TACT and SGML together at last: sgml2tdb

  1. 1. John Bradley

    University of Toronto

Work text
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As someone who is both the originator of TACT
and still interested in computing in the humanities,
I believe it is important to acknowledge the
growing importance of SGML to our community.
SGML was originally invented to ensure that new
electronic texts destined for traditional publication
would conform to a strict set of structural rules.
Applying SGML to the editorial role of preserving
complex, often ambigious, structures found in preexisting texts required a stretching of it well beyond what its designers originally intended. Nonetheless, as a result of the work of the Text
Encoding Initiative (TEI), culminating in the publication of the P3 tag set, SGML has found an
important new role as a standard markup scheme
for scholarly electronic textual editions. Indeed,
one oft-stated benefit of SGML to the publishing
community – that text once marked up in SGML
would continue to be useful for many years to
come – has perhaps been most attractive to humanities scholars.
Most of SGML’s technical development in the
past resulted in tools which supported the construction of SGML documents, and their preparation for printing. More recently, the recently approved DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and
Specification Language) ISO standard defines a
mechanism for transforming SGML text into presentation text. OpenText’s PAT software is the
first text searching product that could be of broad
interest to the humanities that actually (almost)
uses real SGML tags.
Although I don’t expect TACT to last as long as
texts marked up with SGML I have believed for
some time it would be useful to allow SGML texts
to be brought into the TACT system. I’ve been
working on and off on software to do this for over
a year, and I am finally ready to release a preliminary version of this software – called sgml2tdb –
at the Bergen Conference. With the delivery of this
program I believe we will have public domain
software which when coupled with TACT programs such as Usebase or TACTweb can begin to
make SGML texts readily useful to a larger scholarly community.
My goal in developing sgml2tdb has been to support the translation of SGML documents into a
standard TACT 2.x TDB. Since existing TACT
programs are entirely unaware of SGML, some
aspects of SGML markup get, as it were, left at the
door – and the implications of this will, I expect,
be more evident in my presentation. A much more
ambitious goal would be to develop software that
would allow SGML to somehow be represented
inside the system as well. Nonetheless, the immediate goal is to produce a TACT 2.x TDB from
SGML text and it is important to understand the
most important similarities and differences between SGML and the TDB format.
Separation of text and markup
In both SGML and the TDB format the text is
clearly separated from the markup scheme. SGML
conventions focus on how SGML markup should
be structured but says, in fact, very little about the
text which fits between the markup. Although a
few researchers, such as Willard McCarty in his
endeavours to adapt TACT markup schemes to his
needs for marking up Ovid’s Metamorphoses,
have blurred the distinction by “marking up” the
words themselves, in reality the TACT software
deals with what it recognizes as “the markup” in a
very different way from the words found in the
text. By keeping the “text” and the “markup” so
clearly distinct, I find both TACT and SGML to
already be similar.
Textual Characters
Although SGML by itself has relatively little to
say about the actual text itself between the SGML
markup, TACT needs to be able to attach some
limited semantics to these codepoints – what are
the letters, how are they sorted, what are the diacritical characters, etc. It is necessary to provide
sgml2tdb with information to allow it to convert
what it is processing into words, symbols, letters,
etc. The TEI project has recognized the need for
more information of this kind in their Writing
System Declarations, and I will discuss how the
WSD could be used to fill this gap.
Formatting of Text
SGML and TACT are quite different in the way
that they deal with the formatting of text. Within
TACT text must often be presented on the screen.
Of course, the actual layout of the text is then
clearly of some importance, and when I designed
TACT I assumed that to a large extent the inputted
text file would be preformatted – TACT when
displaying the text could simply present what it
found – lines endings and all. Thus, the display
text, as it is stored in the TDB, is meant to be
On the other hand, it is very clearly a part of the
SGML philosophy to say nothing at all about
formatting. Instead, a part of the job of any software that ultimately has to display an SGML
document is to get display information elsewhere
(such as from a separate style sheet document
which tells the program how to display each element, but which is not a actually a part of SGML),
and use as a guide the structural markup information it actually finds in the text plus the information in this style sheet document to determine how
the text it must display should be formatted.
Clearly, even though SGML is not really about
formatting text, text destined for display by other
TACT programs must be formatted by the time it
gets into the TACT TDB file. Information must be
provided that sgml2tdb can use to prepare the text
in this way.
Tagging Paradigms
TACT provides good support for textual tagging.
Unfortunately, the set of assumptions that come
with SGML markup and TACT’s COCOA-like
markup are significantly different, and perhaps
surprisingly, both models seem to me to represent
ways people think about a text’s formal structure.
In TACT one can tag many different structural
entities. TACT imposes no assocation between the
tags, and assumes that there is a “value” for any
particular structural entity at all times in the text.
If, for example, the text included tagging for
“speaking character” in a play, at any point in the
text – even within, say, the prefatory sections
before the spoken text of the play itself – there
must be a value for the “speaking character”. Of
course, it is possible for the coder to provide a tag
value such as “–” to indicate that here no character
is speaking.
In SGML markup, all tagging is done in terms of
textual elements, which must nest into one or more
hierarchies. Thus, a play may divide into acts,
which divide in scenes, which divide into speeches. When marking up the text one doesn’t think
of marking “speaking characters” – instead, if one
wishes (and it is supported by the DTD for the text
one is working with) one can associate an attribute
to a speech element that identifies the character. In
parts of the text where there is no spoken text, there
will be no “speech element”, and, no possibility
for a “speaking character” attribute for such an
Since TACT 2.x represents markup as independant, parallel objects with values, the hierarchial
model that SGML uses must be translated into the
TACT system by sgml2tdb, and the program must
be given information about how this translation
should occur. As well as outlining how this translation would be specified, I will discuss some of
the design implications that would follow from
changing the TDB format so that an SGML-style
hierarchical markup could be fully preserved
within the database.
Standardized sgml2tdb specification files
By now it should be clear that sgml2tdb needs
more information than that contained in the text
and the document type definition to be able to
produce a TDB. This extra information is provided
in a a special language I have developed expressly
for sgml2tdb which is somewhat similar to Klaus
Harbo’s “Copenhagen SGML Tool” (CoST), although my language is aimed specifically at the
needs of TDB creation. In my presentation I will
discuss its broad outlines.
There is one striking observation that can be made
about it. Most of what goes into it can be derived
not from the syntax of the elements and attributes
(which is, of course, defined already in the associated document type definition), but instead from
the semantics associated with the DTD’s elements
and their attributes. Thus, as long as the semantics
for elements and attributes for standardized
DTD’s (such as TEI) are as well defined as their
syntax, it may well be possible to also develop a
standardized sgml2tdb specification file that will
be independant of any particular text. For any text
for which there is a both standardized DTD and
sgml2tdb specifications it would then be possible
to immediately produce a standardized TDB as
well – purely from the information that is already
present. During my presentation I will discuss my
own progress in testing this hypothesis, by discussing the development of an sgml2tdb specification
file for the TEI-lite format.

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info

In review


Hosted at University of Bergen

Bergen, Norway

June 25, 1996 - June 29, 1996

147 works by 190 authors indexed

Scott Weingart has print abstract book that needs to be scanned; certain abstracts also available on dh-abstracts github page. (https://github.com/ADHO/dh-abstracts/tree/master/data)

Conference website: https://web.archive.org/web/19990224202037/www.hd.uib.no/allc-ach96.html

Series: ACH/ICCH (16), ALLC/EADH (23), ACH/ALLC (8)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC
