Multilingual taxonomy initiative - TaDiRAH as community of practice

workshop / tutorial
  1. 1. Luise Borek

    Technische Universität Darmstadt (Technical University of Darmstadt)

  2. 2. Canan Hastik

    Independent Scholar

  3. 3. Quinn Dombrowski

    Stanford University

  4. 4. Daan Broeder

    Humanities Cluster - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)

  5. 5. Annika Rockenberger

    Library - University of Oslo

  6. 6. Kiyonori Nagasaki

    International Institute for Digital Humanities

  7. 7. Ryo Mochizuki

    University of Tokyo

  8. 8. Shumpei Katakura

    Tokyo National Museum

  9. 9. Drahomira Cupar

    University of Zadar

  10. 10. Ikki Ohmukai

    University of Tokyo

Work text
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Conference Info

Not started

ADHO - 2023
"Collaboration as Opportunity"

Hosted at Karl-Franzens Universität Graz (University of Graz)

Graz, Austria

July 10, 2023 - July 14, 2023

220 works by 675 authors indexed

Conference website:

References: Proceedings and abstracts are available via Zenodo ( and dblp (

Series: ADHO (17)

Organizers: ADHO