Methods for Genre Analysis Applied to Formal Scientific Writing

  1. 1. Paul Chase

    Dept. of Computer Science - Illinois Institute of Technology, Linguistic Cognition Lab - Illinois Institute of Technology

  2. 2. Shlomo Argamon

    Dept. of Computer Science - Illinois Institute of Technology, Linguistic Cognition Lab - Illinois Institute of Technology

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

Genre and its relation to textual style has long been studied, but only recently has it been a candidate
for computational analysis. In this paper, we apply
computational stylistics techniques to the study of genre,
which allows us to analyze large amounts of text
efficiently. Such techniques enable us to compare
rhetorical styles between different genres; in particular, we are studying the communication of scientists through their publications in peer-reviewed journals. Our work examines possible genre/stylistic distinctions between articles in different fields of science, and seeks to relate them to methodological differences between the fields.
We follow Cleland’s (2002) work in this area and divide the sciences broadly into Experimental and Historical
sciences. According to this and other work in the philosophy of science, Experimental science attempts to formulate
general predictive laws, and so relies on repeatable series of controlled experiments that test specific hypotheses
(Diamond 2002), whereas Historical science deals more with contingent phenomena (Mayr 1976), studying
unique events in the past in an attempt to find unifying
explanations for their effects. We consider the four
fundamental dimensions outlined by Diamond (2002,
pp. 420-424):
1. Is the goal of the research to find general laws or statements or ultimate (and contingent) causes? 2. Is evidence gathered by manipulation or by observation?
3. Is research quality measured by accurate prediction or effective explanation?
4. Are the objects of study uniform entities (which are interchangeable) or are they complex entities (which are ultimately unique)?
The present experiment was designed to see if language
features support these philosophical points. These
linguistic features should be topic independent and
representative of the underlying methodology; we are seeking textual clues to the actual techniques used by the writers of these scientific papers. This paper is partially based on our previously presented results (Argamon, Chase & Dodick, 2005).
2 Methodology
2.1 The Corpus
Our corpus for this study is a collection of recent (2003) articles drawn from twelve peer-reviewed journals in six fields, as given in Table 1. The journals were selected based both on their prominence in their respective fields as well as our ability to access them electronically, with two journals chosen per field and three fields chosen from each of Historical and Experimental sciences. Each article was prepared by automatically removing images,
equations, titles, headings, captions, and references,
converting each into a simple text file for further processing.
2.2 Systemic Functional Linguistics
We base our analysis on the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL; Halliday 1994), which construes language as a set of interlocking choices
or systems for expressing meanings, with general choices
constraining the possible more specific choices. SFL
presents a large number of systems, each representing a certain type of functional meaning for a potential utterance.
Each system has conditions constraining its use and
several options; once within a system we can choose but
one option. Specific utterances are constrained by all the systemic options they realize. This approach to language allows the following types of questions to be asked: In
places where a meaning of general type A is to be expressed
in a text, what sorts of more specific meanings are more likely to be expressed in different contexts? We focused on several systems for this study, chosen to correspond with the posited differences between the types of science we study: Expansion, Modality, and Comment (Matthiessen 1995). Expansion describes features linking clauses causally or logically, tying in to dimensions 1 and 4 above. Its three types are: Extension, linking different
pieces of information; Elaboration, deepening a
given meaning via clarification or exemplification; and
Enhancement, qualifying previous information by spatial,
temporal, or other circumstance. The second system,
Modality, relates to how the likelihood, typicality, or
necessity of an event is indicated, usually by a modal
auxiliary verb or an adjunct adverbial group; as such it may serve to indicated differences on dimensions 2, 3, and 4. There are two main types of modality: Modalization,
which quantifies levels of likelihood or frequency, and
Modulation, which qualifies ability, possibility, obligation, or necessity of an action or event. Finally, the system of Comment is one of assessment, comprising a variety of types of ``comment” on a message, assessing the writer’s attitude towards it, its validity or its evidential status; this provides particular information related to dimensions 1 and 3.
In our analysis, it will be most helpful to look at
oppositions, in which an option in a particular system is strongly indicative of one article class (either Experimental or Historical science) while a different option of that same system is indicative of the other class. Such an opposition indicates a meaningful linguistic difference between the classes of articles, in that each prefers a distinctive way (its preferred option) of expressing the same general meaning.
2.3 Computational analysis
Because hand analysis is impractical on large
document sets the first analyses were done via
computer. We built a collection of keywords and phrases indicating each option in the aforementioned systems. Each document is first represented by a numerical vector corresponding to the relative frequencies of each option within each system. From here, machine learning was
