University of Waterloo
University of Waterloo
The exponential increase in the amount of humanities
information available in digital libraries and archives calls
for better search techniques that can help information users to
retrieve full-text documents matching their information need
with high accuracy. Information Retrieval (IR) research can
lead to improved search techniques that facilitate access to large
collections of humanities literature.
IR researchers focus on various topics to improve the retrieval
performance, such as the representation of documents, the
formulation of queries, and document matching and ranking
techniques. Many established retrieval models do not take into
account relations between words in text. While they work well
with short and semantically homogeneous documents, arguably
they are less appropriate for long multi-topic and more
semantically complex texts. Many documents in the humanities
archives fall under the latter category. In this paper we report
a study that was conducted to develop a new query expansion
technique which uses term proximity information and statistical
term association measures in selecting query expansion terms.
Query expansion is a technique commonly used in IR (e.g.,
Rocchio; Beaulieu) to improve the retrieval performance by
reformulating the original query - either adding new terms or
reweighing the original terms. Query expansion terms can be
automatically extracted from the documents or taken from
knowledge resources, such as thesauri. The main advantage of
the former techniques is that they are collection-independent
and cheaper to construct. Typically either top-ranked documents
in the initially retrieved document set (blind or pseudo-relevance
feedback) or documents judged relevant by the user in the
retrieved set (relevance feedback) are used to extract query
expansion terms. For short and incomplete queries, a substantial
improvement can be achieved by using expanded queries
(Sparck-Jones et al.). Terms added to the original query usually
have the following common characteristics: a) they are
semantically related to the original query terms; b) they are
good at discriminating between relevant and non-relevant
documents. Computational linguists use various statistical
association measures to extract significant word associations
(or co-occurrences), as these measures can judge the degree of
closeness between words. Association measures have been also
used in query expansion to select words that are closely related
to query terms (Ishikawa et al.; Vechtomova et al.).
The query expansion method proposed in this paper is used to
select words which co-occur with the original query terms in
a certain proximity (such as the same sentence, paragraph or a
fixed-size window) in the documents judged as relevant by the
user. We refer to such terms as collocates of the original query
terms. We experimented with a number of parameters for
selecting such terms, such as their distance from the original
query term(s) in text and their degree of association with the
query terms.
Previous related studies investigated the effect of using the
distance information between query terms for document
ranking, whereas we investigated the effect of using term
proximity in collocate-ranking for query expansion. Under the
similar assumption "if the distance between two words is closer,
the pair is considered as more associated with each other" , we
proposed to use a distance factor in collocate-ranking formula
to measure the association between collocates and query terms.
The main contribution of our experimentation is that we
combined the distance-weighting factor with the traditional
word association measure of Mutual Information (MI).
The following three hypotheses were explored in this study:
Hypothesis 1: The use of term proximity in collocate-ranking
for query expansion results in a significant performance
improvement over no query expansion.
Hypothesis 2: The use of term proximity in collocate-ranking
formula for query expansion can lead to significant performance
improvements over the current best-performing term selection
values. We used Offer Weight (OW) of the Robertson/ Sparck
Jones IR model as the baseline (Sparck Jones et al.).
Hypothesis 3: The collocate-ranking formula using distance
information results in a significant performance improvement
over the formula without the distance factor.
The experiments were conducted using the Okapi IR system
(Sparck Jones et al.), and TREC (Text REtrieval Conference)
evaluation framework (Voorhees).
The collocate-ranking method is comprised of several formulae
– Cohesion score, Similarity score, MI score and Distance
factor formulae. Cohesion score and Similarity score were
formulated in a similar way to those proposed by Gao et al..
The cohesion score is the final score to select query expansion
terms; the similarity score of a pair (x, y) is the multiplication of the MI score and the distance factor. MI score was
formulated similarly as the local MI score proposed by
Vechtomova et al.. As the goal of this study was to explore the
use of distance in collocate-ranking, different distance factors
that might improve the retrieval performance were investigated.
The best distance factor proved to be Formula 4.
We performed statistical analysis of the search results produced
using (a) terms selected by our experimental collocate-ranking
formula (b) original query terms only and (c) query expansion
terms selected by using OW. Figure 1 shows the precision
values at 11-Recall levels using the above three methods. The
analysis results indicate that the experimental search run using
our derived collocate-ranking formula significantly improved
the retrieval performance compared with the no-expansion run,
but did not outperform the OW run. The method using term
proximity in collocate-ranking was proved to be effective.
Hypothesis 1 was supported by the analysis, while Hypotheses
2 and 3 were not supported. The top 10 query expansion terms
selected by MI, the best distance formula and OW for the query
topic #432 are presented in Table 1.
Figure 1: Precision Values at 11-Recall Levels
<num> Number: 432
<title> profiling, motorists, police
<desc> Description:
Do police departments use "profiling"
to stop motorists?
<narr> Narrative:
A relevant document will report or
discuss police department criteria for
identifying motorists considered likely
to be carrying contraband. Documents
discussing the detention of individuals
by foreign security forces are not
relevant. Table 1: The top 10 query expansion terms for sample topic #432
Some of the findings and recommendations from this study
are: the distance factor has to be compatible with the
collocate-extraction process and the MI score itself is an
effective collocate-ranking formula compared with no query
expansion. Further studies on the use of term proximity for
query expansion need to be carried on through integrating other
promising techniques, such as part-of-speech tagging, into the
query expansion process. This study contributes to advancing high-accuracy retrieval of
documents from large resources and archives in humanities
through the investigation of the role of distance and association
between words in text for selecting useful terms that can be
added to the search formulations and help searchers find more
relevant documents. Retrieval techniques which capture
relations between words in text are particularly promising for
the high-precision retrieval of long multi-topic texts. Large
proportion of the humanities literature consists of such texts.
Query expansion techniques that assume term independence
in text are less appropriate for such collections. The techniques
presented in this paper can also be used in interactive query
expansion. Searchers often have difficulty in formulating their
information need. Previous studies showed that searchers prefer
to formulate short queries and then browse through the
document space and reformulate queries manually. Finding
related terms that co-occur with the query terms and suggesting
them to the searcher can facilitate this process.
Beaulieu, M. "Experiments with interfaces to support query
expansion." Journal of Documentation, 53.1 (1997): 8-19.
Gao, J., J. Nie, H. He, W. Chen, and M Zhou. "Resolving query
translation ambiguity using a decaying co-occurrence model
and syntactic dependence relations." Proceedings of the 25th
annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval. Tampere, Finland, 2002.
Ishikawa, K., K. Satoh, and A. Okumura. "Query term
expansion based on paragraphs of the relevant document."
Proceedings of Sixth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-6).
Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 1997. 577-584.
Rocchio, J.J. "Relevance feedback in information retrieval."
The SMART Retrieval System – experiments in automatic
document processing. Ed. G. Salton. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentic-Hall, 1971. 312-323.
Sparck Jones, K., S. Walker, and S.E. Robertson. "A
probabilistic model of information retrieval: development and
comparative experiments." Information Processing and
Management 36.6 (2000): 779-808 (Part 1); 809-840 (Part 2).
Vechtomova, O., S. Robertson, and S. Jones. "Query expansion
with long-span collocates." Information Retrieval 6.2 (2003):
"Overview of TREC 2003." Proceedings of the twelfth Text
Retrieval Conference (TREC 2003). Gaithersburg, MD, USA,
2004. 1-13.
If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.
In review
Hosted at University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
June 15, 2005 - June 18, 2005
139 works by 236 authors indexed
Affiliations need to be double checked.
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