University of Glasgow
New Software Package:A Guide To Scottish Literature on CD
The Course
This course is a comprehensive study of Scottish Literature from the Middle Ages till the present day. It is divided into three historical periods:Medieval and Renaissance Literature 1375-1625; Poetry and Fiction 1750-1900 and Poetry, Fiction and Drama since 1920. The material covers the great representative works of Scottish Literature - the poetry of Robert Burns, the novels of Sir Walter Scott - in more depth than is available in other histories. The material also introduces readers to works which have been neglected but are now being rehabilitated by modern critical effort. In addition, some areas selected for study and some of the criticism itself is new and ground-breaking. The course provides width and depth of study and has a fresh approach.
Its History
The course is based on learning materials written for the degree of Distance-Taught Master of Philosophy which the Department has been offering since 1989. The material was written by members of the Department and represents the largest coherent body of Scottish literary and language criticism in existence. Because the course has been taught over a number of years now, it is established both academically and pedagogically.
Its Uses
The course is completely self-standing. Its interactive nature allows students to check their own understanding, prompts them to consider other issues and enables them to measure their progress. It could be used as part of existing courses in Literature in English or it may be of interest to those wishing to take a general interest in Scottish Literature further.
Scottish Literature And Language Mailing Lists
There are many discussion lists on the Internet, catering for many disciplines. English Literature is well served but we found that there were none specialising in Scottish Literature and Language. STELLA has set up and manages three new lists. Contributions are welcomed from academic staff, undergraduate students and non-academics.
List Addresses: This list is for discussions, announcements and queries by those interested in Scottish Literature or Language before 1700. This list is for discussions, announcements and queries by those interested in 18th century Scottish Literature or Language. This list is for discussions, announcements and queries by those interested in Scottish Literature or Language of the 19th and 20th centuries. This is a list which contains all the members of the above lists.
You can join all the above lists by joining this.
STARN:The Scots Teaching And Research Network 'Starn' is a Scots word meaning 'star' and is the name of our Internet Web site. The Scots Teaching And Research Network collects and makes freely available through the World Wide Web a growing selection of Scottish literary and non-literary materials: prose, poetry, drama, criticism and commentary. These materials are usually difficult to access by other means. They are primarily intended for use by students, educationalists and researchers into varieties of Scots language and aspects of Scottish culture, particularly Scottish literature.
The World Wide Web addresses for STELLA and STARN are:
The Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute is now running an expanding academic programme in humanities computing at introductory, honours, and postgraduate level. It is also in the process of launching a summer school.
Introductory Modules:
Humanities Computing (level one)
Humanities Computing (level two) - under development Honours Modules
Image Processing and Analysis - under development
Introduction to Digitisation for Research and Preservation
Introduction to Text Processing and Analysis Investigating Cybercultures - under development Multimedia Presentation and Development
Postgraduate Modules
Introduction to Cultural and Heritage Computing (MSc/Diploma in IT)
Introduction to Digitisation for Research and Preservation (MSc/Diploma in IT)
Introduction to Text Processing and Analysis (MSc/Diploma in IT)
MPhil Courses
Digital Preservation Studies (in conjunction with the University Archives) - October 1998 Multimedia (in conjunction with Music, Theatre, Film, & Television, and History of Art) - October 1999 (under construction)
Cultural and Heritage Computing - October 1999 (under development)
Summer Schools
Digitisation for Research and Preservation - July 1998 (under development)
If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.
In review
Hosted at Debreceni Egyetem (University of Debrecen) (Lajos Kossuth University)
Debrecen, Hungary
July 5, 1998 - July 10, 1998
109 works by 129 authors indexed
Conference website:
Attendance: ~60 (