Indiana University, Bloomington
Several encoding projects which focus on women's writing follow the TEI Guidelines for textual encoding. However, there is great leeway in using the TEI, and these projects have developed local practices for and approaches to encoding texts that may differ from other women writers projects. In some cases, the practices arise from local interests and concerns; the Minnesota project on women's travel writing will encode elements of geographic location not encoded in other projects. In other cases, the texts included in the project suggest differing approaches to encoding; the early modern publications included in the Brown Women Writers Project differ significantly in bibliographic features from the 19th century publications in the Victorian Women Writers Project. Some projects have chosen the TEILite DTD, while others are using the complete TEI DTD. This choice reflects a difference both in approach and in capacity. TEILite is limited to 150 or so basic elements, and does not allow the kind of "deep encoding" for which other projects strive. Despite these differences, there are many reasons to attempt to find compatable encoding practices, in order to allow for future interoperability of the collections. There are ways that we can agree on attribute naming and ID systems, for instance, that will make it possible in the future to use texts from different projects together. Also, projects can document editorial practices, source documents, and other metadata, in the header in similar ways. There is also the necessity, given the sparse resources available to most of these projects, not to duplicate efforts. These goals can be achieved through adequate communication. This paper will report on the efforts of several projects to cooperate, in the attempt to create a vast collection of primary texts and secondary information by and about women.
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In review
Hosted at Debreceni Egyetem (University of Debrecen) (Lajos Kossuth University)
Debrecen, Hungary
July 5, 1998 - July 10, 1998
109 works by 129 authors indexed
Conference website:
Attendance: ~60 (