applied in the form of the SMO (Platt 1998) algorithm as implemented on the Weka machine learning toolkit (Witten & Frank 1999), using 10-fold cross-validation in order
to evaluate classification effectiveness. This method was chosen in part because it generates weights for each
feature; a feature has high weight (either positive or negative)
if it is strongly indicative for one or the other class. 2.4 Human annotation
To measure the validity of our computational analysis,
we are also performing hand tagging of systemic
features on a subset of the corpus articles. Two articles from
each journal have been chosen, each to be tagged by two trained raters. Part of the tagging process is to highlight key words or phrases indicating each option; we will compare these statistics to our previously generated feature lists in order to test and refine them. The tagging is currently under way; we will present results at the conference.
4 Results
To determine the distinctiveness of Historical and Experimental scientific writing, the machine learning
techniques described above were applied to pairs of
journals, giving for each pair a classification accuracy indicating how distinguishable one journal was from the other. These results are shown in Figure 1, divided into four subsets: Same, where both journals are from the same
science; Hist and Exper with pairs of journals from different sciences, but the same type; and Diff indicates pairings of Historical journals with Experimental ones. The thick black line indicates the mean for each set, and the outlined box represents the standard deviation. As we see, journal pairs become more distinguishable as their methodological
differences increase. Interestingly, Historical journals
appear more stylistically homogenous than the Experimental
journals, which is a subject for further study.
This shows that SFL is capable of discriminating between the different genres presented. We also examined the most important features across the 36 trials between different journals. The most consistently indicative-those features that are ranked highest for a class in at least 25 trials-are
presented in Table 2. The table is arranged as a series of
oppositions: the features on each row are in the same system,
one side indicating Historical, the other Experimental.
In the system of Expansion, we see an opposition of
Extension and Enhancement for Historical and Experimental
sciences, respectively. This implies more independent
information units in Historical science, and more focused storylines within Experimental science. Furthermore, there are oppositions inside both systems, indicating a
preference for contrasting information (Adversative) and contextualization (Matter) in Historical science and for supplementary Information (Additive) and time-space (Spatiotemporal) relations in Experimental science. The system of Comment also supports the posited
differences in the sciences. The Experimental sciences’ preference for Predictive comments follows directly from their focus on predictive accuracy. On the Historical side, Admissive comments indicate opinions (as opposed to
factual claims), similarly Validative comments show a
concern with qualifying the validity of assertions,
comprising more of strong evidence than rigid proofs.
Finally in Modality we see interesting contrasted features. On the top level we have near-perfect opposition between
Modalization and Modulation in general; Historical sciences speak of what is ‘normal’ or ‘likely’, while Experimental sciences assess what ‘must’ or ‘is able’ to happen.
5 Conclusion
This work is the first step in developing new
automated tools for genre analysis, which promises the possibility of automatically analyzing large corpora
efficiently or stylistic aspects while giving human
interpretable results. The specific research presented has implications for the understanding of the relationship between scientific methodology and its linguistic realizations,
and may also have some impact on science education.
Future work (beyond the hand annotation and analysis already in progress) includes looking into stylistic variation within different article sections, as well as other analysis techniques (such as principle components analysis). Table 1: Journals used in the study; the top represents historical fields with experimental sciences below. Figure 1: Learning accuracy for distinguishing articles in different pairs of journals. ‘Same’ are pairs where both journals are in the same field, ‘Historical’ and ‘Experimental’ represent pairs of journals in different Historical and Experimental fields, and ‘Different’ pairs of journals where one journal is experimental and the other historical.
Means and standard deviation ranges are shown. System
Admissive(30) Validative(32)
Modality Type
Modality Value
Table 2. Consistent indicator features within each of the
systems used in the study. Numbers in parentheses show in how many paired-classification tests the feature names was
an indicator for the given class of documents.
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Conference Info



Hosted at Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne University)

Paris, France

July 5, 2006 - July 9, 2006

151 works by 245 authors indexed

The effort to establish ADHO began in Tuebingen, at the ALLC/ACH conference in 2002: a Steering Committee was appointed at the ALLC/ACH meeting in 2004, in Gothenburg, Sweden. At the 2005 meeting in Victoria, the executive committees of the ACH and ALLC approved the governance and conference protocols and nominated their first representatives to the ‘official’ ADHO Steering Committee and various ADHO standing committees. The 2006 conference was the first Digital Humanities conference.

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Series: ACH/ICCH (26), ACH/ALLC (18), ALLC/EADH (33), ADHO (1)

Organizers: ACH, ADHO, ALLC

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None