Image Retrieval Knowledge and Art History Curriculum in the Digital Age

  1. 1. Hsin-Liang Chen

    University of Texas, Austin

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Images are used intensively in the field of art history. In a typical art history class, an instructor presents slides to students and they discuss the historical features of the slides. Instructors get slides from a departmental slide library and students go to the library to find related images from reference materials, journals or monographs. But computing technology is changing this scenario. Many museums and galleries digitize their collections and mount their digital images online. With these digital resources, researchers, educators and students in the art history field can retrieve images from collections around the world. However, these image resources apply different image management schema to control their digital collections and users have to acquire new knowledge to use these image resources. Before retrieving images, a user needs to know how to find appropriate images from different resources by using different skills and strategies. The new knowledge and skills of using digital image management systems have not been studied comprehensively.
Two major indexing approaches--concept-based and content-based--exist in the image retrieval field (Rasmussen, 1997; Chen & Rasmussen, 1999). Many previous studies on art image retrieval focused exclusively on the concept-based approach (Besser, 1990, 1991; Enser, 1995; Enser & McGregor, 1992; Hastings, 1995a, 1995b; Layne, 1994; Markey, 1984, 1988; Petersen, 1990; Tibbo, 1994; Walker & Thoma, 1990; Zheng, 1999). Investigators from the computing technology community are interested in using a variety of approaches with algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques to index and retrieve images (Cawkell, 1994; Chang, 1989; Chang, et al., 1997; Faloutsos et al., 1994; Ma & Manjanath, 1999).
New technologies have placed the emphasis on automatic image indexing and content-based retrieval, although it is not clear how the retrieval functionality found in these systems correlates with image information needs of real users. The use of image retrieval systems varies in different fields since users have their own specific information-seeking behavior, and need unique features designed for their tasks. A user-centered study can provide in-depth understanding of the user's information needs and his/her cognitive abilities. The understanding can be applied to design better user training, tutorials and system functions. In order to develop such understanding this project studied the user's image retrieval behavior and addressed implications for the curriculum design of the art history field.
This study investigates end-users' image queries by comparing the features of the queries to those identified in previous studies proposed by Enser and McGregor (1992), Jorgensen (1995) and Fidel (1997) in order to discover the utility of these existing features for the art history field and identify any expansions or new features. It also examines relationships between user search tasks and image query modes. Enser and McGregor's categories of Unique and Non-unique, and Jorgensen's classes of Location, Literal Object, Art Historical Information, People and People-related Attributes received high degrees of matching by three reviewers. This finding can be applied to add more details to Enser and McGregor's four categories (Unique, Non-unique, Unique with refiners, and Non-unique with refiners) and to re-group Jorgensen's 12 classes of image attributes.
This study also found several significant relationships between the participants' retrieval tasks and query modes. The participants who used fewer keywords from their topic title and topic description had a larger number of keywords or phrases they planned to use. A significant difference was found between the mean of the search keywords or phrases participants planned to use and the mean of the search keywords or phrases they actually used. Pearson correlation coefficients also found a significant difference between the describing task and the number of search keywords or phrases participants actually used. The participants who submitted a higher number of keywords or phrases they planned to use were able to draw more pictures representing their topic title and the participants who had a greater number of keywords or phrases actually used also generated a larger number of post-search drawings. A significant relationship was found between the level of success for the search results and the percentage of search keywords or phrases participants planned to use drawn from the topic title or topic description. A significant relationship was also found between the level of success and the number of keywords or phrases participants planned to use. Implications for curriculum design in the art history field, library instruction, image indexing tools and image retrieval system design are proposed.

Besser, H. (1990). Visual access to visual images: The UC Berkeley image experience with electronic databases project. Library Trends, 38(4), 787-789.
Besser, H. (1991). Imaging: Fine arts. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 42(8), 589-596.
Cawkell, A. E. (1994). A guide to image processing and picture management. Aldershot, Hampshire (UK): Gower Publishing Limited.
Chang, S. K. (1989). Principles of pictorial information systems design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Chang, S., Smith, J. R., Beigi, M., & Benitez, A. (1997). Visual information retrieval from large distributed online repositories. Communications of the ACM, (40)12, 63-71.
Chen, H., & Rasmussen, R. (1999). Intellectual access to images. Library Trends 48(2), 291-302.
Enser, P.G.B. (1995). Progress in documentation pictorial information retrieval. Journal of Documentation, 51(2), 126-170.
Enser, P.G.B., & McGregor, C.G. (1992). Analysis of visual information retrieval queries. Report on Project G16412 to the British Library Research and Development Department. London: British Library.
Faloutsos, C., Barber, R., Flickner, M., Hafner, J., Niblack, W., Petkovic, D., & Equitz, M. (1994). Efficient and effective querying by image content. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 3, 231-262.
Fidel, R. (1997). The image retrieval task: Implications for the design and evaluation of image databases. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 3, 181-199.
Garber, S. R., & Grunes, M. B. (1992). The art of search: A study of art directors. CHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, 157-163.
Hastings, S. K. (1995a). An exploratory study of intellectual access to digitized art images. Proceedings of the 16th National Online Meeting, 177-185.
Hastings, S. K. (1995b). Query categories in a study of intellectual access to digitized art images. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, October 9-12, 1995, Chicago, IL. Medford, NJ: ASIS. 3-8.
Jorgensen, C. (1995). Image attributes: An investigation (Indexing systems, retrieval systems, computerized). Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Syracuse University.
Layne, S. S. (1994). Some issues in the indexing of images. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 45(8), 583-588.
Ma, W. & Manjanath, B. (1998). Netra: A toolbox for navigating large image databases. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP97), 1, 568-571.
Markey, K. (1984). Interindexer consistency tests: A literature review and report of a test of consistency in indexing visual materials. Library & Information Science Research, 6(2), 155-177.
Markey, K. (1988). Access to iconographical research collections. Library Trends, 37(2), 154-174.
Petersen, T. (1990). Developing a new thesaurus for art and architecture. Library Trends, 38(4), 644-658.
Rasmussen, E. M. (1997). Indexing images. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 32, 169-196.
Tibbo, H. R. (1994). Indexing for the humanities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 45(8), 607-619.
Walker, F. L., & Thomas, G. R. (1990). Access techniques for document image experience with electronic Experience with electronic databases. Library Trends, 38(4), 751-786.
Zheng, M. (1999). Metadata elements for object description and representation: A case report from a digitized historical fashion collection project. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(13), 1193-1208.

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Conference Info

In review


Hosted at New York University

New York, NY, United States

July 13, 2001 - July 16, 2001

94 works by 167 authors indexed

Series: ACH/ICCH (21), ALLC/EADH (28), ACH/ALLC (13)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC
