Digital Multilingualism in Ancient Languages: the test-case of the MARK16 project

  1. 1. Claire Clivaz

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

  2. 2. Mina Monier

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

  3. 3. Elisa Nury

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

  4. 4. Silvano Aldà

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

  5. 5. Jonathan Barda

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Work text
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Conference Info

In review

ACH/ICCH - 2022
"DH Unbound"

May 17, 2022 - May 19, 2022

119 works by 282 authors indexed

Co-organized with ACH and CSDH-SCHN

Conference website:

Contributors: Scott B. Weingart

Series: ACH/ICCH (29)

Organizers: ACH, CSDH/SCHN

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None