Information Technology Research Institute (ITRI) - University of Brighton
1. Introduction
We are often interested in discovering which
words are markedly different in their distribution
between two texts or two corpora. In this paper I
show that one statistic which has sometimes been
used for this purpose, chi-square, is inappropriate.
I present an alternative, the Mann-Whitney ranks
test. I apply the test to finding the words which are
most different between the LOB and Brown corpora and show that it produces output that is well
suited to the interests of lexicographers and humanities scholars.
2. A simple framework
For two texts, which words best characterise their
differences? For word w in texts X and Y, this
might be represented in a contingency table as
w a b a+b
not w c d c+d
a+c b+d a+b+c+d=N
There are a occurrences of w in text X (which
contains a+c words) and b in Y (which has b+d
3. The chi-square test
We now need to relate our question to a hypothesis
we can test. The obvious candidate is the null
hypothesis that both texts comprise words drawn
randomly from some larger population; for a contingency table of dimensions m x n, if the null
hypothesis is true, the statistic
(where O is the observed value, E is the expected
value calculated on the basis of the joint corpus,
and the sum is over the cells of the contingency
table) will be chi-square-distributed with (m1)×(n-1) degrees of freedom (provided all expected values are over a threshold of 5.) For our 2×2
contingency table the statistic has one degree of
freedom and we apply Yates’ correction, subtracting 0.5 from O-E before squaring. Wherever the
statistic is greater than the critical value of 7.88,
we conclude with 99.5% confidence that, in terms
of the word we are looking at, X and Y are not
random samples of the same larger population.
This is the strategy adopted by Hofland and Johansson (1982) to identify where words are more
common in British than American English or vice
versa. X was the LOB corpus, Y was the Brown,
and, in the table where they make the comparison,
the chi-square value for each word is given, with
the values marked where they exceeded critical
values (at any of three levels of significance) so
one might infer that the LOB-Brown difference
was non-random.
Looking at the LOB-Brown comparison, we find
that this is true for very many words, and for
almost all very common words. Most of the time,
the null hypothesis is defeated. Does this show that
all those words have systematically different patterns of usage in British and American English?
To test this, I took two corpora which were indisputably of the same language type: each was a
random subset of the written part of the British
National Corpus (BNC). The sampling was as
follows: all texts shorter than 20,000 words were
excluded. This left 820 texts, for each of which a
frequency list for the first 20,000 running words
was generated. Half the lists were then randomly
assigned to each of two subcorpora. Frequency
lists for each subcorpus were generated. For each
word occurring in either subcorpus, the
term which would have contributed to a chi-square
calculation was determined. If the two corpora
were random samples of words – not texts – drawn
from the same population, the error term would
not vary systematically with the frequency of the
word, and the average error term would be 0.5. In
fact, as the table shows, average values for the
error term are far greater than that, and tend to
increase as word frequency increases.
(Words in
First item
in class
POS Mean
term for
items in
First 10
the DET 18.76
Next 10
for PREP 17.45
Next 20
not NOT 14.39
Next 40
have V-BASE 10.71
Next 80
also ADV 7.03
Next 160
know V-INF 6.40
Next 320
six CARD 5.30
Next 640
finally ADV 6.71
Next 1280
plants N-PL 6.05
Next 2560
pocket N-SING 5.82
Next 5120
represent V-BASE 4.53
Next 10240
peking PROPER 3.07
Next 20480
fondly ADV 1.87
Next 40960
chandelier N-SING 1.15
As the averages indicate, the error term is very
often greater than 0.5 × 7.88 = 3.94, the relevant
critical value of the chi-square statistic. As in the
LOB-Brown comparison, for very many words,
including most common words, the null hypothesis is defeated.
This reveals a bald, obvious fact about language.
Words are not selected at random. There is no a
priori reason to expect them to behave as if they
had been, and indeed they do not. The LOBBrown differences cannot in general be interpreted as British-American differences: it is in the
nature of language that any two collections of
texts, covering a wide range of registers (and
comprising, say, less than a thousand samples of
over a thousand words each) will show such differences. While it might seem plausible that oddities would in some way balance out to give a
population that was indistinguishable from one
where the individual words (as opposed to the
texts) had been randomly selected, this turns out
not to be the case.
Let us look closer at why this occurs. A key word
in the last paragraph is ‘indistinguishable’. In hypothesis testing, the objective is generally to see if
the population can be distinguished from one that
has been randomly generated – or, in our case, to
see if the two populations are distinguishable from
two populations which have been randomly generated on the basis of the frequencies in the joint
corpus. Since words in a text are not random, we
know that our corpora are not randomly generated.
The only question, then, is whether there is enough
evidence to say that they are not, with confidence.
In general, where a word is more common, there
is more evidence. This is why a higher proportion
of common words than of rare ones defeat the null
The original question was not about which words
are random but about which words are most distinctive. It might seem that these are converses,
and that the words with the highest values for the
chi-square statistic – those for which the null
hypothesis is most soundly defeated – will also be
the ones which are most distinctive to one corpus
or the other. Where the overall frequency for a
word in the joint corpus is held constant, this is
valid, but as we have seen, for very common
words, high chi-square values are associated with
the sheer quantity of evidence and are not necessarily associated with a pre-theoretical notion of
4. Burstiness
As Church and Gale (1995) say, words come in
bursts; unlike lightning, they often strike twice.
