Overview of Supporting Digital Scholarship Project

  1. 1. Thornton Staples

    University of Virginia

Work text
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In 1992 the University of Virginia established the Institute for Advanced
Technology in the Humanities to provide support and computing resources for
long-term humanities research proposed by faculty at the University of
Virginia and elsewhere. In 1998 a Digital Library Research and Development
Group was created within the university library to develop long-range
planning of digital library architectures, systems, and procedures. These
two groups received funding in 2000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
for the Supporting Digital Scholarship Project (SDS) to address issues of
digital resources in scholarly research particulary focusing on analysis,
reprocessing, and the creation of digital primary resources.

During this session the panelists will give an overview of the Supporting
Digital Scholarship Project and will discuss progress after one year of
work in the areas of collecting existing digital resources created with
proprietary software, dynamic architectures for digital scholarship, and
collecting existing HTML web sites of scholarly research for long-term use
and preservation.

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Conference Info

In review


Hosted at New York University

New York, NY, United States

July 13, 2001 - July 16, 2001

94 works by 167 authors indexed

Series: ACH/ICCH (21), ALLC/EADH (28), ACH/ALLC (13)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC
