Mnemosine, Biblioteca Digital de La otra Edad de Plata (1868-1936) - Mnemosyne, Digital Library for Rare and Forgotten Texts (1868-1936): Collections and Digital Editions

poster / demo / art installation
  1. 1. Dolores Romero-López

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  2. 2. Lucía Cotarelo-Estaban

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  3. 3. José Luis Bueren-Gómez-Acebo

    Biblioteca Nacional de España

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

The objective of Mnemosyne, Digital Library for Rare and Forgotten Literary Texts (1868-1936) is to select, categorize, and make visible (in a digital format) literary texts that belong to a forgotten repertoire in order to allow the historiografical review of the period. Mnemosyne has a repertoire of texts and authors who have remained in the shadow of the great literary figures of the first third of the 20th century. This digital library intends to be a field of international experimentation for the creation of interoperable semantic networks through which a large group of scholars could generate innovative research and theoretical reading models for literary texts.

Mnemosyne aims to be an open-access digital library allowing data modelling for specific collections (such as intellectual women, Madrid in the Silver Age literature, children kiosk literature, science fiction, photonovels, etc.) in support of research and teaching on Silver Age Spain. Through Mnemosyne it can be accessed digital edition of texts. The digitization of these works has been carried out by public and private institutions. The first version of the library is stored on the server of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Library, itself linked to the collections of the digital library Ha-thiTrust.40 In a search conducted in HathiTrust in 2012, the names, surnames, and pseudonyms of selected authors were used to locate a total of 2,873

digitized texts corresponding to “odd and forgotten”

writers. The Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, which serves as the access portal for the digital collections of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, provided 2,448 works by male authors and 1,017 works by female writers. Now we are working on the interactive editions of some short stories with the support of the Spanish Biblioteca Nacional.

Behind the scenes of Mnemosyne's public presence online, the project is developing with the aid of the tool Clavy. Clavy is an RIA (Rich Internet Application) that is able to import, preserve, and edit information from collections of digital objects so as to build bridges between digital repositories and create collections of enriched digital content. Clavy also provides a basic system of data visualization, edition, and navigation. There are plans to integrate @Note, a collaborative annotation application, into Clavy. These two computational tools were developed by the ILSA at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.44 Clavy facilitates the import, export, and edition of records in multiple formats such as MARC2145, as well as their integration into Mne-mosine's predesigned model with a view to their export into other compatible formats like XLS (Excel Binary File Format) or XML (Extensible Markup Language), or into other systems like OdA.46 Using Clavy, metadata for more than four thousand digitized objects from HathiTrust and the Biblioteca Digital Hispánica have already been imported into the Mnemosyne database. Logically, the data from these sources was described in MARC21, following the rules for library catalogs. The outcome was forseeable: in some cases, Mnemosyne's data model did not require the degree of detail furnished by MARC21, while in other cases it was necessary to incorporate new information absent from that format.


Mnemosyne, Digital Library for Rare and Forgotten Literary Texts (1868-1936) is the work of two research teams (LEETHI and LOEP) affiliated with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and funded by the publicly subsidized national research project “Escritorios Electrónicos para las Literaturas” (Referencia FFI2012-34666, 2012-2015), by

the private BBVA Foundation which subsidized the Project “Modelo Unificado de Gestión de Colecciones Digitales con Estructuras Reconfigurables: Aplicación a la Creación de Bibliotecas Digitales Especializadas para Investigación y Docencia” (2015-2017) and by eLITE-CM project “Edición Literaria Electrónica (Ref. S2015/HUM-3426, 20162018)”.

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info


ADHO - 2017

Hosted at McGill University, Université de Montréal

Montréal, Canada

Aug. 8, 2017 - Aug. 11, 2017

438 works by 962 authors indexed

Series: ADHO (12)

Organizers: ADHO