University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Discovering the differences in the language usage of native
and non-native speakers contributes to contrastive
linguistics research and second language acquisition. Unlike
grammatical errors, the language usage differences are
grammatically correct, but somehow do not conform to the
native expressions. For example, if an English phrase is used
popularly in a native English speaker group (G1) but not in a
Chinese speaker group (G2), or vice versa, one possible reason
may be first language (L1) impact on second language (L2).
Such an impact may be due to grammar differences or even
culture differences.
Isolating the language usage differences is never an easy task.
There are generally two approaches to detect such differences:
controlled experiments and corpus-based analysis. Many
English as a Second Language (ESL) studies were conducted
in a controlled environment, for example, through manually
comparing the short in-class writing samples by a small number
of college students in G1 and G2. The small data sets and the
small subject groups undermined the result generalization
because conflicting results were sometimes produced regarding
the same language usage.
In contrast, corpus-based approaches (for example,
computational stylistics) facilitate analysis of larger sample
sets written by many subjects. Such approaches involve three
major steps: 1) building a corpus of two comparable subsets;
2) automatically extracting a language usage feature set; 3)
selecting a subset of the features that distinguishes G1 and G2.
Given a corpus and a feature set, we can transform the above
task into a text categorization problem. The goal is to categorize
the texts by the authors' language background. Picking the
subset is then transformed into the feature selection problem
in text categorization.
Oakes used Chi-square test to find vocabulary subsets more
typical of British English or American English. Oakes' work
focused on identifying two feature categories: (1) the features
common in G1 but not in G2; and (2) the features common in
G2 but not in G1, while we hypothesize the existence of a third
discriminative feature category (3): features common in both
G1 and G2, but with different usage frequencies. All the other
features are considered irrelevant. Distinguishing these different
categories of features allows us to discover subtle differences
in the language usage.
In this paper, we propose a simple approach of comparative
feature analysis to compare the language usage between native
English speakers and Chinese speakers in academic writing.
We first select candidate features that are common in at least
one group and then categorize them into the above three feature
categories. Features in category (1) and (2) are ranked by their
differences in document frequency, and features in category
(3) are ranked by their difference indices as defined in the next
few paragraphs.
We use two heuristic constraints to select a "good" candidate
discriminative feature:
• Constraint (1): The feature should be common within at
least one of the groups.
• Constraint (2): The feature should be contrastive across the
We use the normalized document frequency (DF) to measure
the feature commonality within a group. DF means the number
of documents containing this feature. Denote DF_1 and DF_2
as the document frequencies in G1 and G2, respectively, and
T=0.3 as a DF threshold. A feature falls into
• category (1) if (DF_1-DF_2)>=T;
• category (2) if (DF_2-DF_1)>=T;
• category (3) if |DF_2-DF_1|<T and (DF_1 >= T) and (DF_2
>= T).
Intuitively, the features in category (3) are those that are
sufficiently popular in both G1 and G2 and have comparable
DFs in G1 and G2.
After categorizing the features, we then define a Difference
Index (DI) to measure the feature discriminating power and
rank the features in category (3) by DI. We define TF as the
number of occurrences of a feature in a document. Let m_1 and
m_2 be the mean of the TF value of a feature in G1 and G2,
respectively, we define DI as DI =sig(m_1 - m_2)* max(m_1, m_2)/min(m_1, m_2). sig(m_1 - m_2) is 1 if m_1>m_2 and is
-1 otherwise. A positive DI means the feature is more heavily
used in G1 and a negative DI means it is more popular in G2.
The larger the |DI| is, the bigger the difference is.
Corpus Construction
We propose the following fairness constraints for corpus
construction: 1) the subjects in each group should have
similar English proficiency; 2) the text genre and the topic
should not interfere with the language usage analysis.
We collect two datasets that satisfy the constraints above. The
first has 40 selected electronic theses and dissertations (ETD)
from the ETD database at Virginia Tech., in which 20 are from
Chinese students and 20 from American students, all from
computer science and electronic and engineering departments
to avoid genre interference. The second has 40 selected research
articles downloaded from Microsoft Research (MSR), in which
20 are contributed by Chinese researchers in Beijing, China
and 20 by their British colleagues in Cambridge, UK. The
documents in ETD collection are long and each strictly
attributed to one author, while the documents in MSR collection
are much shorter and many are co-authored. We restrict the
co-authors to the same language background. The biographies
in theses and the resumes on MSR website help us identify the
authors' first and second language.
