Meaning and Mining: the Impact of Implicit Assumptions in Data Mining for the Humanities

  1. 1. D. Sculley

    Department of Computer Science - Tufts University

  2. 2. Brad Pasanek

    Annenberg School for Communication - University of Southern California

Work text
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In working across and between disciplines, it is the tacit
assumptions that may be most destructive to meaningful
collaboration. Ours is a state of mutual ignorance, and the goals
and practice of the professional literary historian and the
machine-learning researcher are equally obscure. But in
collaboration mutual ignorance becomes an opportunity for
self-reflection, clarification, and the speaking of what is usually
unspoken. Willard McCarty writes, “Computational form, which
accepts only that which can be told explicitly and precisely”
proves “useful for isolating ... tacit and inchoate” knowledge
(256). Collaborators are forced to set out a program in detail,
one that is mutually comprehensible but also one that delivers
results that are simultaneously meaningful in two disciplines.
In this paper, we discuss the tacit assumptions that accompany
data set preparation, hypothesis testing, and data exploration
in order to deliver prescriptive claims. We propose a
communication protocol designed to bring hidden and tacit
assumptions into plain view where they may be discussed and
analyzed. This paper is the third in a series of collaborative
efforts undertaken by the two authors. It is informed by real
experience working together: working often at cross purposes,
garbling a common language, but ultimately producinresults
that are of interest to both computer scientists and literary
Transforming literary content into data for machine learning
methods requires the adoption of a number of initial
assumptions, each of which significantly impacts the final
results. First, the collaborators must select or design an
appropriate data representation. The selection of a bag of words
model may be one such decision, but other feature mappings
such as parse trees or link structure graphs may be more
informative for a given task. Once the textual material is
represented, we must decide upon a method of feature
weighting; that is, we must decide if some features are more important than others and how much so. Because many learning
methods prove intractable when working with very large
numbers of features, feature selection is necessary in order to
enable computation. Sophisticated, ambiguous, unstable texts
must be normalized to make comparisons across texts
meaningful—so that the choice of normalization method is
critical. So, too, are methods of noise filtering. There are no
clear objective choices among methods, because each choice
introduces a set of assumptions and biases. We demonstrate
these difficulties with experiments on a range of literary data.
A loose analogy is here drawn as the literary scholar may choose
to cite post-colonial theory to the exclusion of queer theory or
practice close reading to the exclusion of historical analysis.
We do not argue that structuring assumptions be minimized or
eliminated--this is impossible--but we do make the case that in
interdisciplinary work especially, it is important for the impact
of each assumption to be assessed and reported at the outset.
The critic is often a bricoleur, borrowing from literary theory
in promiscuous fashion. In preparing data, bricolage is not a
ready option and the collaborators must make painful
The use of machine learning for the testing of literary claims
also has several potential pitfalls. The broadest is the impact
of the No Free Lunch Theorem, which states that there can be
no single machine-learning algorithm that gives optimal
performance on all data sets. The choice of a learning algorithm
entails, again, the adoption of tacit assumptions about the
underlying structure of the data. We may assume that data is
linearly separable (which is often a true assumption in text
classification), or that the data examples are statistically
independent of one another (which is often false in the text
domain). As we demonstrate experimentally, these assumptions
carry significant impact on the results of the data mining. In
the literary domain, selection bias seems particularly
problematic as we navigate the politics of canon formation, the
difficulty of defining of genre, and the vagaries of influence--all
of which trouble the initial selection of texts.
An important question in both machine learning and literature
is that of generalization. Do the results and models we discover
apply only to our particular data set (as in the case of rote
learning), or do these patterns also describe new periods and
genres, data we have not yet investigated? In truth,
machine-learning methods can never guarantee generalization.
However, they do offer statistical bounds on the probability
that a model will generalize. According to the Probably
Approximately Correct paradigm of computational learning
theory, a model that achieves a given level of accuracy on a
training data set will likely achieve a predicted level of accuracy
on a test data set from the same distribution. The computer
scientist emphasizes that generalization bounds are only valid
under assumptions of statistical independence in the training
data. Care must be taken in the literary domain to ensure that
probabilistic assumptions are satisfied. Otherwise, the findings
may reflect little more than the selection bias of the investigator.
