DH in 3D: Multidimensional Research and Education in the Digital Humanities

panel / roundtable
  1. 1. Rachel Hendery

    Western Sydney University

  2. 2. Steven Jones

    University of South Florida

  3. 3. Micki Kaufman

    Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY Graduate Center)

  4. 4. Amanda Licastro

    Stevenson University

  5. 5. Angel David Nieves

    Yale University

  6. 6. Kate Richards

    Western Sydney University

  7. 7. Geoffrey Rockwell

    University of Alberta

  8. 8. Lisa M. Snyder

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Work text
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Computing capabilities for rendering high-quality three-dimensional graphics have progressed remarkably in recent years, largely in response to competition in the gaming and defense industries. While public awareness and engagement with virtual reality (VR) and/or augmented reality (AR) platforms has risen sharply, scholars are taking a measured and thoughtful approach, engaging with the new technology while remaining meta-critical about how high-speed computational capabilities like 3D, VR and AR can effectively represent the multiple dimensions in their digital humanities research.

n increasing number of m
ultidimensional projects by digital humanities scholars focus on the modeling and simulation of real, historical physical spaces, and/or the articulation of imaginary or data-derived spaces for pedagogy and research in the humanities. A common thread of the use of three-dimensional representations and techniques is that they are at once both extremely complex and stunningly intuitive, both to render
to interpret. The same paradoxicality can be said of some aspects of digital humanities research. Using algorithms to approach questions of subjectivity and distance, employing visualization to explore voice and genre, and leveraging the virtual to explore the real, multidimensional scholarship likewise applies the rigid logic of computation to understand deeply subjective aspects of the human experience, in
an immersive application of "thick mapping" (c.f. Presner et al 2014)
. The ability for DH to flourish while comprising such internal contradictions suggests the capabilities of multidimensional technology to distill and refine the essential points of complexity by articulating them in those dimensions. In this manner, multidimensional scholarship seeks to reveal the underlying essence of DH projects by employing rich, deep and immersive experiences in pedagogy, data visualization, modeling and simulation.

This panel brings a diverse host of scholars together to demonstrate and discuss their exploration of three-dimensionality, including virtual and augmented reality, in Digital Humanities research. Rachel Hendery and Kate Richards, of Western Sydney University, will describe their group’s experiences of co-designing virtual reality and other 3D experiences with members of Australian First Peoples’ communities, Steven Jones of the University of South Florida at Tampa will present on his research and simulation of
the first dedicated humanities computing center
. Amanda Licastro will discuss her work in critiquing and building VR applications with undergraduate students. Micki Kaufman will show the results of her utilization of three-dimensional interactive spaces for data visualization and storytelling of the Kissinger Correspondence, Angel David Nieves, of Yale University, will discuss the ways in which 3D historical reconstructions can be used as tools for the promotion of social justice advocacy in digital humanities.
In addition, Geoffrey Rockwell of the University of Alberta will report on recent experimentations with augmented reality and the role of play in pedagogy.


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Galeazzia, Fabrizio, Marco Callieri, Matteo Dellepiane, Michael Charno, Julian Richards, and Roberto Scopigno (
2016). “Web-based visualization for 3D data in archaeology: The ADS 3D viewer.”
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Potenziani, Marco, Marco Callieri, Matteo Dellepiane, Massimiliano Corsini, Federico Ponchio, Roberto Scopigno
(2015). “3DHOP: 3D Heritage Online Presenter.”
Computers & Graphics

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Szulborski, David. This is Not A Game. Lulu, 2006.

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info


ADHO / EHD - 2018

Hosted at El Colegio de México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Mexico City, Mexico

June 26, 2018 - June 29, 2018

340 works by 859 authors indexed

Conference website: https://dh2018.adho.org/

Series: ADHO (13), EHD (4)

Organizers: ADHO