Towards Hermeneutic Markup: An architectural

  1. 1. Wendell Piez

    Mulberry Technologies, Inc.

Work text
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Towards Hermeneutic
Markup: An architectural
Piez, Wendell
Mulberry Technologies, Inc., USA
By "
" markup I mean markup that
is deliberately interpretive. It is not limited
to describing aspects or features of a text
that can be formally defined and objectively
verified. Instead, it is devoted to recording
a scholar's or analyst's observations and
conjectures in an open-ended way. As markup,
it is capable of automated and semi-automated
processing, so that it can be processed at scale
and transformed into different representations.
By means of a markup regimen perhaps
peculiar to itself, a text would be exposed
to further processing such as text analysis,
visualization or rendition. Texts subjected
to consistent interpretive methodologies, or
different interpretive methodologies applied to
the same text, can be compared. Rather than
being devoted primarily to supporting data
interchange and reuse – although these benefits
would not be excluded – hermeneutic markup is
focused on the presentation and explication of
the interpretation it expresses.
Hermeneutic markup in its full form does not yet
exist. XML, and especially TEI XML, provides a
foundation for this work. But due to limitations
both in currently dominant approaches to XML,
and in XML itself, a number of important
desiderata remain before truly sophisticated
means can be made available for scholars to
exploit the full potentials of markup for literary
study, as implied, for example, by ideas such as
Steven Ramsay's Algorithmic Criticism or what
I described in 2001 (following Rockwell and
Bradley) as "
exploratory markup
" (Piez 2001.
See also especially Buzzetti, 2002 and McGann,
Prototype user interfaces designed to enable one
or another kind of
ad hoc
textual annotation
or markup have been developed, for the most
part independently of one another (several are
cited.). This shows that the idea of hermeneutic
markup, or something like it, is not new; but
none of these have yet made the breakthrough.
An important reason is that hermeneutic
markup in its full sense will not be possible on
the basis simply of a standard tag set or capable
user interface, because it will mean not just that
we can describe a data set using markup (we
can already do that), but that we can actively
develop, for a
text or family of texts,
an appropriate, and possibly highly customized,
means and methodology for doing so.
A demonstration of a prototype markup
application helps to show the potentials
and challenges, in a very rudimentary form
[screenshots appear in Figure 1.] This graphical
and interactive rendering of markup in the
source files presents an interpretation of
the grammatical/rhetorical structure (sentences
and phrases) as well as verse structure (lines
and stanzas) in the text. Unfortunately, while
the encoding for the sonnets here is not
inordinately difficult – "
" are used, in
a conventional manner, to denote the presence
of structures that overlap the primary structure
of the encoded document – the code that
renders it (not included in the package) incurs
significant extra overhead to run, because
XML technologies are ill-fitted to manage the
kind of information we are interested in here,
namely the overlapping of these structures that
characterizes the sonnet form. XML doesn't
do overlap. As long as a sentence or phrase
overlaps a line – a very common occurrence
and important poetic device – the normative
XML data model, a "
", cannot capture both
together. In order to do processing like what
happens here, one or another workaround has to
be resorted to. So while XML is being used here,
it is a clumsy means to this end.

Figure 1: Screenshots of three sonnets with rendition of
overlapping (verse and sentence/phrase) structures. The
interface (implemented in W3C-standard SVG) is dynamic and
responds to user input to highlight overlapping ranges of text.
But overlap is only part of the problem. Consider
Alfred Lord Tennyson's
Now Sleeps the Crimson
Petal, Now the White
. This too is a sonnet,
after a fashion, although it does not have a
conventional sonnet's octave/sestet structure.
Since this application does not work with a
schema, this is not a problem here. Yet as texts
or collections grow in scale and complexity,
having a schema is essential to enforcing
consistency and helping to ensure that like
things are marked up alike. A framework for
this application must not only find a way to
work around the overlap; it must also deploy a
schema (or at any rate some sort of validation
technology) flexible enough – at least if this
instance is to be valid to it – that such outliers
from regular form are permissible, even while
attention is drawn to them (see Birnbaum 1997).
Currently, XML developers generally (setting
aside the problem of overlap) do not consider
this to be problematic in itself; indeed, part of
the fun and interest of markup is in devising and
applying a schema that fits the data, however
strange and interesting it may be. What is
not so fun is to have to repeat this process
endlessly, being caught in a cycle of amending
and adjusting a schema constantly (and sooner
or later, scripts and stylesheets) in order to
account for newly discovered anomalies. Sooner
or later, when exhaustion sets in or the limits
of technical knowhow are reached, one ends
up either faking it with tags meant for other
purposes (thereby diluting markup semantics in
order to
to represent the data), or just
giving up.
Extending a schema is found to be a problem
not only because validating and processing
any model more complex than a single
hierarchy is a headache even for technical
experts, but also, more generally, because
current practices assume a top-down schema
development process. Despite XML's support
for processing markup even without a schema,
both XML tools and dominant development
methodologies assume that schema design and
development occurs prior to the markup and
processing of actual texts. This priority is both
temporal and logical, reflecting a conception
of the schema as a declaration of constraints
over a set of instances (a “type”), appropriate
to publishing systems built to work with
hundreds or thousands of documents, with
a requirement for backwards compatibility
(documents encoded earlier cannot be revised
easily or at all) and limited flexibility to adapt to
new and interesting discoveries. The centrality
of the schema within this kind of system inhibits,
when it does not altogether frustrate, the flexible
development of a markup practice that is
sensitive, primarily, to a text under study, and

