ARTFL Project - University of Chicago
Digital Library Development Center - University of Chicago
ARTFL Project - University of Chicago
ARTFL Project - University of Chicago
ARTFL Project - University of Chicago
This presentation will demonstrate how PhiloLogic 31 uses
a mixed processing mode to leverage both the efficiency
of relational databases and the richness of TEI-XML encoding.
We will discuss the specific scripting and database techniques
used to enable fast execution of object level searches on large
collections of electronic texts. We will also show how this
stand-off model can be extended to allow for more complex
nested object and word searching.
By way of background and context, PhiloLogic is a full-text
search, analysis, and retrieval tool developed by the ARTFL
Project and the Digital Library Development Center at the
University of Chicago. The main purpose of PhiloLogic is to
run word searches on large corpora of literary texts and to
display results quickly. The system supports full boolean and
proximity searches and provides a number of reporting
functions, including KWICs, collocation tables and a variety
of word frequency breakdowns. To achieve the required speed,
PhiloLogic pre-indexes each word, storing byte offsets in a flat
file. PhiloLogic handles document structure, currently extending
down to seven levels of depth, in a similar manner, abstracting
a structure by assigning numbers to each nested object-level of
each document. Thus, on the general continuum of database
systems, from pure (or native) XML systems like eXist to
traditional SQL systems like MySQL, PhiloLogic falls
somewhere in the middle.2 It is not just a word search engine.
Rather, it uses an abstract representation of document structure,
shredding the XML into sets of related database tables. This
means that PhiloLogic can process TEI-XML or a variety of
other document encoding schemes by extracting structural
information from available text tagging. Storing both
bibliographic data and object-level data in SQL tables,
PhiloLogic can search document structure and refine word
searching by using the shredded XML.
In the first part of our presentation, we will explain how
PhiloLogic stores object-level data in MySQL for flexible and
speedy results retrieval. PhiloLogic extracts metadata at various
object depths from full-text documents and outputs that data
into flat files. Called dividx.raw and subdividx.raw, these flat
files contain object-level addresses and attributes of those
objects. These flat files can be loaded into MySQL either
manually, after PhiloLogic indexing finishes, or automatically,
using the generated SQL scripts, load.database.sql and
load.subdoctables.sql. When the user then executes a div-level
search, the PhiloLogic search engine queries these tables,
refining search results dynamically.
The user can thus limit searches to individual speakers, speaker
genders, or other meta-characteristics, within a corpus of plays,
a selection of acts, or even within scenes in individual works.
Here is an example of dividx.raw from a database of plays:
5:1 Characters castlist 5
The first field contains the document id and the object-level
separated by a colon. Here, counting up from zero, this is the
first subobject in the sixth text. The second field contains the
object header. The third denotes what kind of object it is, as
specified in the type attribute of the div tag. The last field
contains the document id again. The file subdividx contains
data about lower level objects, such as individual speakers'
0:2:0:0:3 speaker CH00016 Lizette Grimaud F
Businessman's wife French White Heterosexual 0
Once again, the first field contains the specific address of the
object. The second field denotes that the object is a speaker tag.
The rest of the fields contain metadata about the specific
character. These stand-off tables allow the user to delimit word
searches by speaker and speaker characteristics.
When applied to digitized dictionaries, this functionality allows
the user to restrict searching to headwords, as opposed to article
or entry bodies. A line from the divindex.raw from an Urdu
0:1:538 अपुष्पित apushpit article अपुष्पित _apushpit 0 0 The first field, of course, is the object address for the headword.
The following fields contain the headword in both romanized
and UTF-8 formats.
In the second part of the presentation, we will show how
PhiloLogic can be modified to talk to standoff concordance
tables, not loaded into MySQL, that enable the user to search
for alternate and variant forms of words. The indexing engine
creates a flat, single-field concordance file, called words.R,
containing the surface forms of every word in a database. After
the load, the database administrator can run a simple script on
this file to convert it into a multi-field table, called
words.R.wom. By making a few standard edits to the word
exploder, crapser, searches can be executed for simplified,
lemmatized, or transliterated forms of each word. To cite an
example from a collection of classical Greek texts, the
words.R.wom file has fields that contain a non-accented Greek
form of the word, the original form, and a romanized form:
συναγαπαν συναγαπν sunagapan
Any of these forms can be entered into the keyword search field
to find the original, indexed word. On the search page, the user
clicks a radio button to indicate which form she is entering.
This selection triggers a subroutine in the word exploder that
finds the entered form in words.R.wom, finally passing the
indexed form to the search engine.
The extensions discussed above have been fully implemented
to address the needs of particular projects. Looking forward,
we have begun work on a new extension to the core PhiloLogic
system to support several text mining tasks in conjunction with
the standard full-text analysis capabilties. This effort, currently
named "Philomine,"3 will allow users to do perform text mining
tasks on user selected subsets of a PhiloLogic database,
facilitating comparative analyses of stylistic and content features
at the document level. The first stage will use a set of freely
avilable Perl modules, including SVMLight, naive-Bayesian,
and decision tree modules. This will give the user a choice of
algorithms when running data mining experiments. Result sets
will be linked to the search functions of PhiloLogic, allowing
for rapid inspection of text mining results. We hope that
PhiloLogic extensions, coupled with these widely tested
machine learning tools, will allow humanists to bring a new
level of computational rigor to textual analysis and to broaden
its scope, revealing differences and similarities across large
textual corpora.
1. PhiloLogic is an open source software for Linux, OS-X, and Solaris
systems used by a number of Digital Humanities projects. Please
consult <>
for additional information and recent releases.
2. For more on XML versus relational database systems, and options
in between, see these articles: "Comparing XML and relational
storage: A best practices guide," March 2005; Davies, Mark, "The
advantage of using relational databases for large corpora: Speed,
advanced queries, and unlimited annotation", International Journal
of Corpus Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 3, 2005, pp. 307-334;
Lapis, George, "XML and Relational Storage – Are they mutually
exclusive?", XTech 2005: XML, the Web and beyond, May 25-7,
Amsterdam; Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., and Taniar, D.,
"Preserving Composition in XML Object Relational Storage",
19th International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications (AINA 2005), 2, IEEE Computer
Society, pp. 695-700, Taipei, Taiwan.
3. Suggested pronunciation: "Feelomeen," like the French feminine
If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.
Hosted at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States
June 2, 2007 - June 8, 2007
106 works by 213 authors indexed
Conference website:
Series: ADHO (2)
Organizers: ADHO