Oxford University
Universität Tübingen (University of Tubingen / Tuebingen)
Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Short description
Many researchers in the digital humanities will have heard of CLARIN, and the efforts to build a persistent, reliable and sustainable infrastructure for language resources and tools. Since the first plans in 2008 CLARIN has been under way, first in a preparatory phase project to prepare the way for funding and to set up the organizational structures, and since 2011 in the construction phase to build infrastructure services and integrate resources. CLARIN aims to provide services to support and faciliate support the use of digital language resources and tools in the humanities and social sciences, and has been adopted as a key service in the national roadmaps for research infrastructure in numerous European countries. Now is a good time to ask "What can CLARIN do for me?" and "What can I do for CLARIN?". This tutorial workshop will aim to give a practical introduction to CLARIN ,focussing on providing answers to these key questions.
The workshop will include following topics:
How can I find resources using CLARIN?
Locating resources using the Virtual Language Observatory (VLO)
Searching for and in resources with Federated Content Search
Accessing resources via the PID
How can CLARIN archive and curate my resources?
Depositing services
Identifying the right archive
Recommendations on the creation and archiving of resources from the CLARIN community
How can I use CLARIN to make more impact with my research?
Citing data using PIDs (Citation recommendations)
Open access policy to data (reuse of research data)
How can I integrate my tools and services with the CLARIN infrastructure?
making a repository known to CLARIN
making a service known to CLARIN
integrating tools as web services in existing environments
How can I do research with CLARIN?
showcases of exemplary collaborative research in the Humanities
opportunities for future collaborations
The anticipated audience will fall into two categories (although a significant number of individuals will play both roles): (i) creators, developers and curators of language resources and tools, and (ii) researchers in the humanities and social sciences who are users or potential users of these resources and tools. The workshop hopes to offer something to both categories of people, and to gain extra benefits to all by bringing them together, and allowing users to understand how services are built and maintained, and for developers to understand more about how researchers use services.
Among the outcomes will be a series of accessible guides, or HOW-TOs, online on the CLARIN portal, and maintained and updated by CLARIN staff. Organizers and speakers will attend with funding from national CLARIN initiatives. The CLARIN European coordinating office will offer bursaries for early career and postgraduate researchers to attend the workshop.
The session will be half a day, with 3 hours of sessions plus breaks. A suggested timetable is given below.
09:00 registration
09:30 Welcome and introductions
09:45 How can I find resources using CLARIN?
10:30 break
11:00 How can CLARIN archive and curate my resources?
11:30 How can I use CLARIN to make more impact with my research?
11:45 How can I integrate my tools and services with the CLARIN infrastructure?
12:00 How can I do research in the humanities with CLARIN?
13:00 end
Martin Wynne is Director for User Involvement for the CLARIN European Research Infrastructure, and a senior research support officer and digital research specialist at the University of Oxford. He has worked in corpus linguistics and related areas for more than twenty years, and has played a leading role in a number of support and infrastructure services such as the Oxford Text Archive, Arts and Humanities Data Service, and Project Bamboo, and he was the originator of the Digital Humanities at Oxford initiative.
Thorsten Trippel works in the area of language resource management and is a specialist on metadata for language resources, representation models and infrastructures. His expertise also covers lexical resources and terminology, text technology and repository systems. As a national expert in standardization of language resources he works on Persistent Identification of Language Resources, metadata formats and data categories, both in national and international standardization settings. Within CLARIN he is involved in operations on the European level and is one of the coordinators of the German CLARIN-D, especially focusing on the requirements from the Humanities and Social Sciences for the research infrastructure.
Christoph Draxler is the representative for spoken language resources in CLARIN-D. He is located at the Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. He has collaborated in many large-scale speech data collection projects such as SpeechDat, Ph@ttSessionz, or VOYS. His research interests are speech databases and web-based tools for speech recording, annotation, online experiments and speech-related crowdsourcing. draxler@phonetik.uni-muenchen.de
Tutors and presenters will be selected from the CLARIN community and networks on the basis of their expertise and presentation skills. Bursaries to cover the costs of participation will be available from CLARIN.
If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.
Hosted at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Université de Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland
July 7, 2014 - July 12, 2014
377 works by 898 authors indexed
XML available from https://github.com/elliewix/DHAnalysis (needs to replace plaintext)
Conference website: https://web.archive.org/web/20161227182033/https://dh2014.org/program/
Attendance: 750 delegates according to Nyhan 2016
Series: ADHO (9)
Organizers: ADHO