Concurrent Markup Hierarchies: a Computer Science Approach

  1. 1. Ionut Emil Iacob

    University of Kentucky

  2. 2. Alex Dekhtyar

    University of Kentucky

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It is known that text has not, in general, a regular structure.
However, since its invention and despite the fact that it
represents hierarchical structures, XML has gained a lot of
popularity among humanities researchers: XML is easy to use
and it comes with a handful of free processing tools. A variety
of solutions were proposed to represent overlapping structures
in XML. More or less easy to maintain from the point of view
of data management, none of these solutions provides full
support for two of the most demanded processing tasks:
querying and presentation (XSL-like transformation).
We propose a processing framework for complex
document-centric XML which generalizes the traditional way
of XML data management to support overlapping markup
processing. Our framework provides support for overlapping
structures representation in XML, querying, authoring, and
presentation of overlapping hierarchies.
1. Introduction
The newborn TEI Overlapping Markup Special Interest
Group comes to support the fact that overlapping XML
structures are of great interest for the text encoding community.
Why is XML so popular? First at all, XML is the legitimate
descendant of SGML, which was also popular among
humanists. Then there is the fact that XML comes with a
handful of processing (free) tools. This fact is clearly expressed
by TEI's "Strategic Considerations in Migration of TEI
Documents from SGML to XML". More specifically, DOM,
SAX, XPath, and XSL and the companion software are very
attractive for humanities computing. In addition, XML is
flexible, intuitive, and readable: it is text, isn't it? However,
there is an annoying detail about XML that does not fit into the
same picture with text encodings: XML allows only properly
nested markup structures. However, overlapping structures
(concurrent hierarchies) often occur in applications. Czymiel
points out that the proposed solutions for the overlapping
markup problem fall in three categories: XML based
workaround (milestones and fragmentation suggested by TEI
in Sperberg-McQueen & Burnard), new markup languages such
as LMNL (Tennison et al.), MECS (Huitfeldt), and TexMecs
(Huitfeldt & Sperberg-McQueen), or content and structure
separation (standoff markup, JITTs (Durusau & O'Donnell)).
None of the solutions previously presented contains complete
answers for the problems of management of concurrent XML
Part of the problem is the correct identification of what is the
"problem of overlapping markup" . For some researchers in
humanities, the problem lies in determining the markup
elements that can overlap each other, and in devising a way to
apply one of the TEI-based suggestions, such as milestone
elements. For others, the problem lies in specifying the correct
order in which elements overlap, e.g., determining whether
paragraph markup must commence inside or outside the page
Such considerations are of importance because they are dictated
by the nature of the documents and encoding under
consideration. Yet, successful resolution of such issues for
specific projects does not constitute solving the overarching
problem of representation, storage, management and querying
of overlapping markup. Approaching the general solution of
such a problem requires a change of a viewpoint from that of
a humanities scholar working on document encoding, to the
viewpoint of a computer scientist striving to provide generally
applicable methodology, algorithms and software tools.
In this paper, we address the issues related to overlapping
markup in document-centric XML documents from the
perspective of computer scientists. We show that, in general,
the framework for processing multihierarchical markup is the
same as the framework for processing single-hierarchy XML
documents. The difference comes not in the laundry list of
tasks, and not in overall organization of the framework, but
rather in the approaches to solving individual subproblems/tasks
within it.
The processing framework we describe below covers all the
core XML processing tasks: representation and parsing, data
structure, querying, and presentation.
2. A Framework for Management of
Concurrent Markup Hierarchies
The framework we propose (Figure 1) generalizes the
traditional XML processing framework: parsing an XML
document into a DOM data structure (or, alternatively constructing DOM from an XML database), then using the
DOM API support for editing, querying, and transforming the
XML document.
The core of our processing framework is the data structure for
storing concurrent XML markup: the GODDAG data structure
first introduced by Sperberg-McQueen and Huitfeldt. We
enhanced the GODDAG with API and we have designed and
