Text-Image linking of Japanese historical documents: Sharing and exchanging data by using text-embedded image file

poster / demo / art installation
  1. 1. Takaaki Okamoto

    Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures - Ritsumeikan University

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

Text-Image linking of
Japanese historical
documents: Sharing and
exchanging data by using
text-embedded image file
Okamoto, Takaaki
Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts
and Cultures, Ritsumeikan University
This paper will demonstrate the effectiveness
of the linkage between textual data and image
data in the field of medieval Japanese history
where the research primarily uses text-based
documents instead of photocopies and digital
1. Using Computers and Data for
Historical Studies
The current state of the field of Japanese
history requires that researchers (1) view
more historical documents than in the
past, (2) fully utilize the various types of
information contained in these documents
such as the form of a character, handwriting,
type of paper etc., and (3) collaborate
with others on inter-disciplinary projects
instead of pursuing isolated projects in a
single field. It is not possible to realize
these goals through the individual efforts
of researchers. A well-established digital
environment becomes necessary. The most
important and fundamental research tasks for
a historian include: (1) looking up certain texts:
what documents include these and where in
the documents they can be found, and (2)
examining the target documents. Given the
nature of such research work, the utilization
of computers is not as advanced as it should
be. Without a fully computerized environment
to enable easy access, the groundwork of
identifying and reviewing documents would take
considerable time and effort, and thus impede
the advancement of research. If images and
texts of documents are digitally connected, by
searching keywords or sentences, the system
will display the target texts directly as a part
of the image, and users would also be able call
up lists of entire images by inputting single
2. Semantic information and
visual information of Historical
In the field of history, most commonly circulated
materials are published in traditional printed
media such as reprints of texts. Historical
documents that have not been reprinted are
used only when they are significant for specific
research projects. For historical studies, much
of the emphasis is on the interpretation and
analysis of primary texts, and reprints of
primary material, in plain text form, are often
used for such purposes.
Inevitably, certain information such as the
original handwriting will be lost in the process
of transforming the original into plain text.
In addition, handwritten material published
during the pre-modern period used numerous
variants of Chinese characters (
) different
from modern publishing standards. Many of the
variations of old characters are not represented
by computerized fonts and thus are often lost
in the conversion into text files. Kunten (

), the punctuation marks to read Chinese
text (Chinese classics, sutras translated to
Chinese, etc.) in Japanese pronunciation and
grammatical order, are represented by special
symbols. For research using this type of
document, simple text files are not enough. The
primary material needs to be converted into
image files.
In other words, historical documents contain
semantic information that can be converted
into text files as well as visual information that
cannot be represented in text files.
3. Possibilities of Visual
To use handwriting data as an example,
historical documents often do not indicate
the author’s name. Even in cases when a
signature is included, it can often be the
person who authorized the document and not
necessarily the actual penman. For this reason
handwriting becomes an important piece of
information to determine the composer of

the document. Graphology analysis can reveal
answers to the following questions: (1) who
manually composed this document, (2) why
did this person write this document, and (3)
what other documents have possibly been
written by the same person? In conjunction
with content analysis (interpretation), these
additional aspects can further advance historical
and diplomatic research. Introducing imagery
analysis to research that has been centered
on textual analysis will no doubt lead to new
4. Computer Environment for
Handling Historical Documents
Although researchers have long recognized
the importance of visual information, limited
research has been done in these directions.
One main reason for this is the lack of a well-
developed digital environment, which has made
such work highly labor intensive.
In order to make searching digitized images
just as convenient as searching digitized text,
images need to be organized based on the
questions of “what character is contained in
what part of which document.” It will also be
necessary to provide easy to understand results
that will highlight searching characters or text
within the image. To enable such functions, text
data needs to be correlated with image data
through coordinates by each character. In other
words, three types of input are needed to set
up this coordinate system: (1) Which document
text does this image correspond to? (2) What
characters or words are included in the text? (3)
Where in the image are the search words? Two
of these inputs, the image data and the text data,
are already in common use. If every individual
character of the text can be linked to the image
through a coordinate system, it will enable text
searches within the image of a document.
5. Text-image Management Tool
and File Sharing/Exchange via
Portable Devices
Researchers need to build an easily accessible
digital environment with the documents and
images of the documents and would thus find
it useful to have a tool that could indicate the
position in the original documents for a given
text of interest. We are currently developing a
tool that processes image files of text documents
in this way (Fig. 1). Using this tool, a researcher,
by clicking on any character in the image, can
create information about the character such as
its position within the image. As shown in figure
2, the data created for each character including
ID (automatically generated GUID), position in
the text, coordinates, dimensions and so on are
made into a simple text file that can be managed
by external software applications like Excel.
Figure 1
Figure 2
The program can generate reduced images
for viewing in a browser and an HTML file
containing information of the positions of the
characters. When users search for a string of
characters, a Javascript function will highlight
the search results on the generated HTML file
for display (Fig. 3).

Figure 3
The process of connecting these two sets
of information cannot be automated and is
dependent on manual input, which will inflict
certain costs. Moreover, since the productivity of
data processing by individuals is limited, group
collaboration is essential. For the sake of simpler
file sharing, this software thus creates one single
file in TIFF format that combines the image data
and the text data files. This enables the sharing
of text data and image files through the exchange
of just one file, an image file embedded with
text data through a portable device. Moreover,
on the receivers’ end, it will be possible for
all the image files of the individual characters
and the HTML files needed for searching text
strings to be generated from the one text-data
embedded image file, eventually making all of
these exchanges unnecessary.
6. Publishing on the Web
Although owners of the documents are often
unwilling to publish the images of their
documents on the Web, it is still necessary
to develop a network friendly environment for
those documents to be published. Such an
environment consists of web servers, databases,
and web applications that connect them. Since
the system needs to be user-friendly for the
researcher, there is a tool for importing image
files with embedded textual data as mentioned
previously by a simple drag-and-drop function.
Once the file is dragged and dropped into the
tool, it will generate the following: (1) an image
for display on the Web (2) coordinate axes for
this image (3) partitioning of the image for
zooming and update temporary text/index data
in the database server. Then the image file and
textual data will be ready for publication on the
7. Conclusion
This method uses data collected and
compiled by individual researchers on their
personal computers. Data sharing is done
through external portable devices. Data
sharing via external portable devices may
cause delays in distributing the data,
prevent other collaborators from referring
to updated information, and ultimately
cause inconsistencies in data references. The
inconvenience of external portable devices may
lead to situations where the data are not updated
at all on the computers of other collaborators.
To avoid these situations it is important to take
advantage of the online environment. However,
sometimes owners do not want researchers to
put images of their historical documents in the
environment. This paper demonstrates how to
deal with such situations.

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info


ADHO - 2010
"Cultural expression, old and new"

Hosted at King's College London

London, England, United Kingdom

July 7, 2010 - July 10, 2010

142 works by 295 authors indexed

XML available from https://github.com/elliewix/DHAnalysis (still needs to be added)

Conference website: http://dh2010.cch.kcl.ac.uk/

Series: ADHO (5)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None