Linguistic Description of the Glagolitic Fragment from the 14th c. (NLR, Berčić II 36)

  1. 1. Viacheslav Kozak

    Institute for Linguistic Studies - Russian Academy of Sciences

  2. 2. Anastasia Makarova

    Institute for Linguistic Studies - Russian Academy of Sciences, Universität Zürich (University of Zurich)

  3. 3. Diana Balashevich

    St. Petersburg State University

  4. 4. Anastasiia Kharlamova

    Institute for Linguistic Studies - Russian Academy of Sciences

  5. 5. Andrey Sobolev

    Institute for Linguistic Studies - Russian Academy of Sciences

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Conference Info


El’Manuscript - 2021

Hosted at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (University of Freiburg)

Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

April 12, 2021 - April 15, 2021

33 works by 72 authors indexed

Series: El’Manuscript (8)