Where a word occurs once in a text, you are
substantially more likely to see it again than if it
had not occurred once. A single document containing w is relatively likely to contain a ‘burst’ of
w’s, so whichever corpus contains that document,
will contain more w’s than is compatible with the
null hypothesis. We require a test which does not
give undue weight to single documents with a high
count for w.
A test meeting this criterion is the Mann-Whitney
(also known as Wilcoxon) ranks test1
. To perform
this test, we use frequency of occurrence to rank
the data, and then use ranks rather than frequency
to compute the statistic. The test proceeds as follows. The corpora to be compared are each divided
into a number of equal-sized parts (for purposes
of illustration, we use five). Suppose the frequencies for X are
12 24 15 18 88
and for Y are
3 3 13 27 33
As the subcorpora that these frequencies are based
on are all of the same size, the figures are directly
comparable. They are now placed in rank order, a
record being kept of the corpus they come from:
Count: 3 3 12 13 15 18 24 27 33 88
Rank: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The ranks associated with the corpus with the
smaller number of samples (or either, where, as
here, there are equal numbers for each) are summed: for Y, 1+2+4+8+9=24. This sum is compared with the value that would be expected, on the
basis of the null hypothesis. These values are
tabulated (at various significance levels) in statistics textbooks. If the null hypothesis were true,
95% of the time the statistic would be in the range
18.37–36.63: 24 is within this range, so there is no
evidence against the null hypothesis.
A complication arises where two samples have the
same number of hits so they cannot be straightforwardly ranked. Recommended practice here is to,
first, give all X’s higher ranks, and then repeat
giving all Y’s higher ranks. If the two methods
give different conclusions, the test is not applicable.
5. LOB-Brown comparison
The LOB and Brown both contain 2,000-wordlong texts, so the numbers of occurrences of a
word are directly comparable across all samples in
both corpora. Had all 500 texts from each of LOB
and Brown been used as distinct samples for the
purposes of the ranks test, most counts would have
been zero for all but very common words and the
test would have been inapplicable. To make it
applicable, it was necessary to agglomerate texts
into larger samples. Ten samples for each corpus
were used, each sample comprising 50 texts and
100,000 words. Texts were randomly assigned to
one of these samples (and the experiment was
repeated ten times, to give different random assignments, and the results averaged.) Following
some experimentation, it transpired that most
words with a frequency of 30 or more in the joint
LOB and Brown had few enough zeroes for the
test to be applicable, so tests were carried out for
just those words, 5,733 in number.
The results were as follows. For 3,418 of the
words, the null hypothesis was defeated (at a
97.5% significance level). In corpus statistics, this
sort of result is not surprising. Few words comply
with the null hypothesis, but then the null hypothesis has little appeal: there is no a priori reason
to expect any word to have exactly the same frequency of occurrence on both sides of the Atlantic.
We are not in fact concerned with whether the null
hypothesis holds: rather, we are interested in the
words that are furthest from it. The minimum and
maximum possible values for the statistic were 55
and 155, with a mean of 105, and we define a
threshold for ‘significantly British’ (sB) of 75, and
for ‘significantly American’ (sA), of 135.
The distribution curve was ‘bell-shaped’, one tail
being sA and the other sB. There were 216 sB
words and 288 sA words. They showed the same
spread of frequencies as the whole population: the
inter-quartile range for joint frequencies for the
whole population was 44–147; for the sA it was
49–141 and for sB, 58–328. In contrast to the
chi-square test, frequency-related distortion had
been avoided.
The sA and sB words were classified as follows:
Code Mnemonic Example sA sB
s Spelling color/colour;
30 23
e Equivalent toward/towards;
15 17
n Name los, san, united;
london, africa,
45 24
c Cultural negro, baseball,
jazz; royal, chap,
38 26
? Unclear e, m, w ... (to be
10 10
o Other 154 116
Totals 288 216
The items with distinct spellings occupied the
extreme tails of the distribution. All other items
were well distributed.
The first four categories serve as checks: if we had
not identified the items in these classes as sA and
sB, then our method would not have been working. It is the items in the ‘others’ category which
are interesting. The three highest-scoring sA ‘others’ are ‘entire’, ‘several’ and ‘location’. None of
these are identified as particularly American (or
as having any particularly American uses) in any
of four 1995 Learners’ dictionaries of English
which claim to cover both varieties of the language. Of course it does not follow from the frequency
difference that there is a semantic or other difference that a dictionary should mention, but the
‘others’ list does provide a list of words for which
lexicographers might want to examine whether
there is some such difference.
1 A survey of other statistics which have been
used for this purpose is available in Kilgarriff
This work is supported by the EPSRC, Grant
K18931, SEAL. The idea of using the MannWhitney test emerged from a discussion with Ted
Dunning and Mark Lauer.
Kenneth Church and William Gale. Poisson Mixtures. Journal of Natural Language Engineering, 1(2):163–190.
Knut Hofland and Stig Johansson. 1982. Word
Frequencies in British and American English.
The Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, Bergen, Norway.
Adam Kilgarriff. 1996. Which words are particularly characteristic of a text? A survey of statistical approaches. In: Language Engineering
for Document Analysis and Recognition. Proceedings, AISB Workshop, Falmer, Sussex.
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In review
Hosted at University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway
June 25, 1996 - June 29, 1996
147 works by 190 authors indexed
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