New approaches to epigraphic problems in Roman history

  1. 1. E.J. Jory

    No affiliation given

Conference Info


ACH/ICCH - 1973

Hosted at University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

July 20, 1973 - July 22, 1973

29 works by 38 authors indexed

(Index appears in Trove link Items here are a selection of papers presented at the conference as published in "Computers in the Humanities." In all, 115 works were presented at the conference, but only a fraction were represented in those proceedings and are thus available in this index.

References: Computers in the Humanities, ed. J. L. Mitchell, Edinburgh University Press, 1974 (proceedings of the conference held in Minneapolis, 1973).

Series: ACH/ICCH (1)

Organizers: ACH
