Identifying Multiword Tokens Using POS Tagging and Bigram Statistics

  1. 1. Mark Arehart

    University of Michigan

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Identifying Multiword Tokens Using POS Tagging and
Bigram Statistics


University of Michigan


University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia




Kretzschmar, Jr.



I describe and evaluate three methods for automatically identifying in English
text a frequently occurring type of multiword token, the lexicalized noun
compound. The methods combine symbolic part-of-speech information with different
measures of collocational strength, namely minimal frequencies of occurrence in
a corpus, log likelihood of association, and a combination of these two. The
results of testing the methods on two software manuals of approximately 170,000
and 210,000 words suggest that although raw frequency is the best single measure
overall, the combined strategy is useful to the extent that one favors precision
over recall. I also discuss the limitations of the corpora and the test and
suggest additional applications of the methods.
A noun compound, like stone wall or stock market, is a series of nouns that
function syntactically as a single noun, inheriting the features of the head
(final) noun. In some languages, noun compounds are not separated by whitespace
and are thus trivially identifiable as words. For instance, the English compound
departure time is Abfahrtzeit in German (Abfahrt ‘departure’ + Zeit ‘time’) and
lähtöaika in Finnish (lähtö + aika). A lexicalized compound is one that has
acquired a conventional or specialized meaning. The compound garbage man, for
instance, could refer to a man made of garbage (cf. snow man) or a man who
delivers garbage (cf. milk man), but has a more salient lexicalized meaning. In
some cases, lexicalization is reflected in orthography, as in the single words
fireman and policeman, and occasionally one finds both multiword and single-word
versions, such as air mail and airmail (both attested in the Brown corpus). It
would be useful to be able to treat compounds like garbage man as single terms
on par with their orthographically unitary counterparts for purposes such as
document indexing and classification.
I approach the task of identifying such compounds as a secondary tokenization
step. Tokenization, often unfairly regarded as an uninteresting bit of text
preprocessing, requires one to make nontrivial decisions about what constitute
minimal “word-like units” for further analysis (Grefenstette &
Tapanainen 1994). In addition to garden-variety words, tokens include
punctuation, which is important for identifying clause and sentence boundaries,
and multiword units. Karttunen et al. (1996) divide these multiword units into
several categories: adverbial expressions like “all of a sudden,” prepositions
such as “in spite of,” date and time expressions, proper names, “and other
units.” Typically, a basic tokenizer first segments the text into simple units,
then one or more “multiword staplers” group tokens together again (Karttunen et
al. 1996). What is unique about the approach presented here is the combination
of part-of-speech information, used to identify noun compounds, and
collocational measures. Although “highly collocated” and “lexicalized” are not
the same thing, I suggest that the former can serve as one useful indicator of
the latter.
The procedure works as follows. The text is processed by a basic tokenizer,
tagged for part-of-speech, and then the noun sequences are extracted. The goal
is then to identify the subset of these compounds that might qualify as
lexicalized terms by measuring the collocational strength of the component
nouns. The simplest way to identify possible collocations is to extract all
those that occur at or above a certain frequency cutoff. One might hypothesize,
for example, that if a certain noun compound occurs five times in a text, then
it has a lexicalized meaning. Collocational strength can also be measured by
compiling all of the bigrams found in the text and comparing the rate of
co-occurrence of the elements with that expected by chance. Although there are
several possible measures, I use the log likelihood statistic, which has been
shown to be preferable to alternatives such as chi-square and mutual information
(Dunning 1993). To generate collocations of more than two words, a separate
bigram merging process is performed on the corpus. If, for example “NASDAQ
composite” and “composite index” are both significant collocations, then the
trigram “NASDAQ composite index” will be extracted as well if it occurs in the
corpus. In practice, this method can generate terms that are quite long, such as
“American Stock Exchange Market Value Index,” an example extracted from a
portion of the Wall Street Journal corpus. It is also possible to combine these
methods, by extracting compounds that are above certain frequency and likelihood
threshholds. Although the two measures generally correlate (that is, frequently
occurring compounds tend to have larger likelihood scores), they are sensitive
in different ways to corpus size.
To evaluate the procedure, I extracted noun compounds from two software manuals
and compared each list to the compounds found in each manual’s index, which
would be expected to contain the significant terms. A baseline procedure using
all the noun compounds averaged 0.26 precision and 0.77 recall on the texts. In
other words, about a quarter of the compounds occurring in the texts were found
in the indexes. Recall is less than 1.0 because some ideas or topics that do not
occur in the text as compounds are reformulated as such for the index. The 0.77
score thus serves as an upper bound on recall. Assigning equal weight to
precision and recall, the best performing strategy was to use a minimum
frequency of 4 for the first text and 3 for the second, with an average of 0.474
precision (82.3% higher than the baseline) and 0.527 recall (31.6% lower than
the upper bound). Adding a conservative log likelihood score threshold increased
precision by an average of 13.6% but lowered recall by an average of 24.1%.
Unless one substantially discounts recall, the likelihood score was not as
useful as anticipated.
The results indicate that measures of collocational strength are useful in
separating lexicalized noun compounds, which are profitably viewed as multiword
tokens, from nonlexicalized ones that are best analyzed as token sequences. Such
methods can facilitate the automatic indexing and classification of documents
for textual analysis and search and retrieval applications. Two important
limitations on these results are the restriction to a particular kind of
technical text and the nature of the test itself. It is by no means self-evident
that an index should contain all and only the lexicalized noun compounds of a
text. Such a test is at best indirect, and the project should thus be viewed as
preliminary work indicating the feasibility of the approach. Future work will
test the generalizability and robustness of the methods by identifying other
tests, such as using a glossary rather than an index, and applying the methods
to corpora of different sizes and genres.



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Conference Info

In review

"Web X: A Decade of the World Wide Web"

Hosted at University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia, United States

May 29, 2003 - June 2, 2003

83 works by 132 authors indexed

Affiliations need to be double-checked.

Conference website:

Series: ACH/ICCH (23), ALLC/EADH (30), ACH/ALLC (15)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None