Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1850-2000: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters

  1. 1. Shlomo Argamon

    Linguistic Cognition Lab - Illinois Institute of Technology

  2. 2. Russell Horton

    Digital Library Development Center - University of Chicago

  3. 3. Mark Olsen

    ARTFL Project - University of Chicago

  4. 4. Sterling Stuart Stein

    Linguistic Cognition Lab - Illinois Institute of Technology

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

The Black Stage has been an important focus of evolving Black
identity and self-representation, touching on many of the most
contentious issues in American history since
Emancipation—such as migration, exploitation, interracial
unity, racial violence, and civil rights activism (Hill 2003).
Alexander Street Press (ASP), in collaboration with the ARTFL
Project, has developed an extensively tagged database of over
1,200 plays containing 13.3 million words by Black playwrights,
from the middle of the 19th century to the present, including
many previously unpublished works. Like other ASP datasets,
the Black Drama database is remarkable for its detailed
encoding and amount of metadata associated with authors, titles,
acts/scenes, performances, and characters. Of particular interest
for this study are the data available for authors and characters
which are stored as "stand-off mark-up" data tables. The
character table, for example, contains some 13,360 records with
some 30 fields including name(s), race, age, gender, nationality,
ethnicity, occupation, sexual orientation, performers, if a real
person, and type. More extensive information is available for
authors and titles. The character data are joined to each character
speech, giving 562,000 objects that can be queried by the full
range of character attributes. The ARTFL search system,
PhiloLogic, allows for joining of object attribute searches,
forming a matrix of author/title/character searching. For
example, one can search for words in speeches by female, black,
American characters depicted by male, non-American authors
in comedies first published during the first half of the 20th
While user-initiated full-text searches on such author and
character attributes can help answer specific questions, we
believe that advanced text data mining systems have the
potential to reveal important new patterns of variation in general
language use, broken down by various combinations of author
and character attributes. Initial work on racial epithets in this
collection has revealed striking differences in the use of such
language between male and female authors and characters, as
well as American and non-American authors. While illustrative,
such micro-studies can do no more than hint at larger discursive
and representation issues that we believe can be identified by
text mining techniques. Prior studies using text mining for
analyzing variation in language use among different classes of
authors have succeeded in identifying meaningful linguistic
features distinguishing author gender, age, and personality type
(e.g. Argamon et al. 2003, Koppel et al. 2002).
As might be expected of a collection of a particular class of
literary texts, the Black Drama database cannot be considered
a "random" sample. The database contains 963 works by 128
male playwrights and 243 pieces by 53 female playwrights.
Plays by Americans dominate the collection (831 titles), with
the remaining 375 titles representing the works of African and
Caribbean authors. The database contains 317,000 speeches by
8,392 male characters and 192,000 speeches by 4,162 female
characters. There are 336,000 speeches by 7,067 black
characters and 55,000 by 1,834 white characters with a
smattering of speeches by other racial groups. As would be
expected, the predominance of American authors is reflected
in the nationalities of speakers in the plays, with 272,000
speeches, compared with 71,000 by speakers represented as
coming from a variety of African nations.
Using these data, we are examining the degree to which machine
learning can isolate stylistic or content characteristics of authors
and/or characters having particular attributes—gender, race,
and nationality—and the degree to which pairs of
author/character attributes interact. The first step to discover if
lexical style- or content-markers can be found which can be
used to reliably distinguish plays or speeches broken down by
a particular characteristic, such as gender of character. A
positive result would constitute strong evidence for distinctive,
in this case, male and female, character voices in the sample
of plays. If distinctiveness can be shown, we then seek some
'characterization' of the differences found, in terms of
well-defined grammatical or semantic classes. The experimental
