A la Carte Schema: A Case Study Comparison of the Application of DTDs and XML Schema to the Carte Calendar Project Template

  1. 1. Ingrid Daneker

    School of Library, Archive and Information Studies - University College London

  2. 2. Claire Warwick

    School of Library, Archive and Information Studies - University College London

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

This proposal describes research which compares the
validation capabilities of conventional DTDs and XSD
Schemas using the Carte Calendar Project template of the
Oxford Digital Library (ODL) as a case study.
The Carte Calendar is a manuscript consisting of 75 volumes,
cataloguing political papers on English and Irish history of the
17th century, originally collected and put together in
chronological order by Thomas Carte, and converted into
Library records by the Librarian Edward Edwards in the 19th
century. The ODL is in the process of creating a digital record
of Edwards’ catalogue of Carte’s collection, covering the period
between 1660 and 1688, converting about 17,500 individual
manuscript pages into XML-encoded transcripts using an
EAD-DTD (1998) based transcription template.
The manuscript contains structured data which is repeated on
almost every page, such as the shelf-mark, the unit-date, a
document number, and a page number, as indicated by the
keying sample below, showing the content of the
<unittitle> element.
<unitid type="shelfmark">MS. Carte 45,
fol(s). 67</unitid>
<!--document number-->
<unitid type="docno">34</unitid>
<!--pencil page number-->
<unitid type="page">451</unitid>
<!--red number-->
<unitid type="redno">?</unitid>
<unitdate> 22 May 1661</unitdate>
These data-fields lend themselves well to the application of
user-defined data-types, which Schema language can facilitate,
thus making possible the automated verification of the data.
At any one time four freelance keying operators with varying
levels of experience and three permanent staff might be working
on the transcription of the project. Consistency of data entry is
an ongoing concern, as it requires not only familiarity with the
author’s 19th century hand-writing and the subject matter, but
also a good knowledge of the historical background.
The aim of this research was therefore to test whether the use
of XML Schema could help to improve the accuracy of data
entry by introducing stricter validation constraints than are
mandated by the EAD-DTD. It will highlight some of the
benefits of Schema definition language for the document type
definition of the Carte template, compared to conventional
DTD syntax. It will also consider whether the adoption of
Schema based document type definitions is easily achievable
for users of encoding standards such as EAD and TEI, who
may have little prior knowledge of Schema.
This research is particularly timely, since in June 2004, Daniel
Pitti announced that work was about to begin on developing
one or more official EAD schemas (Pitti, 2004), as it provides
a case study of how such a Schema might work in practice, and
could inform work on the much broader EAD schema standard.
The researcher analysed the predefined element structure
of the Carte project, keying template and the intellectual
content provided by the Carte Manuscript to determine areas
which would potentially benefit from the addition of Schema
definitions, by restricting allowable (valid) data-input and
element/attribute use. A template-specific DTD was then created
based on SGML/EBNF syntax, containing specifications for
only those elements/attributes of the EAD standard used in the
template. Although significant changes to the original tag-set
of the template were avoided in order to remain backward
compatible with the original EAD-DTD, some alterations had
to be made so that the addition of Schema’s data-typing
capabilities could later be facilitated.
The 'bespoke' DTD applied much stricter definitions than the
original EAD-DTD with regards to the use of allowable
elements/attributes in the template, the number of occurrences
and their possible location within the document. This allows
for stricter validation of the document structure and content, providing more rigid constraints for keying staff, whose
objective is to produce a valid document following the entry
of data.
The new DTD was converted into XSD Schema language using
XML editing software; oXygen XML editor 4.2 and Altova’s
XMLSPY 2004 Enterprise Edition (XMLSPY v2004 rel. 4 U).
These specific tools were chosen because other packages such
as the XMetal Home Edition (version 2004) provided limited
support for XSD files which contain, for instance, multiple
With the aim of applying even stricter rules to the allowable
elements/attributes of the template’s metadata structure, the
researcher then introduced more rigid input data specifications
to the resulting Schema file, facilitated by the additional
capabilities of Schema definition 'language', which goes well
beyond the potential of conventional DTDs. Further, in order
to explore the benefits of the inbuilt namespace support Schema
offers, two additional Schema files were created and associated
with the main Schema using the <xs:import> element.
Use of the new DTD
The new project-specific DTD ensured a higher level of
uniformity in structure and data entry verification. It did so by
stipulating, where possible, the order and number of occurrences
of EAD elements used in the template, as well as by specifying
the requirement of all the attributes and possible attribute values.
It also eliminated the very imprecise and inflexible definition
structure of mixed content specifications, determined by the
underlying syntax of conventional DTDs. This project-specific
DTD should, however, only be used for the validation stage of
the project. To assure interoperability and compatibility with
other projects, such as its inclusion in the A2A (Access to
Archives – <http://www.a2a.org.uk> ) records, the
instance document must remain backward compatible with the
official EAD-DTD standard. Thus the more generic DTD file
must be associated with the template again after the
proofreading process.
Benefits of Schema
The Schema allowed for the use of data-typing to increase the
control over data entry by applying stricter validation
parameters to the instance document. For example, when a
user-defined global simple type specification such as ‘content’
(see the ‘content’ type definition below) is included in the
