas..
Partial Perspectives
We extend the notion of a stream to have several
“root elements.” A list of possible top-level elements in the stream is given, and those may occur
anywhere in the document (as long as they meet
the other constraints defined for them). All text not
contained by any of the roots is automatically
ignored in that stream.
Since a segmentation is simply a specialized, but
common, form of stream, we allow it as a special
type. When declared a segmentation stream can
optionally specify an element (of some stream). If
specified this state that the segmentation is valid
(and required) in every occurence of that element.
If no such element is specified, at least one of the
elements in the segmentation stream must occur
before any character content in the document. All
these elements are represented by EMPTY tags
and interpreted as elements spanning a region
from their appearance, up to the next occurrence
of a tag in the same stream.
Independent objects
These cannot be handled properly by the stream
notion (as we noted in the discussion of CONCUR). Elements like this may overlap themselves.
To handle such elements we need only add a way
to specify where they can break the hierarchy
within their own stream – any requirements to
constrain an element not to break the hierarchy in
other streams have already been handled above.
We allow two new hierarchy-breaking declarations:
– A declaration that the element can overlap
itself, with an optional number to limit its
degree of deepest self-overlap. Declaring
this for an annotation element would allow
arbitrarily scoped, arbitrarily related zones of
a text to be marked without difficulty
– A declaration that the element can overlap
with a particular tag or list of tags. For each
tag (overlapee) that the element might overlap, there is an optional specification of whether that it is permitted to overlap the children
of the overlapee.
Multiple interpretations
These do not have to be specially handled as they
are formally similar to self-overlapping tags. All
that is required is to declare such elements as
self-overlapping within the stream corresponding
to their perspective.
The proposed extensions of document schemas to
handle non-hierarchical markup represent the results of many years of experience with text-encoding in the humanities community. We feel that
they are an important starting point for improving
the quality of humanities computing tools for the
next generation of markup systems.
Barnard, David, Burnard, Lou, Gaspart, Jean-Pierre, Price, Lynne A., Sperberg-McQueen, C.
M., Varile, Giovanni Batista. “Hierarchical
Encoding of Text: Technical Problems and
SGML Solutions” Computers and the Humanities. 29 (1995): 211-231.
Coombs, James S., Allen H. Renear and Steven J.
DeRose. “Markup Systems and the Future of
Scholarly Text Processing” Communications
of the Association for Computing Machinery.
30 (1987): 933-47.
DeRose, Steven, J., David Durand, Elli Mylonas
and Allen H. Renear. “What is Text, Really?,”
Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
1:2 (1990).
Goldfarb, Charles. “A Generalized Approach to
Document Markup.” in Proceedings of the
Text Manipulation, New York: ACM, 1981.
Langendoen, D. Terence, Simons, Gary F., “Rationale for the TEI Recommendations for Feature-Structure Markup” Computers and the
Humanities. 29 (1995): 191-209.
Reid, Brian. “A High-Level Approach to Computer Document Formatting.” in Proceedings of
the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Programming Languages. New York: ACM, 1980.
Renear, Allen. David Durand, and Elli Mylonas.
“Refining Our Notion of What Text Really Is.”
Research in Humanities Computing. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
Sperberg-McQueen, C. Michael. and Burnard,
Lou, eds. Guidelines for the Encoding and
Interchange of Machine-Readable Texts.. Chicago and Oxford: TEI, 1990, 1993.
If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.
In review
Hosted at University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway
June 25, 1996 - June 29, 1996
147 works by 190 authors indexed
Scott Weingart has print abstract book that needs to be scanned; certain abstracts also available on dh-abstracts github page. (
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