protocol which we have been developing for this purpose, as
applied by, e.g., Argamon et al. (2003), addresses both goals
using techniques from machine learning, supplemented by more
traditional computer-assisted text analysis. First, to analyze a corpus of texts for distinctiveness, we need
to determine if effective predictive models can be learned from
the texts, which accurately classify new texts (that the system
has not seen). The standard technique of 10-fold cross-validation
can be used to estimate the usefulness of a learning method for
constructing models that work for 'out-of-sample' data. The
corpus is divided into 10 random subsets, and training is
repeated for each of the 10 sets of 9 of those subsets, with
accuracy of the resulting model is measures on the remaining
subset. The average of these 10 numbers then forms a
reasonably good estimate of how a model learned on the entire
corpus would perform for new data. If this cross-validation
accuracy is high (at least 70% for 50-50 balanced data), we
may conclude that the two classes of texts in the corpus are
linguistically 'distinctive'.
Second, to characterize the difference found (if any), all textual
features extracted (frequencies of lexemes, lemmas,
parts-of-speech, etc.) are ranked by some measure of how each
of them enables prediction of a text's correct class. One such
measure is to use feature weights computed during learning
(for SVM or Naive Bayes learners, which compute such
weights). Features with high weights (positive or negative) are
the most influential in classifying a text as one class or the other
(dependent on the sign of the weight). While a direct measure
of influence, these weights can be difficult to interpret since
the effect of a feature must be considered in the context of all
the other features influencing classification. Another approach
is to use a function that measures the 'distinguishability' of a
feature without regard to other features, such as information
gain or binormal separation (Forman et al. 2003). The downside
here is that some features may be of little use alone, but in
conjunction with others may have great discriminating power.
In the current study we will be examining the usefulness of
multiple measures of both types, and see which approach proves
to be the more useful.
We conducted preliminary tests using the SVM-Light system
(Joachims 1999) with PGPDT (Zanghirati 2004, Zanni 2006)
to build the models. We extracted all speeches with character
gender attributes from the corpus, splitting them into tokenized
word frequency vectors for all authors, all characters, male
authors, female authors, male characters, and female characters.
For each of these, PGPDT built a model to identify authors and
characters by gender.
Table One
As indicated in Table One, the system the system correctly
identified 88.2% of the authors' gender and 77.4% of the
speakers' gender. Performance varied when examining subsets
of the corpus, from 86.6% for gender of author in male
characters to 69.7% for gender of speaker in female authors.
All of these indicators show significant differences in words
used by male and female authors and speakers. The differences
in accuracy in male and female author/character may, however,
result from the fact that male authors tend to include fewer
female characters and that the have fewer words as well as
having fewer female authors in the sample. This is shown in
the Majority row of Table One, which indicates the rate of male
instances for each assessment. For female authors, male
characters constitute 54.5% of the speakers.
We then equalized a test sample for class by discarding
instances until we have a balanced set with an attempt to correct
for word frequencies as well. As shown in Table Two, author
and character gender can be discriminated well. Furthermore,
we see that identification of author gender is consistently more
accurate than gender of speaker.
Table Two
As shown in Table 3, male authors/speakers are correctly
somewhat more often in five of the six cases, with the sole
exception of almost exactly the same correct identification of
speaker gender in female authors.
Table Three
These results suggest that female lexical choices, both used by
authors and depicted in characters, are somewhat less marked
(or more varied) than male use of language. The full paper will
explore this phenomenon in greater detail. While the accuracy
of identification of gender in significant in all the cases we
example, we expect that using some sort of feature set selection,
as in, for example, Hota, Argamon, and Chung (2006), will
improve the precision of the identification.
From this preliminary analysis, it would appear that the
authorial gender is rather more readily identified than the
represented gender in characters. Initial examination of the