implemented a parser for building a GODDAG (Iacob, Dekhtyar
& Kaneko) from separate XML files, one file per hierarchy
(this would present the advantage of a basic concurrency control
over authoring the document encodings). In general, a
GODDAG data structure can be built using specialized drivers
for different concurrent markup representations.
In Iacob, Dekhtyar & Zhao, we present an extension of the
XPath query language for querying concurrent markup
represented as a GODDAG. As GODDAG represents a
“multidimensional” generalization of DOM, our extension of
XPath generalizes XPath to deal with concurrent hierarchies.
In the absence of multiple hierarchies, GODDAG reduces to
DOM whereas extended XPath reduces to XPath (the extended
XPath semantics is given at: <http://dblab.csr.uky
.edu/~eiaco0/docs/expath/> ). With the parser and
the query language we provide answers to two of the open
problems in Sperberg-McQueen & Huitfeldt. Moreover, the
presentation issue (XSL) is implicitly solved as we employ
patterns expressed in the extended XPath language we propose.
The XML editorial tools are based on the GODDAG API: text
(PCDATA) update, markup insertion and deletion, and searching
(using the XPath extension).
Figure 1: A framework for management of Concurrent XML Hierarchies
For representing and storing concurrent XML markup we
defined the notion of distributed XML document (Dekhtyar &
Iacob): a virtual collection of XML documents, one document
per hierarchy. The distributed XML document is obtained via
drives from various representations: BUVH and JITTs
introduced by Durusau and O'Donnell, XML documents with
fragmentation and/or milestones (as in TEI).
Finally, we are currently working on implementing persistent
storage support for concurrent XML hierarchies: a specialized
database for storing XML with overlapping structures. Our
plans include providing support for storing XML with
overlapping structures in a relational database.
The framework for processing concurrent XML markup is
successfully implemented in the ARCHway and Electronic
Boethius projects ( <> ) at
the University of Kentucky. The APIs and (part of) the software
programs are available at: <http://dblab.csr.uky.e
du/~eiaco0/research/cmh/> .
Bauman, S., A. Bia, L. Burnard, T. Erjavec, J. Hekman, T.
Rischer, C. Powell, C. Ruotolo, S. Schreibman, N. Smith, J.
Walsh, S. Wells, and F. Wiering (TEI Task Force on SGML
to XML Migration). Strategic Considerations in Migration of
TEI Documents from SGML to XML. Text Encoding Initiative,
2004. Accessed 2005-04-11. <
Czmiel, A. "XML for Overlapping Structures (XfOS) using a
non XML Data Mode." Paper delivered at the Joint International
Conference of the Association for Humanities Computing and
the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, June,
Göteborg, Sweden 2004. 2004. Accessed 2005-05-25. <htt
Dekhtyar, A., and I.E. Iacob. "A Framework for Management
of Concurrent XML Markup." Special Issue Data and
Knowledge Engineering 52 (2005): 185–208.
Durusau, P., and M.B. O'Donnell. "Concurrent Markup for
XML Documents." Proceedings of XML Europe. Atlanta,
Georgia, 2002. Accessed 2005-04-11. <http://www.ide
Huitfeldt, C. "MECS - A Multi-Element Code System ." 1998.
Accessed 2005-04-11. <
/claus/mecs/mecs.htm> . Forthcoming in Working
Papers from the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of
Bergen, No 3. Huitfeldt, C., and C.M. Sperberg-McQueen. "TexMECS: An
experimental markup meta-language for complex documents."
February 2001.
Iacob, I.E., A. Dekhtyar, and W. Zhao. "XPath Extension for
Querying Concurrent XML Markup." Technical Report TR
394-04. University of Kentucky Department of Computer
Science, February 2004. <
Iacob, I.E., A. Dekhtyar, and K. Kaneko. "Parsing Concurrent
XML." Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Workshop
on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2004),
Washington, DC. November 2004.
Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., and Lou Burnard, eds. Guidelines
for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Chicago and
Oxford: TEI P4, 2001.
Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., and C. Huitfeldt. September 2000.
Early draft presented at the ACH-ALLC Conference in
Charlottesville, June 1999.
Tennison, J., G.T. Nicol, and W. Piez. Layered Markup and
Annotation Language (LMNL). Dissertation, University of
Wisconsin, 2002. First introduced at the Extreme Markup
Languages Conference 2002, Montreal.

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Conference Info

In review


Hosted at University of Victoria

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

June 15, 2005 - June 18, 2005

139 works by 236 authors indexed

Affiliations need to be double checked.

Conference website:

Series: ACH/ICCH (25), ALLC/EADH (32), ACH/ALLC (17)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None