Annenberg School for Communication - University of Pennsylvania
I will present my individual project, the “Museum of the Caribbean Diaspora: a digital repository.” The goal of MOTCD is to collect artifacts as well as create video and audio documentation from the rich history and experiences of Caribbean people living outside of the region who have contributed economically, politically, socially and culturally to the places they now call home. The platform used by MOTCD is called Omeka an open source program created by George Mason University. Interviews conducted thus far can be seen at Initial funding for the MOTCD pilot project was provided by the Humanities Council of Washington, DC and the DC Historic Preservation Office. MOTCD is also funded in part by the US Department of the Interior and the National Park Service Preservation Funds. Additional support is provide by the Institute for Caribbean Studies.
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In review
Hosted at Barnard College, Columbia University
New York, New York, United States
Dec. 4, 2014 - Dec. 5, 2014
31 works by 38 authors indexed
Conference website:
Contributors: Alex Gil, Scott Weingart
Series: Caribbean Digital (1)
Organizers: Caribbean Digital