features that best predict gender of character, as identified by
information gain, range from the expected (male characters
speak of wives and swear more frequently), to the somewhat opaque, such as the words 'nonsense' and 'reason' being strongly
male associated. It is also important to note that both strongly
male and female character terms in this sample are used at about
the same rates (per 10000 words) by male and female authors.
This suggests that male and female authors are able to use
certain linguistic gender markers effectively. As noted, it is
significant that the machine learning algorithms employed are
less accurate in most cases in identifying female as opposed to
male authors and speakers.
The final paper will report results using similar techniques to
examine the the degree to which additional character attributes
-- race and nationality -- can be distinguished and, if this proves
to be effective, examine the most important features
distinguishing between the language of white and black speakers
and American/non-American speakers. An initial examination
of racial slurs in this dataset suggests that speaker race and
nationality may also be readily identified.
As we have seen, machine learning and text mining techniques
can support higher orders of generalization and characterization
than the more traditional user-driven search methods widely
used in computer-aided textual research. This approach is most
effective when used in relatively constrained experiments where
classification criteria are clearly defined, such as the social
attributes of authors and their characters. Some results may be
trivial on a literary level— of course men talk more of wives
and only women tend to call other women hussies —but such
common sense results allow us to argue that the technique gives
meaningful results, and so odd results should be examined
further, using more traditional systems like PhiloLogic. We
therefore argue that approaching the interpretative process
starting with highly structured and constrained experimental
hypotheses, we can take advantage of machine learning methods
to find new and unexpected foci for examining literary
questions, which may in turn shed new light on critical issues
such as race and gender.
Argamon, Shlomo, Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Fine, and Anat
Rachel Shimoni. "Gender, Genre, and Writing Style in Formal
Written Texts." Text 23.3 (2003).
Forman, George, Isabelle Guyonl, and André Elisseff. "An
Extensive Empirical Study of Feature Selection Metrics for
Text Classification." Journal of Machine Learning Research
3.7-8 (2003): 1289-1305.
Hill, Errol G., and James V. Hatch. A History of African
American Theatre. New York: Cambridge University Press,
Hota, Sobhan, Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, and Iris
Zigdon. "Performing Gender: Automatic Stylistic Analysis of
Shakespeare's Characters." Paper presented at Digital
Humanities 2006, Paris Sorbonne, 5-9 July 2006 . 2006.
Hota, Sobhan, Shlomo Argamon, and Rebecca Chung. "Gender
in Shakespeare: Automatic Stylistics & Gender Character
Classification Using Syntactic, Lexical and Lemma Features."
Paper presented at the Chicago Colloquium on Digital
Humanities and Computer Science, Nov. 2006, Chicago,
Illinois. 2006.
Joachims, Thorsten. "Making large-Scale SVM Learning
Practical." Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector
Learning. Ed. Bernhard Schölkopf , Christopher J. C. Burges
and Alexander J. Smola. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
Koppel, Moshe, Shlomo Argamon, and Anat Rachel Shimoni.
"Automatically Categorizing Written Texts by Author Gender."
Literarcy & Linguistic Computing 17.4 (2002): 401-12.
Olsen, Mark. "Gender Representation and Histoire des
Mentalités: Language and Power in the Trésor de la Langue
Française,." Histoire et Measure VI (1991): 349-73.
Olsen, Mark. "Écriture Féminine: Searching for an Indefinable
Practice?" Literary & Linguistic Computing 20 Supplement 1
(2005): 147-164.
Olsen, Mark. "Making Space: Women's Writing in France,
1600-1950." Paper presented at ALLC/ACH 2004 Conference,
Göteborg, Sweden. 2006.
Zanghirati, Gaetano, and Luca Zanni. "A Parallel Solver for
Large Quadratic Programs in Training Support Vector
Machines." Parallel Computer 29 (2003): 535-551.
Zanni, Luca, Thomas Serafini, and Gaetano Zanghirati. "Parallel
Software for Training Large Scale Support Vector Machines
on Multiprocessor Systems." JMLR 7 (2006): 1467-1492.
Software Sites
• PhiloLogic:
• Parallel GPDT:
• SVM-Light:

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Conference Info


ADHO - 2007

Hosted at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States

June 2, 2007 - June 8, 2007

106 works by 213 authors indexed

Series: ADHO (2)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None