Feature Extraction
We extracted plain text from the original pdf and ps files.
We limit our search for features at the lexical level
because syntactic parsing does not perform well in such a
technical writing corpus due to formulas, tables and figure
captions, etc. In order to avoid topic interference, we choose a
feature set popular in computational stylistic analysis (Koppel
et. al.), the n-gram (we set 0<n<4) common word sequences
(CWS). A common word list consisting of 626 functional words
and some common content words for technical writing (e.g.
"problem") is used to generate CWS. For example, in "SW4 is
among the few known wireless system tools for in-building
network design.", the following 3-gram CWS features are
extracted: "is among the", "among the few", "the few known".
Experiments and Results
We used the aforementioned procedure to analyze both
ETD and MSR corpora. The results show that most
"differences" found in one corpus do not repeat in the other
one, but there are some "stable" features across the corpora.
Figure 1 lists the 1-gram, 2-gram and 3-gram CWS features in
all the three categories. Figure 1: 1-gram, 2-gram and 3-gram CWS in category 1, 2, and 3.
• G1: native English speakers (British/American); G2: Chinese speakers.
• Category 1: CWS common in G1 but not G2.
• Category 2: CWS common in G2 but not G1.
• Category 3: CWS common in both G1 and G2 but the frequencies
• Category 3 (positive): CWS with mean frequency in G1 at least twice
as that in G2.
• Category 3 (negative): CWS with mean frequency in G2 at least twice
as that in G1.
An example in category (1) is the word "never". It appears in
75% American students theses in ETD but just in 20% Chinese
student theses, and its frequency mean in the American group
is six times as that in the Chinese group. Similarly, "never"
appears in 45% MSR papers from UK, but just in 10% MSR
papers from China, and British researchers use it five times
more often than their Chinese colleagues.
Category (2) is surprisingly small with only one stable feature
"according". Category (3) includes features common in both groups. It has
a positive subset consisting of features more heavily used in
the British/American groups, and a negative subset consisting
of features more popular in the Chinese groups. Examples in
the positive subset are "specifying", "must", "were", "rather
than", "the use of", etc. Examples in the negative subset include
"novel", "respectively", "build", "show that", "according to",
"used in the", etc.
We noticed that some feature groups are worth further study,
such as the negation words, modals, personal pronouns, and
parallelism indicators as listed in figure 2. As shown in figure 3, the native English speakers always use
more negation words than the Chinese. It is probably due to
culture difference rather than grammar impact. Note: In figure 3, 4, and 5, a number (positive or negative) in
a cell means the corresponding feature belongs to category (3)
and the number is the feature's difference index (DI) value as
defined in the paper. "MAX" instead of a number in a cell
means this feature belongs to category (1) and thus it does not
have a DI value. Similarly, "-MAX" means the feature belongs
to category (2).
As shown in figure 4, the native speakers also use more modals
such as "might", "would" and "could". The Chinese use "will"
more often. There is no big difference between their uses of
"can". As shown in figure 5, "us", "our" and "we" are the three mostly
used personal pronouns for both groups, but the native speakers
use "us" more often while the Chinese use "our" and "we" more
often. Figure 5: Comparison of personal pronoun usage
"And" and "but" are two parallel structure indicators commonly
used by both groups. The Chinese group use "and" slightly
more than the American/British group, but they use "but" almost
twice as less than the native English speakers.
Conclusion and Future Work
We use a simple comparative feature analysis method to
compare the differences in the English common word
usage between the native British/American English speakers
and the Chinese speakers in their academic writing. The
proposed method helps us find some interesting or even
surprising differences between these two groups. We also see
that common words are a very limited feature set. We shall
explore more meaningful linguistic features to find more useful
Koppel, M., S. Argamon, and A.R. Shimoni. "Automatically
Categorizing Written Texts by Author Gender." Literary and
Linguistic Computing 17.4 (2003): 401-412.
Oakes, M. "Text Categorization: Automatic Discrimination
between US and UK English using the Chi-square Text and
High Ratio Pairs." Research in Language 1 (2003): 143-156.
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In review
Hosted at University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
June 15, 2005 - June 18, 2005
139 works by 236 authors indexed
Affiliations need to be double checked.
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