ADHO Libraries and Digital Humanities SIG Pre-conference: Libraries as Research Partners in Digital Humanities

workshop / tutorial
  1. 1. Lotte Wilms

    Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB National Library of the Netherlands)

  2. 2. Sarah Potvin

    Texas A&M University

  3. 3. Isabel Galina

    Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

  4. 4. Silvia Gutiérrez

    Daniel Cosío Villegas Library - El Colegio de México

  5. 5. Andreas Degkwitz

    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Humboldt University)

  6. 6. Steven Claeyssens

    Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB National Library of the Netherlands)

  7. 7. Marian Lefferts

    Consortium of European Research Libraries

  8. 8. Hege Hosoien

    National Library, Norway

Work text
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Libraries and other cultural heritage organisations (CHOs) and their staff have a central role in digital humanities, as collection builders, project and service managers, and experts on how to use their collections to the fullest by digital means. Given the importance many of these organisations attach to their role as supporters of research, a case can be made for the opportunity and need for libraries and their staff to position and assert themselves as partners in research.
We will address the issues raised when talking about libraries as digital humanities research partners. This pre-conference will present opportunities and examples to showcase library-based digital humanities work that makes the case for the partner model. This will be approached from different angles; discussing why this model is mutually beneficial to both library and partner organisations, what policies and infrastructure are needed for the organisation to be able to become a sustainable partner, which steps are needed for staff to obtain relevant skills, and finally how to choose who to partner with and then build those relationships.
Two keynote speakers will set the theme of the event. The rest of the programme will be filled through a call for participation for short papers, lightning talks, panels, and workshops.
This full-day pre-conference will be held at the National Library of the Netherlands in the Hague. Transportation will be provided from Utrecht.
Please see our website for up-to-date information, including a CFP:

Programme committee

Hege Hosoien, National Library of Norway
Sarah Potvin, Texas A&M University
Isabel Galina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Silvia Gutiérrez, El Colegio de México
Andreas Degkwitz, Humboldt University of Berlin
Tamara Butigan, National Library of Serbia
Dawn Childress, University of California, Los Angeles
Steven Claeyssens, KB National Library of the Netherlands
Marian Lefferts, Consortium of European Research Libraries
Lotte Wilms, KB National Library of the Netherlands

Local organizers

Lotte Wilms, KB National Library of the Netherlands
Martine Klaassen, KB National Library of the Netherlands
Steven Claeyssens, KB National Library of the Netherlands
Marian Lefferts, Consortium of European Research Libraries

Additional SIG conveners

Glen Worthey, Stanford University
Angela Courtney, Indiana University
Zoe Borovsky, University of California, Los Angeles

External links

Preconference website

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