Tokyo Institute of Technology
University of Osaka
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Automatic Extraction of Hidden Keywords by Producing “Homophily” within Semantic Networks
Akama, Hiroyuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Miyake, Maki, University of Osaka,
Jung, Jaeyoung, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
A complex network is usually conceived of in the form of a graph consisting of nodes representing individual, or atomic, entities and edges linking them according to information about semantic attributes or some weighting value. This intellectual intuition can be applied to the world of language where a sign makes sense through the concurrent presence of other signs (Saussure, 1916). In particular, the semantic aspect of a document, as a group of more or less coherent sentences, depends on co-occurrence information about the words being bound together to form topics. When a content-bearing word is found within a neighborhood of other words, one may assume that they produce a constellation of meaning (Schütze, 1997; Takayama, 1999). Conceptual interrelatedness can be represented in a graph form called a semantic network. Similarly, in the field of digital humanities, the graph-based approach to document analysis is becoming a major research trend (Miyake, 2009).
In semantic networks, graph coefficients are useful for examining the features of language data, such as a document or corpus, from the perspective of meaning. Hubs with the highest degree values can be regarded as being as key words (excluding functional words), that are highly involved in producing the document context. In normal cases, the bias of degree distributions to follow a power law (or, more concretely, Zipf’s law) has been handled by the concept of scale-free (Barabási et al., 1999) for complex networks. However, one graph index that researchers are increasingly paying close attention to is the concept of ‘intrinsic weights’ that are not distributed to edges but to vertices (Caldarelli et al., 2002; Boguñá et al., 2003; Masuda et al, 2004). The emergence of this weighting within some network settings certainly leads a situation where vertex degree generates a phenomena known as the ‘Rich Club’ (Zhou et al, 2004; Colizza et al., 2006), consisting of hubs with high intrinsic weights. However Masuda et al. (2006) have revealed a contrastive kind of subgraph area, which they figuratively refer to as a ‘VIP Club’, where vertices with similar weighting values are exclusively connected to form a confined circle of privileged elites. This “homophily” tendency (Axelrod, 1997; Barrat et al., 2004; Centola et al.2007) makes the average shortest path length significantly longer, so that the innermost graph area becomes harder to access, forming a preserve for the so-called ‘masterminds’ (Masuda et al., 2006).
These elite entities may be, in some sense, regarded as ‘hidden keywords’ within complex networks, where all the words are interconnected—at dense intervals—from a paradigmatic perspective (Jacobson, 1963). These mastermind words are unquestionably of moderately high frequency or degree, but they are tightly related to one another by ‘homophilous’ ties to form very important but discreet lexical patterns. The term homophilous here means a significantly high value of ‘degree correlation’ (Boguñá et al, 2003; Boccaletti et al., 2006), which serves as a marker for the VIP-Club phenomenon (See Figure I). These mastermind words, which are relatively difficult to retrieve during comprehension within the reading process, sometimes play a crucial role in producing well-calculated subliminal effects or hinting at authors’ obsessions with their long-cherished themes.
Be that as it may, the Incremental Advancing Window (IAW), a windowing method (Burges, 1998; Lemaire et al., 2005) that Akama et al (2008) have proposed in order to extract word association patterns from a whole document, clearly satisfies the requirements for creating a homophilous semantic network from lexical co-occurrence information. From such a graph, it is possible to extract hidden keywords with moderate frequencies as members of the clusters regarded as being VIP-Clubs. In this method, the window proceeds step by step through an entire document (after the removal of noise words) to collect all word pairs appearing at least once inside the frame. The list of all pair instances thus obtained with their frequencies makes it possible to generate a semantic network. However, two parameters are set to some specific values to adjust for recall and precision in the data gathering: namely, the window size (diameter) is changed from 1 to m and the threshold for word pair frequency (theta; θ) is changed from 1 to n (m and n are both natural numbers larger than 1). For example, if the theta value is 3, word pairs appearing less than 3 times in the window are ignored. Precisely, this means that, no matter how frequently a word appears in a text, keywords are rejected from the list of vertices for the semantic network representing the text, if the instances of paired words are extremely rare with recorded frequencies lower than θ. This is why a graph derived by IAW exhibits the homophily tendency, if we consider degree itself to be an intrinsic weighting for a vertex.