We provide concrete examples of these issues using data from
literary analysis, and give guidelines for determining when a
generalization assumption may or may not be valid.
The literary scholar often turns to computational methods to
explore large numbers of texts--more texts than one human
could ever read closely. In this last case, the scholar may not
have a hypothesis to test, but is instead looking for new
perspectives on literary history. In a word, the literary scholar
hopes to be surprised by the computer scientist. However,
surprise is too easy a commodity to supply in data mining.
Consider that some of the first literary data miners were the
Dadaists and Surrealists, who produced poetry by cutting a
printed text nto pieces and pulling those pieces randomly from
a bag. In machine learning, this method of textual analysis is
known as Gibbs sampling (Duda), and has been used in recent
work on probabilistic author-topic modeling (Steyvers). This
sort of surprise, however, may not be that which a literary
scholar desires--it may not be a meaningful surprise. Thus, the
scholar must define for the machine-learning specialist exactly
what sort of surprises are desired, so that the appropriate data
mining methods may be applied. This is a curious hermeneutic
circle--the critic worries that requesting a particular kind of
surprise effectively removes true surprise from the process.
Data exploration requires a bound on the unknowns to be
meaningful and productive. We adduce examples of this need
with experiments in anomaly detection on literary data.
Data exploration may be performed by employing data
visualization techniques, or by using unsupervised methods of
machine learning such as clustering. In both of these situations,
it is important to keep the cartographer's dilemma in mind. In
order to understand large data sets in high-dimensional space
both the literary scholar and the computer scientist require some
form of dimensionality reduction. While reductive methods
may, indeed, enable new insights, they may also produce
artifacts--strange islands analogous to the distorted, massive
projection of Greenland on most two-dimensional maps of the
world--that give a distorted view of the underlying structure.
Two specific dangers, then, accompany data exploration. The
first is that a distorted artifact, a picture, may be mistaken for
an underlying truth. The second is that once a data set has been
fully explored, it may no longer be valid to use it for hypothesis
testing. An exhausted data set prompts us to move on to a new
set of texts, to generalize as discussed above. But moving to a
new set of data, we often discover that our hypothesis is not
portable and fails to generalize. The history of literature is a
"collective system," as described by Franco Moretti in Graphs,
Maps, and Trees (4), but law-like generalizations are difficult
to frame and even harder to transport from text collection to
text collection: we discover patterns, yes, and congruent patterns may be discovered in different collections. To say more is to
abandon many of the certainties that the literary scholar had
hoped machine learning would provide him with. In preparing
a data set we construct a system; leaving that data set behind
we leave behind its artificial systematicity as well. Here the
literary scholar is surprised to find the computer scientist a
more thoroughgoing poststructuralist than himself.
It may seem that data mining offers no more claims to
objectivity than literary scholarship -- and indeed, from a certain
perspective, this is the case. At its worst, data mining and
visualization techniques produce mere inkblots that do little
more than manifest the hidden (and indeed, perhaps even
unknown) biases of the researchers. However, these explorations
gain in consequence as the tacit assumptions of both the literary
scholar and the data miner are clearly stated. To assist in
foregrounding assumptions, we propose a protocol for
researchers in these disparate fields. This protocol includes
ways of talking about patterns in a common language, for
defining meaningful data representations, and for selecting
appropriate statistical assumptions. Only when careful
preparatory work is done can data mining have a claim to
meaning in the humanities.
Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork. Pattern Classification.
2nd Edition. Wiley-Interscience, 2000.
McCarty, Willard. "Modeling: A Study in the Meaning of
Words." A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan
Schreibman, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth. Malden, MA:
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004. 255-70.
Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees. London: Verso, 2005.
Salzberg, Steven. "On Comparing Classifiers: Pitfalls to Avoid
and a Recommended Approach." Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery 1.3 (1997): 317-328.
Steyvers, M., P. Smyth, M. Rosen-Zvi, and T. Griffiths.
"Probabilistic Author-Topic Models for Information Discovery."
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGKDD international
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. New
York: ACM Press, 2004. 306-315.

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Conference Info


ADHO - 2007

Hosted at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States

June 2, 2007 - June 8, 2007

106 works by 213 authors indexed

Series: ADHO (2)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None