University of Warsaw
Institute of Computer Science - Polish Academy of Sciences
The need for text encoding standards
for language resources (LRs) is widely
acknowledged: within the International
Standards Organization (ISO) Technical
Committee 37 / Subcommittee 4 (TC 37 / SC
4), work in this area has been going on since
the early 2000s, and working groups devoted to
this issue have been set up in two current pan-
European projects, CLARIN (
) and FLaReNet (
). It is obvious that standards are necessary
for the interoperability of tools and for the
facilitation of data exchange between projects,
but they are also needed within projects,
especially where multiple partners and multiple
levels of linguistic data are involved.
One such project is the National Corpus of Polish
Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego
; Przepiórkowski
et al.
2008, 2009) involving 4 Polish institutions
and carried out in 2008–2010. The project
aims at the creation of a 1-billion-word
automatically annotated corpus of Polish, with a
1-million-word subcorpus annotated manually.
The following levels of linguistic annotation are
distinguished in the project: 1) segmentation
into sentences, 2) segmentation into fine-
grained word-level tokens, 3) morphosyntactic
analysis, 4) coarse-grained syntactic words (e.g.,
analytical forms, constructions involving bound
words, etc.), 5) named entities, 6) syntactic
groups, 7) word senses (for a limited number of
ambiguous lexemes).
Any standards adopted for these levels
should allow for stand-off annotation, as is
now common practice and as is virtually
indispensable in the case of many levels
of annotation, possibly involving conflicting
Two additional, non-linguistic levels of
annotation required for each document are text
structure (e.g., division into chapters, sections
and paragraphs, appropriate marking of front
matter, etc.) and metadata. The standard
adopted for these levels should be sufficiently
flexible to allow for representing diverse types
of texts, including books, articles, blogs and
transcripts of spoken data.
NKJP is committed to following current
standards and best practices in corpus
development and text encoding. However,
because of the current proliferation of official,
de facto
and purported standards, it is far
from clear what standards a new corpus project
should adopt. The aim of this paper is to attempt
to answer this question.
1. Standards and best practices
The three text encoding standards and best
practices listed in a recent CLARIN short guide
(CLARIN:STE, 2009)
are: standards developed
within ISO TC 37 SC 4, the Text Encoding
Initiative (TEI; Burnard and Bauman 2008)
guidelines and the XML version of the Corpus
Encoding Standard (XCES; Ide
et al.
Apart from these, there are other
de facto
standards and best practices, e.g., TIGER-XML
(Mengel and Lezius, 2000) for the encoding
of syntactic information, or the more general
PAULA (Dipper, 2005) encoding schema used in
various projects in Germany.
1.1. XCES
The original version of XCES inherits
from TEI an exhaustive approach to
metadata representation. It makes specific
recommendations for the representation of
morphosyntactic information and for the
alignment of parallel corpora. In early the
2000s, it was probably the most popular corpus
encoding standard.
Currently, the claim of XCES to being such
a standard is much weaker. A new — more
abstract — version of XCES was introduced
around 2003, where concrete morphosyntactic
schema was replaced by a general feature
structure mechanism, different from the
ISO Feature Structure Representation (FSR)
standard (ISO 24610-1). In our view, this is
a step back, as adopting a more abstract
representation requires more work on the part
of corpus developers. Moreover, XCES has no
specific recommendations for other levels of
linguistic knowledge, and no mechanisms for
representing discontinuity and alternatives, all
of which need to be represented in NKJP. Taking
also into account the lack of documentation
and the potential confusion concerning its
XCES turns out to be unsuitable for
the purposes of NKJP.
1.2. ISO TC37 SC 4
There is a family of ISO standards developed by
ISO TC 37 SC 4 for modelling and representing
different types of linguistic information. The two
published standards concern the representation
of feature structures (ISO 24610-1) and the
encoding of dictionaries (ISO 24613). Other
proposed standards are at varying levels of
maturity and abstractness. While eventually
these standards may reach stability and
specificity required by practical applications,
this is currently not the case.
TIGER-XML and a schema which may
be consider as its generalisation, PAULA,
are specific, relatively well-documented and
widely employed best practices for describing
linguistic objects occurring in texts (so-called
"markables") and relations between them (in the
case of TIGER-XML, the constituency relation).
They do not contain specifications for metadata
or structural annotation.
2. TEI P5
For metadata and structural annotation levels
there is no real alternative to TEI. Moreover, TEI
P5 implements the FSR standard ISO 24610-1,
which can be used for the representation of
any linguistic content, along the lines of XCES
(although the feature structure representations
used in XCES do not comply with this standard),
PAULA and the proposed ISO standard,
Linguistic Annotation Framework (ISO 24612).
TEI P5 is stable, has rich documentation and an
active user base, and for these reasons alone it
should be preferred to XCES and (the current
versions of) the ISO standards. Moreover, any
TIGER-XML and PAULA annotation may be
expressed in TEI in an isomorphic way, thanks
to the linking mechanisms of TEI P5.
However, TEI is a very rich toolbox, proposing
multitudinous mechanisms for representing
multifarious aspects of text encoding, and this
richness, as well as the sheer size of TEI P5
documentation (1350–1400 pages), are often
perceived by corpus developers as prohibitive.
For this reason, within NKJP, a specific set
of recommendations for particular levels of
annotation has been developed, aiming at
achieving a maximal compatibility (understood
as the easiness to translate between formats)
with other proposed and
de facto
For example, TEI P5 offers, among others,
the following ways to represent syntactic
XML tree, built with elements such as
<s>(entence), <phr>(ase), <cl>(ause) and
<w>(ord), may directly mirror constituency
all information, including constituency, may
be encoded as a feature structure (Witt
et al.
each syntactic group is a <seg>(ment) of
type group, containing a feature structure
description and <ptr> pointers to other
constituents, defined in the same file (for non-
terminal syntactic groups) or in a stand-off
way elsewhere (for terminal words).
While the first of these representations is the
most direct, and the second most general, it is
the third representation that directly mirrors
TIGER-XML, PAULA and SynAF, and for this
reason, it has been adopted in NKJP.
Bel, N., Beskow, J., Boves, L., Budin,
G., Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Hinrichs,
E., Krauwer, S., Lemnitzer, L., Piperidis,
S., Przepiórkowski, A., Romary, L.,
Schiel, F., Schmidt, H., Uszkoreit, H.,
and Wittenburg, P.
action plan for Clarin. State: Proposal to
CLARIN Community
If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.
Hosted at King's College London
London, England, United Kingdom
July 7, 2010 - July 10, 2010
142 works by 295 authors indexed
XML available from (still needs to be added)
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Series: ADHO (5)
Organizers: ADHO