Documentary Applications

multipaper session
  1. 1. James Humphry III

    Metropolitan Museum of Art

Child sessions
  1. A Prototype Comptuerized System for Archaeological Collections, Dee Green
  2. Computer Input Form for Art Works: Problems and Possibilities, Kenneth Lindsay
  3. Data Processing for Information Storage and Retrieval, Stephen E. Furth
  4. Discussion following paper by Alex Ricciardelli, Alex F. Ricciardelli, Barbara LaSalle, Kenneth Lindsay, Robert G. Chenhall, Linda Leonard
  5. Discussion following paper by Robert Chenhall, Viki Tamaradze, Robert G. Chenhall
  6. Inventorying Ethnological Collections in Museums, Alex F. Ricciardelli
  7. The Analysis of Museum Systems, Robert G. Chenhall
Work text
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Conference Info


1968 - Computers and their potential applications in museums - The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Hosted at Metropolitan Museum of Art

New York, New York, United States

April 15, 1968 - April 18, 1968

9 works by 10 authors indexed

Organizers: IBM

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None