For instance, let us cite a study conducted by Akama et al (2008) which applied IAW to Saint-Exupéry’s novel "Le petit prince" (original French version). The sample consisted of 1,312 content-bearing words remaining after a stop list was applied. If window size (diameter) is at the smallest level and threshold is similarly maximally strict, then the words extracted by IAW are numerically low, but they form tightly cohesive aggregates, suggesting that the precision rate, P, and the recall rate, R, are always in a trade-off relationship. A severe windowing condition with a threshold value set to 6 allowed us to recall the 38 most important words from the standpoint of co-occurrence patterns, but some of them were not included in the list of the 38 most frequent words. These hidden keywords, or mastermind words, were «apprivoiser», «boa», «cent un», «consigne», «fermé», «manger», «monde», «posséder», «ramoner», «région», «unique», and «volcan», which could all be characterized as homophilous in terms of degree similarity.
In contrast, words that were among the top words but excluded from the most severe IAW computational conditions were «aimer», «ami», «baobab», «connaître», «croire», «dessin», «jour», «nuit», «grande personne», «rose», «sérieux», and «venir», which are all ordinary keywords sharing the feature of heterophily in terms of degree-frequency—a tendency to be linked, or even collocated, with many different words (Figure II). In the smallest semantic network containing both groups of words (window size = 7, threshold for pair frequency = 6), the average shortest path lengths from all dangling nodes representing peripheral words to the vertices of these 12 masterminds (the first group) and to those of the purely general keywords (the second group) were 4.172 and 3.747, respectively, representing a highly significant difference according to a conducted t test (Figure III).
This result reveals much about the characteristic traits of mastermind words, which when coupled with graph clustering, permits us to understand how they shape communities that deserve the label of VIP-Clubs. To prove this, Markov Clustering (MCL) was applied to the smallest semantic network with IAW parameters of window size = 1 and threshold for pair frequency = 6 (thus screening out many weak co-occurrence patterns and focusing on the most frequent instances of bi-gram). MCL proposed by Van Dongen (2001) is well known as a scalable unsupervised cluster algorithm for graphs that decomposes a whole graph into small coherent groups by simulating the probability movements of a random walker across the graph. It is assumed that when MCL is applied to semantic networks, it yields clusters of words that share certain similarities in meaning or that appear to be related to common concepts (Dorow et al., 2005; Jung et al, 2007). As a matter of fact, the present clustering results produced some clusters which consist almost exclusively of homophilous masterminds, such as {monde, unique}, {boa, fermé, serpent}, and {éteindre, volcan, ramoner}. These clusters suggest a series of subtopics that are not so dominating within the novel, but that convey a persistent and deep resonance to the readers.
As described, a text, when treated in the form of a graph, exhibits some hidden keywords that can be enumerated as mastermind entities through the analysis of a homophilous semantic network. Furthermore, if a graph clustering method, such as MCL, is applied to the network, the vertices with such features are categorized into sub-topic clusters, known as VIP-Clubs. Despite the moderate degrees (frequencies) of these vertices (words), they are inconspicuously combined to create lexical patterns which, although they are minor, or subsidiary, in nature, are yet effective.
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Figure I : A homophilous graph (left) and a heterophilous graph (right) : an agglomeration of ‘VIP-Club’ is recognizable in the homophilous graph, while homogeneity underlies the heterophilous graph. Both networks with the same number of nodes (50) and the same connectivity (38.5%) are produced by respectively applying different pruning functions--which consist of trimming edges with probabilities varying according to the weight correlation--to an identical random graph whose distribution of ‘intrinsic weights’ follows the degree distribution of the equal-sized BA model (scale-free graph). The two pruning functions are
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where abslogdiff stands for the absolute value of the logarithmically-transformed difference of ‘intrinsic weights’ between any two vertices.
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Figure II: Subgraph (extracted from the semantic network made under the condition of window size = 7, threshold for pair frequency = 6) around the homophilous words (masterminds: blue) and the heterophilous words (purely general keywords: red). The size of a vertex corresponds to the degree.
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Figure III : The average shortest path lengths from the words with degrees 1, 2 and 3 respectively to the homophilous words (masterminds) and to the heterophilous words (purely general keywords)
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