Using ODD for Multi-purpose TEI Documentation

  1. 1. Julia Flanders

    Women Writers Project - Brown University

  2. 2. Syd Bauman

    Women Writers Project - Brown University

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The philosophy of "literate
programming" (Knuth 1984), on which the
TEI ODD is founded, proposes that code and
documentation be written and maintained as
a single integrated resource, from which both
working programs and readable documentation
can be generated. As currently designed, the
TEI ODD system supports these goals, and
there exist several good examples of extended
project documentation written using the ODD
customization file (see (Trolard 2009), (Burnard
and Sperberg-McQueen 2006), (Burnard et al.
2010) and also the TEI Guidelines themselves).
However, at present these examples only
assume and demonstrate the ability to generate
two types of documentation: a prose narrative
and a set of reference documentation. As
text encoding projects develop and mature
they generate a variety of documentation that
may include training tutorials and reference
documentation, public documentation of
editorial and encoding practices, documentation
of their TEI customization, and internal
documentation of the encoding decisions
that have resulted in their current encoding
rationale. Many of these other forms of output
(such as training tutorials) have not been tried in
practice and the current ODD processor, Roma,
does not explicitly support them. In this paper
we explore the possibility of generating more
complex and varied forms of documentation
using the TEI ODD customization file.
As background for this discussion we should
begin by describing the nature and role of this
customization file. Underlying any TEI-encoded
document is a schema defining the terms of its
validity, and underlying that schema is a further
specification: the ODD customization file, which
is the source file from which the schema is
generated (documented in detail in chapters 22
and 23 of the TEI Guidelines (TEI 2007)). The
ODD file serves several important functions:
To express the specific choices that are being
made with respect to the TEI system as a
whole: which TEI modules are to be included
in the generated schema, which elements
and attributes from these modules are to
be included or omitted, changes to content
models, etc.
To document those choices: for instance,
to explain the meaning of controlled
vocabularies for attribute values, or to express
the rationale for applying an element only in
specific contexts or with a slightly broader or
narrower significance than described in the
To permit the generation (using these two
kinds of information) not only of a custom TEI
schema but also of custom documentation.
This custom documentation includes a re-
expression of the TEI reference documentation:
that is, the second volume of the printed
TEI Guidelines, the portion containing separate
entries for each element, attribute, class, and
macro. This custom reference documentation
includes only references to elements, attributes,
and classes that are actually present in the
custom schema, and includes as part of these
entries some of the additional documentation
expressed as part of point 2 above (e.g. glosses
of specific attribute values, etc.).
The goal of the TEI customization mechanism
as a whole, then, is two-fold. First, it aims
to make TEI schemas self-documenting, by
encapsulating all of the choices made in a
separate document (the customization ODD
file) that can be stored, maintained, exchanged.
And second, to a certain extent the mechanism
is intended to permit
encoding systems
be self-documenting, in the sense that the
documentation of the encoding practice can
be bundled together with the raw materials
for creating and maintaining the custom
schema. This is true in a very straightforward
manner to the extent that information about
encoding practice can be directly associated
with specific schema modifications. But more

complex documentation is also possible: since
the ODD file is a TEI document, one can also
include more detailed documentation that is not
directly associated with a schema modification,
simply by adding prose to that TEI document.
When the ODD file is processed, the resulting
documentation will include that additional
prose. This more detailed approach is currently
uncommon, but this is primarily because the
Roma web interface does not currently support
the authoring of such documentation; users
need to author the ODD directly in order
to create more complex documentation forms.
Examples of this more detailed approach
include the TEI in Libraries best practices
documentation (Hawkins and Bauman 2009),
and also the documentation for TEI Lite
(Burnard and Sperberg-McQueen 2006).
With this in mind, however, it is tempting
to extend this process even a step further:
to use the ODD file as a way of writing
documentation of other sorts that are even
less closely attached (in their methods of
organization) to the schema specifications.
For example, for many purposes a project
may need to maintain both reference-style
documentation for each element or encoding
concept, and also tutorial-style documentation
whose emphasis is on leading the reader through
a pedagogically structured narrative. Encoders
learning to transcribe manuscript diaries might
need to learn first the specific set of structural
elements that will be used to encode the overall
structure of the document (<div>, <opener>,
<dateLine>, etc.) and then the set of elements
having to do with transcriptional difficulties
(<gap>, <unclear>, <add>, <del>). At the same
time, in other areas of the project it might
be essential to have documentation of the
underlying rationale for the encoding approach,
or a high-level narrative with links to specific
entries. More importantly, different tutorials
or forms of documentation might need to
use particular portions of the specification in
different orders: the tutorial format might take
specific sets of elements and treat them as
groups, while a more comprehensive narrative
documentation might treat the same encoding
concepts in alphabetical order, or by conceptual
grouping, or by TEI module (to take just a few
To support the generation of multiple
documentation narratives from a single ODD
requires two changes to the way the ODD is
written. First, additional prose (from which the
various narratives will be generated) will need
to be included in the ODD, and the ODD itself
may need to be organized somewhat differently
to accommodate this prose. Second, and more
challengingly, some mechanism is required by
which the different narrative orderings can
be expressed in the ODD and then processed
to produce the various appropriate forms of
output. These different forms of documentation
could of course be maintained separately (as
is currently the case) but the value of the
ODD system lies in its philosophy (expressed
somewhat obscurely in the word "ODD", or
"one document does-it-all") of having a single
document that expresses and documents all
aspects of a TEI encoding scheme. Rather
than creating separate prose documentation
for these additional forms, there is clear value
in being able to generate multiple forms of
documentation serving different purposes, from
a single ODD.
We are not aware of any examples of this latter
type, but the utility of this approach is clear
and the ODD language – because it is part of
the TEI and thus can use the full expressive
resources of the TEI language as a whole –
contains the features necessary to support it. In
this paper we present an initial implementation
in which we construct a set of tutorials on
specific encoding topics in areas where the WWP
has customized the TEI (for instance verse, title
pages, and notes), using the ODD mechanism.
The approach we explore entails encoding
the components of the various narratives
using standard TEI prose and documentation
elements, and constituting each individual
narrative using stand-off markup to identify
and assemble the pieces in the appropriate
order for the documentary form in question. We
present the proposed ODD encoding for these
tutorials, using the Women Writers Project
internal documentation as a testbed. We also
present prototype stylesheets that will generate
multiple documentation narratives from the
single ODD source.

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info


ADHO - 2010
"Cultural expression, old and new"

Hosted at King's College London

London, England, United Kingdom

July 7, 2010 - July 10, 2010

142 works by 295 authors indexed

XML available from (still needs to be added)

Conference website:

Series: ADHO (5)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None