Implementing Greek Morphology

poster / demo / art installation
  1. 1. Helma Dik

    University of Chicago

  2. 2. Richard Whaling

    University of Chicago

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.

In this poster we discuss the nuts and bolts of our implementation
of Greek morphology in a five-million
word corpus, that of the Perseus Greek texts. Many disparate
elements, and the efforts of many different people
have come together in this project. Dik & Whaling
(2008) describe how initial data was gathered from multiple
sources; the current paper describes what went into
the final product:
Disambiguated Greek texts: Early Greek
Epic and the New Testament
The two sources of data from which we were going to
bootstrap our project came with their own specific features:
The two disambiguated corpora used different
data specifications, which had to be compared and made
uniform, and brought up to the standard that we wanted.
However, it did bring us two large swaths of data
of 350K words in total with which to seed our part-ofspeech
analyser, TreeTagger.
Morphological analysis from the Perseus
The training data alone were not going to be adequate
to produce a full lexicon for TreeTagger. We decided to
supplement it with the output from Perseus’s Morpheus
tool (Crane 1991) of all possible parses for the full corpus.
This greatly enhanced TreeTagger’s accuracy on
rare words not encountered in the training data, but also
generated many redundancies and inconsistencies which
made it hard for TreeTagger to build a proper decision
tree. It was a continuing dilemma to those involved in
the project whether we should allow more correct input
to eventually weed out the many incorrect parses, or to
remove incorrect parses from the input directly. Some effort
was made to remove incorrect input: A 28 MB lexicon
was reduced to less than 23 MB, but this represented
only a portion of problematic entries.
TreeTagger (Schmid 1995) is the proprietary software
we used to assign part-of-speech tags (in effect, a full
morphological disambiguation in a ten-slot morphological
code plus a lemma). We trained TreeTagger in the
first instance on the basis of the New Testament data,
and added 40,000 words total in representative 1000
word samples from the rest of the corpus. New sets of
samples were prepared with TreeTagger disambiguation,
for which we used earlier disambiguated samples, plus
our initial New Testament samples, as input.
Disambiguation (internal)
On the basis of earlier work on Czech and other languages,
we decided that 40,000 words would be an adequate
sample. This disregarded the fact that most research in
natural language processing is actually done on more
homogeneous texts than our samples of Greek literature,
such as Reuters news items. Clearly, a more homogeneous
input makes for higher accuracy within the source
corpus, but we had no such luxury. An early indication
was the high accuracy rate achieved by TreeTagger when
trained and tested on Homeric Greek, which is a highly
homogeneous, formulaic, subset of our texts. Perhaps
the Homeric corpus is in fact the best parallel to Reuters
and similar corpora in modern languages - at least the
accuracy was comparable.
In more practical terms, undergraduate students of Greek
were hired to ‘pick the right parse’ from among possible
parses identified by TreeTagger. The disambiguation interface
allowed the students to signal alternative parses
or lemmas if none of the TreeTagger choices was accurate.
Next, in an ‘admin’ layer, items about which there
were disagreements among the students or about which
comments were entered, were highlighted for review, so
that the principal investigator could review these items
especially, prior to feeding fully disambiguated texts
back to TreeTagger.
The centerpiece of our implementation is a SQLite database
backend, containing the tokens and parses for the
full corpus. It connects the three major components of
the system:
• The original Perseus XML files, in which the tokens
have been given unique ids as follows, keeping intact
all previous markup:
<w id=”276565”>ὦ</w>
<w id=”276566”>ἄνδρες</w>
<w id=”276567”>Ἀθηναῖοι</w TreeTagger, which accepts token sequences from
the database and outputs parses and probability
weights, which are stored in their own table.
• PhiloLogic, which serves as a highly efficient search
and retrieval front end, by indexing the augmented
XML files as well as the contents of the linked
SQLite tables. PhiloLogic’s highly optimized index
architecture allows near-instantaneous results
on complex inquiries such as ‘any infinitive forms
within 25 words of (dative singulars of) lemma X
and string Y’, which would be a challenge for typical
relational database systems.
For a concrete example, in a standard PhiloLogic search
box, entering ‘lemma:μῆνις’ will produce this word from
the first line of the Iliad, as will a search for ‘pos:*fa*’,
as will a search for the original string, ‘μῆνιν’. Criteria
can be combined as well, so that ‘lemma:μῆνις;pos:*fa*’
produces only feminine accusative forms of the particular
lemma μῆνις.
We continue to explore the possibility of natural language
searching as a substitute or alternative to this
highly technical way of querying the corpus, and will
demonstrate our progress on this front at the conference.
The goal is to make it possible for users to type ‘feminine
accusative’ as opposed to ‘pos:*fa*’, which will remain
daunting to all but the most determined.
We are happy to have disambiguated a large corpus,
making available for the first time a large, representative
corpus of Classical Greek for morphological searching
in addition to searching by string and by lemma — integrated
into the existing reading and browsing environment
for the texts. However, we are now also prepared
to start crowd-sourcing the long tail of incorrect parses.
Besides looking up the statistically most probable parse
according to TreeTagger and other possible parses, users
can ‘vote’ to correct TreeTagger’s chosen parses. Once
these votes have been inspected and accepted into the
main database, future updates to the corpus will reflect
both these local corrections and, over the full extent of
the corpus, a more accurate TreeTagger. It is our hope
that with the assistance of our users we will approach
higher and higher levels of accuracy, making this tool
ever more useful to scholars of Classical Greek.
Crane, Gregory (1991). Generating and parsing classical
Greek. In Literary and Linguistic Computing, 6(4):
243-245, 1991.
Dik, Helma and Richard Whaling (2008) - Bootstrapping
Greek Morphology. Digital Humanities 2008.
Schmid, Helmut (1995) - Improvements in part-ofspeech
tagging with an application to German. In Proceedings
of the ACL SIGDAT-Workshop. http://www.
Website URL:

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info


ADHO - 2009

Hosted at University of Maryland, College Park

College Park, Maryland, United States

June 20, 2009 - June 25, 2009

176 works by 303 authors indexed

Series: ADHO (4)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None