element definition of, for example <geogname>, it ensures
that an element must have content.
The user-defined type definition 'content':
<xs:simpleType name="content">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
This is not enforceable using DTD syntax, which allows the
user either to define empty elements or to specify parsable
character data (#PCDATA), which includes whitespace. The
inclusion of the 'content' datatype in an element's content model
will make sure that — should a transcriber forget to enter data
for the element in question — validation against the Schema
produces an error message pointing at the element’s location
in the instance document.
Further benefits were highlighted by the use of namespaces,
which can help to avoid potential ambiguity problems,
particularly where document exchange and integration is
concerned. Schema allows the user to declare different
namespaces, which can then be applied to individual element
declarations, and thus used to differentiate between the varying
element content models of the same element. In the Carte
Template, for example, the <num> element has four different
instances. This ambiguity was resolved by making use of
additional namespaces for three of the four <num> elements.
Where different names describe the same set of data, Schema
offers document authors the opportunity to define substitution
groups which allow for increased compatibility of different
instance documents. In the case of the Carte project this occurs
with regard to <genreform> and <physfacet>, which
are both allowable child elements of <physdesc> according
to the original EAD-DTD.
On a more basic level, unlike DTD syntax, Schema does allow
for sequencing of child elements, in a mixed content element
model. Occurrence indicators for elements can be set much
more specifically through the use of numerical values ranging
from 0 to infinity, and global type definitions guarantee
re-usability of individual type definitions and element
declarations. All of these features proved useful in the Carte
case study, and will be described in the proposed paper.
The Schema-based keying template was tested by three
experienced encoders at SERS (Systems and Electronic
Resources Service). Their data-input would have validated
against the original EAD-DTD. However, on average 3-4 errors
were found by the oXygen 4.2 parser, pointing at entry format
inconsistencies. For example if the unitdate was entered as 1 January 1661 instead of 01 January 1661 (or 10 January 1661),
the validator highlighted the missing digit as an error, in
accordance with the pre-defined entry parameters provided by
the underlying Schema. Similarly, missing content for the
element <geogname> caused an error message (as the
Schema’s element declaration includes the global type 'content',
discussed above).
These specifications were incorporated in the Schema to make
sure that the encoder double checks the manuscript for such
data fields, and testing proved it had been successful.
Nevertheless a balance must be maintained between accuracy
and speed of transcription in the case of the Carte project.
Extensive data-typing of the shelfmark, docno,
pencilpage, redno and unitdate fields might cause
transcribers to spend more time trying to figure out which data
format creates a valid document than is spent with the actual
data input for each individual record.
The experimental DTD and resulting Schema have proved
successful in helping transcribers to avoid errors and improve
consistency. Yet despite the benefits of using Schema language
over DTD syntax for XML document declarations, its
complexity and to the untrained user’s eye rather complicated
element content modelling structure, underpinned by the W3C
standard recommendation, might discourage potential users
from trying to learn it. Nevertheless, this research has shown
that software already available can help users to make the
transition from DTD to Schema. While the needs of individual
projects must always be considered carefully, the case study
of the Carte project template shows that the benefits of Schema
use should be taken seriously, despite its complexity.
Costello, Roger L. XML Technologies Course, XML-Schemas:
A downloadable schema tutorial. xFront, 2003. Accessed
2005-02-27. <http://www.xfront.com/xml-schem
Deitel, H.M., et al. XML: how to program. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Encoded Archival Description. EAD Tag Library for Version
1.0. . Accessed 2005-03-21. <http://www.loc.gov/ea
LEADERS – Project (October 2001 to March 2004: Linking
EAD to Electronically Retrievable Sources). Accessed
2005-03-21. <http://www.ucl.ac.uk/leaders-pr
Mertz, David. "TEI - the Text Encoding Initiative": An XML
dialect for archival and complex documents. September 4,
2003. Accessed 2005-02-27. <http://www-106.ibm.c
Pitti, Daniel. EAD and W3C XML Schema. Cover Pages.
Accessed 2005-02-27. <http://xml.coverpages.or
Pitti, Daniel. Encoded Archival Description List
(EAD@LISTSERV.LOC.GOV), 4 June 2004. <http://l
Rahtz, Sebastian. Converting to schema: the TEI and Relax
NG. Text Encoding Initiative. Accessed 2005-03-21. <http
Sperberg-McQueen, C.M., and Lou Burnard. Tel P4:
Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Text
Encoding Initiative, 2001. Accessed 2005-02-27. <http://
Tennant, Roy, ed. XML in libraries. New York: Neal-Schuman
Publishers, Inc., 2002.
Thompson, Henry S. "XML Schema types and equivalence
classes." Paper presented at the XML Europe 2000 conference.
2000. Accessed 2005-02-27. <http://www.gca.org/p
Van der Vlist, Eric. Using W3C XML Schema. O'Reilly
xml.com. Accessed 2005-02-27. <http://www.xml.com
Watt, Andrew, and R. Allen Wyke. XML Schema Essentials
(e-book). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002.
Women Writers Project. "Encoding Practice." Rhode Island:
Brown University. Accessed 2005-02-27. <http://www.w
Women Writers Project. "Methodological Issues." Rhode Island:
Brown University. Accessed 2005-02-27. <http://www.w

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info

In review


Hosted at University of Victoria

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

June 15, 2005 - June 18, 2005

139 works by 236 authors indexed

Affiliations need to be double checked.

Conference website: http://web.archive.org/web/20071215042001/http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/achallc2005/

Series: ACH/ICCH (25), ALLC/EADH (32), ACH/ALLC (17)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None