An Introduction to XForms for Digital Humanists: How XForms Can Help Your Project

workshop / tutorial
  1. 1. Michael Sperberg-McQueen

    Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Work text
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An Introduction to XForms for Digital Humanists: How XForms Can Help Your Project
Sperberg-McQueen, Michael, Black Mesa Technologies LLC, United States of America,
This tutorial will introduce participants to XForms, viewed as a technology for building customized editors for XML documents.

Originally developed as a replacement for conventional HTML forms, XForms is designed to work well in the Web browser, allowing forms to be specified using the familiar facilities of XHTML and CSS. XForms is based on the model/view/controller architecture, and because the model being operated upon consists of a set of XML documents, XForms provides a convenient basis for developing custom tools for working with XML documents. With XForms, it becomes feasible for projects to develop vocabulary- and task-specific editors for use within the project. For suitably chosen tasks, specialized tools of this kind can require less training and provide better task support than full XML editors; it is thus easier to allow domain experts to examine and modify XML encoding, and routine tasks can be performed more quickly and reliably.

Any project making systematic use of XML will involve a number of tasks requiring systematic changes to XML documents, which may be more easily handled using XForms than with other techniques. For example:

The samples in the language corpus have been divided into sentences using a probabilistic recognizer for sentence boundaries; we need to check to make sure that all the boundaries proposed by the software are in fact real sentence boundaries, and that no sentence boundaries have been missed.
The text has been processed by a named-entity recognition engine and phrases have been marked up as personal names, clan names, place names, names of organizations, and other names, but the process by which this has happened is not fully trusted; we would like a specialist in the period and genre to check that the distinctions among place names, clan names, and personal names have been drawn correctly.
Each of the seven hundred short documents in the project must be checked for conformance to the project's new rules for hyperlinks, and problems need to be flagged (not fixed, just flagged for later re-work).
In a software development project, we have developed a set of XML-encoded test cases which the software should be able to handle. We have now realized that each test case needs to include metadata of a kind not originally foreseen. It needs to be added manually (or perhaps we can write a program that will get most of it right, but need a manual check to catch errors, in cases where manual fixing is cheaper than making the automatic process do the right thing).
We are converting a few thousand MARC records into TEI headers. The conversion program tries to strip off the trailing punctuation added in the MARC record (additional full stops, semi-colons, colons, etc., depending on the internal structure of the MARC fields), but in a few cases out of every thousand fields, the algorithm is not quite right. The program writes out the TEI header with its best guess at the correct content of the element, but it also writes out the original trailing punctuation, in a specially marked processing instruction. We wish for some reasonably alert human being to go through the material and say, for each field, whether to accept the program's proposal or to restore the original punctuation. In a very small number of cases, neither the program's best guess nor the original punctuation is correct, and the reviewer must specify some third form of the data.
In each of these cases, a full-scale general-purpose XML editor can be used but has a number of drawbacks. The user performing the task must be trained in the full editor, and once the document is open in a general-purpose editor there are no limits to what changes can be made, or in cases of inattention or confusion, no limits to the damage that can be infliced on the document. It would be preferable to perform such specialized XML modification tasks in what are sometimes called "padded cell" editors, which provide simple limited interfaces for performing specific tasks. In a padded cell editor for sentence-boundary correction, for example, the user should be able to open a document, delete sentence boundaries (joining adjacent s elements), insert them (splitting s elements), save the document, and quit. An editor which provides ONLY those operations will be a lot easier to learn than a general purpose editor, and allows a careless or hapless user to do much less harm. Special-purpose editors can also incorporate knowledge of the underlying markup language and its usage in a particular project more effectively than is possible for general-purpose editors.

It has rarely been feasible, however, to use conventional programming tools to build special-purpose editors for individual XML vocabularies, let alone such specialized tasks: using standard libraries, such editors would run to thousands or tens of thousands of lines of Java or Objective C.

XForms (and some related technologies) change the equation.

XForms is built around the model / view / controller idiom, in which the model is a set of XML documents, the view is specified using XHTML and the XForms widget set, and the controller takes the form of declarative rules linking widgets to elements and attributes in the markup. That is to say: XForms can be regarded as a technology for building padded-cell editors; it has great potential for extensive application in any project making systematic use of XML.

The tutorial will comprise four blocks of material, of about 45 minutes each.

origin and design goals of XForms
the XForms model/view/controller processing model
XForms and padded-cell editors
Atomic values
the standard XForms widgets
datatypes and type awareness
validation in the client
selective display of information
dynamic labels
multi-lingual interfaces
More complex interfaces
tabbed interfaces for multi-part forms
XForms and mixed content
extensions of and alternatives to XForms
issues in the deployment of XForms

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info


ADHO - 2011
"Big Tent Digital Humanities"

Hosted at Stanford University

Stanford, California, United States

June 19, 2011 - June 22, 2011

151 works by 361 authors indexed

XML available from (still needs to be added)

Conference website:

Series: ADHO (6)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None