this conception of a schema's authority works
poorly when considering a single text
sui generis
– the starting point for hermeneutic markup.
In hermeneutic markup, a schema should be,
first and last, an apparatus and a support, not a
Procrustean bed.
All these problems together indicate the outline
of a general solution:
A data model supporting arbitrary overlap.
Interfaces, including a markup syntax, that
facilitate the creation, editing and analysis of
texts using this data model, with the capability
of defining
ad hoc
elements and properties
(attributes) on the fly.
A transformation technology supporting (in
addition to data transformations) analytical
tools applicable to the markup as such (not
just the raw text), with the capability of
managing elements and their properties in
sets, locating them, listing them by type,
sorting, visualizing and comparing them.
Schema-inferencing capabilities for
describing the structural relations within
either an entire marked-up corpus, or within
identifiable segments, sections or profiles of
In connection this, a schema technology that
supports partial and modular validation.
A system with all these features would support
an iterative and "
" approach to markup
development. We would start by tagging. (In a
radical version of this approach we might start
by tagging for presentation, perhaps using just
a lightweight HTML or TEI variant for our first
cut.) Then we introduce a provisional schema
or schemas capable of validating the tagging
we have used. This requires assessing which
cases of overlap in the text are essential to our
document analysis, and which are incidental
and subject to normalization within hierarchies.
Having refined the schema, we return to the
tagged text, to consider both how its tagging falls
short (with respect to whatever requirements we
have for either data description or processing),
and how it may be enhanced, better structured
and regularized. During this process we also
begin to develop and deploy applications of
the markup. We then revise, refactor and
extend both tagging and schema, applying data
transformations as needed, in order to better
address the triple goals of adequate description,
processing, and economy of design.
Such a system would not only be an
interesting and potentially ground-breaking
approach to collaborative literary study; it
would also be a platform for learning about
markup technologies, an increasingly important
topic in itself. Moreover, hermeneutic markup
represents an opportunity to capitalize on
investments already made, as texts encoded in
well-understood formats like TEI are readily
adaptable for this kind of work.
Many of these capabilities have already
been demonstrated or sketched in different
applications or proposals for applications,
including W3C XML Schema (partial
validation); James Clark's Trang (schema
inferencing for XML); LMNL/CREOLE
(overlap, structured annotations, validation
of overlap); JITTs (XML "
" of
concurrent overlapping structures); and
TexMECS (overlap, "
" and discontinuous
The presentation will conclude with a
demonstration of various outputs from the
data sources used in the demo, which provide
building blocks towards the kind of system
sketched here. A range-analysis transformation
can show which types of structures in a
markup instance overlap with other structures,
and conversely which structures nest cleanly.
Complementary to this, an "
XML induction
" is capable of deriving well-formed
XML representations of texts marked up with
overlapping structures – from which, in turn,
XML schemas can be derived.

Figure 2: A workflow diagram showing the architecture of
present (XML-based) markup systems. Both schema and
processing logic are considered to be static; modifying them is
an activity extraneous to document markup and production.
Figure 3: An architecture capable of supporting hermeneutic
markup would account directly for document analysis and for
the design of schema, queries and processing. While in fact this
is often done even today, one has to work against the current
tool set to do it, questioning its assumptions regarding the
purposes, roles and relations of source text, markup and schema.
A final version of this paper, with the
demonstrations, is available at
Birnbaum, David
. 'In Defense of Invalid
Kingston, Ontario, 1997.
Buzzetti, Dino
(2002). 'Digital
Representation and the Text Model'.
Literary History.
: 61-88.
CATMA. University of Hamburg (Jan
Christoph Meister).
Caton, Paul
. 'LMNL Matters? (presenting the
Limner prototype tagging platform)'.
Markup Languages 2005.
Montréal, Québec,
Czmiel, Alexander
. 'XfOS (XML for
Overlapping Structures)'.
ACH/ALLC 2004.
Göteborg, Sweden, 2004.
Di Iorio, Angelo, Silvio Peroni and
Fabio Vitali
. 'Towards markup support for
full GODDAGs and beyond: the EARMARK
Balisage: The Markup Conference
Montréal, Canada, 2009.
Durusau, Patrick, and Matthew Brooke
. 'Coming down from the trees: Next
step in the evolution of markup? (Presenting
JITTs, Just-in-time Trees)'.
Extreme Markup
Languages 2002.
Montréal, Québec,
Huitfeldt, Claus
Markup Languages for
Complex Documents (MLCD).
Image Markup Tool. University of Victoria
(Martin Holmes).
Lancashire, Ian
Early Books, RET
Encoding Guidelines, and the Trouble with

LMNL wiki.
McGann, Jerome
(2004). 'Marking Texts of
Many Dimensions'.
A Companion to Digital
Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens,
John Unsworth (ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.
NINES project. University of Virginia (Jerome
McGann, et al.).
Piez, Wendell
(2001). 'Beyond the Descriptive
vs Procedural Distinction'.
Markup Languages:
Theory and Practice.
Ramsay, Steven
(2008). 'Algorithmic
A Companion to Digital Literary
Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens
(ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.
Sperberg-McQueen, C. Michael
'Text in the electronic age: Textual study and text
encoding, with examples from medieval texts'.
Literary & linguistic computing.
: 34-46.

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Conference Info


ADHO - 2010
"Cultural expression, old and new"

Hosted at King's College London

London, England, United Kingdom

July 7, 2010 - July 10, 2010

142 works by 295 authors indexed

XML available from (still needs to be added)

Conference website:

Series: ADHO (5)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None